•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎•

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𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛...
𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"Ready to go?" I ask grumpily.

Boots fully tied, I wait at the door for fucking Christmas.

Lucas jumps down the last step and with a loud thud. As he makes his way towards, he has a stupid goofy smile on his dumbass face.

"Do you have to be so goddamn loud?" I ask run my hand over my face angrily.

"What's up your ass?" Lucas cocks his head.

I shake my head and try to ignore him by walking to his truck.

It's her birthday.

It's been four years and the promise still resonates with me. It's a dumb fucking letter I wrote when I was a very immature teenager, but I needed to get out. Get out of that town, out of the situation I was forced in. It was like I was a sand timer and the limited time I had was slipping away.

If I knew what I know now, I could've stayed longer. Held her longer and kissed her more. But like the jerk off I am-I left.

I push the gas and let my mind carry the empty silence into a conversation in my head. My mind spirals with thought of her and only her.

"Grey. Black Mercedes SUV." Lucas says calmly with no trace of his usual joking tone.

"Shit." I roll my eyes.

I drive like normal, but take a sharp turn left. It's a country backroad that no one goes down.

Still behind me.

Speeding up I make a turn behind the trees and go further to a roundabout. Making sure they're gone I go back on to my route just with an added complicated twist.

Lucas drums his fingers on the dashboard and since my minds been too busy; I didn't even notice the SUV.

"Stop it." I mumble.

"Did ya say something?" He smiles while he drums his fingers.

"I fucking said stop." I huff a breath out.

"Ok I know you're always a bit moody, but seriously what's your problem today?" He tilts his head and looks all over my face for a single clue.

Checking his phone the date on the screen shines a bright, February twentieth.

"Shit- Never mi-" He stops mid sentence and holds his breath.

"Just shut the fuck I up." I focus my eyes back on the road.

"Jamie told me she-"

"Stop." I warn him. I don't want to know a single thing she's doing.

"Right." He shakes his head and texts on his phone.

I miss her. It's been four years, and yes I have tried getting over her. Believe me I felt like an ass doing it.

I don't do it anymore and I hate myself because of my past doings.

Driving up to the warehouse I open the truck door and slam it close.

I know she's safe. Don't ask about the specifics.

"Mean face on already?" Lucas jokes.

I ignore him and walk in with my hand pressed
on the holster of the gun pressed against my leg.

"Mr. Jones!" Mitch greets me sarcastically.

"Cut the shit Mitch." I bluntly say.

I look over to my men and give them a scolding look. They know better than to leave a dumb idiot like Mitch with an open mouth. Gag him, tape his mouth I don't care. The less sound the better.

"Didn't I tell you to shut him up?" I yell out.

One backs away and I inwardly smile at the action. I shake my head at the cowardice.

"Jones!! You love me!" He shouts with a smile lining his face. He's got face wrinkles everywhere, creases in his eyes and smile lines an eighty year old should have. Not a thirty year old.

Punching him square in the face his nose swells
red. A scrunched his nose at the contact and blood rushes down.

"Fuck- See- I like talking to you, I do not like when you-" He shakes his head and spits the blood spilling into his mouth.

"should've been quite." I shrug. "You know why you're here." I pull a chair up and sit backwardly in it.

He sat there tied up in a chair with rope, it would surely give you a burn if you moved the slightest bit. His arms looked swollen and red because the tightness was cutting some circulation.

"Listen- I." He hung his head down as he tried to shake the blood off.

"Where the fuck was the money?" I simply state. "I gave you time. I gave you a second chance, and still-you didn't deliver."

"J-I-" He huffs in frustration. "Look. I'll give it to you next week. How's that?" He looks up with a smile.

I punch him square in his jaw and the chair almost tips backwards.

"Listen." I grip the chair before it falls. "You're going to give me my fucking money and If you don't you can say goodbye to your princess. Don't like to do it but I will. I've given you a fuck ton of chances and quite frankly I don't know why." I yell out. "One hundred thousand, in cash, in my hand by Friday. If you fuck this up it's you or the bitch."

His eyes light in fear and I smile sincerely.

I let go of his chair and it immediately tops backwards. His head hits the ground with a loud, hard thud and I walk away.

"fuck." He squirms around on the floor.

Leaving the wearhouse I head to the truck with
an exasperated breath.

"He better fucking deliver." I mumble before I ditch the warehouse.


OK LEMME ADDRESS THIS :) so a bunch of y'all r a little (very) confused as to why it's 4 years later (ik a litttleee excessive) but! i wanted sis to be EDUCATED. i hate when they ditch college for a guy and i wanted her to be a nurse and have some education

btw her profession will come into play later on ;)

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