•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎•

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𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?

Driving down a dark road I start to question everything. The rush of being followed occurred to me when Grey kept looking back and a red car was there. Also a mean looking guy who glared and looked to be grabbing something.

Hangry maybe? I would glare and grab a sandwich too honestly.

"Grey you need to tell me what's going on." I scowl.

I'm irritated. I have gotten no answers and have been dragged to who knows where with this new version of Grey I'm very unfamiliar with.

Muscly, tall, scary and mysteriously quite. Well I mean that was him before but this time it's like two times enhanced.

He drives down a dirt road and parks on the side. It's a quiet area and the only noise heard are frogs croaking in the distant.

"Violet. It's really hard-"

Of course he would make excuses.

Why wouldn't he?

Did I think he was going to change?

Was I really naive enough to think he would stop leaving me in the dark? Just like the day he left. He gives no explanation, just shoes on with his life like nothing happened.

"Im leaving." I say quietly and open the door.

"Violet-" He inhales a sharp breath. "I'll tell you."
He releases all the air from his lungs.

I close the door and inwardly smirk.

"I just had some business problems. Bad client." He rolls his eyes.

Is he telling the truth?

"You killed him Grey! What kind of business does it have to be for you to kill a guy??" I practically yell at him gripping my seat. I mean if that was a lie it was a terrible one.

Scenes of the life less body flash and I'm on the verge of crying. I expected to have fun tonight, not trauma.

"He wasn't a good person. He tried to kill you!" He tries to explain.

"Right! So you kill him!?" I look him dead in the eye.



I dug myself into this hole and of course she's confused. I would be too.

Murdering a man and getting followed by a car isn't the way I wanted us to meet again. I want to hold her and touch her and just talk to her but instead I'm being yelled and scolded at. I mean I get it but- fuck this sucks.

"Ok. I'm sorry Violet you had to see that happen, and maybe I should've killed him. He was only wanted by the police, a known killer, woman abductor, and did many illegal things. However, that doesn't give me any right." I apologize sarcastically.

"Thank you for apologizing, but you're going to go to jail now." She shrugs and lays back in the passenger seat.

Did she really think that was an apology? How could that lousy apology be acceptable? As long she's not mad anymore I'll go along with it.

"so...how are you." She asks and tilts her head looking into my eyes. Those beautiful mix of brown, and green spill all over my face and I almost forget her question.

Her hair sprawls out all over her and is straightened but curls start to show due to the night being so long. Her dress hugs her like a glove.

"Earth to Grey?" she waves her small hand over my face lightly.

"Hm- oh i'm-" A fucking mess. "good."

"that's good." She says quietly. She stares at her laps where she holds her fingers.

why is she shy all of a sudden?

"How about you?" I ask.

This small talk is getting on my nerves, but I'll do anything to get my Violet back.

"I've been better." She shrugs. "I never understood why you left." She hits me with a hard one.

Anything but this.

"please tell me why you did it."


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