•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡•

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I move my hands to his chest and allow myself to deepen the kiss. My hands linger towards his arm and they accidentally hit the spot I hit before.

Horrible mistake.

His lip bites my bottom lip roughly and we both break apart quickly. My lips throb, and I can tell my eyes are wild and full of an emotion I can't quite comprehend.

"Grey, what is wrong?" I ask looking at his arm.

"It's nothing." He gets up abruptly and walk away with a harsh step.

"please, don't do that." My voice comes out small and mouse like. I stuff my hands in my lap as I look towards his receding body.

The old Grey did the same exact thing. Never one to show emotion but would rather just walk it off. Forget everything and ignore anyone and everyone trying to help him. It aggravated me to no end, and I won't let it happen anymore.

"Just talk to me!" I shriek and get up. I am feed up with his hot a cold demeanor.

He turns his head to look back at me as I walk towards him slowly.

"Violet. Sometimes you can be so fucking nosy." He leans down to my face. "If I say it's nothing, It's fucking nothing." He spits out.

He walks out of the kitchen leaving me empty and useless.


The next day I laid around the house all day.

Nothing happened since the kiss. I haven't even seen him. Not that I wanted to see him anyway...

I sat lazily on the couch scrolling through the TV channels when the doorbell rang through the house. The vibrato was enough for me to get up and out of my seat to look towards the door. My body balanced itself on the edge of the couch as I looked down at the door. I peeked my head so I could see down the hallway and watched as a large body filled the doorway. It opened and let the bright light flood the entry way. In the doorway stood a lady.

She was dressed in a bright red dress that was snug around her body. It had a pattern, but I couldn't really make out what it was since the door is so far away from the living room.

She had blonde hair that was tied up in a high ponytail and holds a small little handbag. I couldn't quite make out her face, but I could make out the stark blue eyes she held.

As a greeting they kissed each other's cheek, and I couldn't help the envious look that filled my face. I turned my face away quickly and scurried back to my nest on the couch.

I snuggled a pillow and closed my eyes as I tried to imagine a made-up scenario to help me feel better.

Childish I know, but I did it since high school. School was hell, and so to escape it I would look out the window and imagine scenarios of me in a field with Mochi just running around.

My mind drifted to me in my treehouse with some watercolor. When I heard heels click against the wood floors of the living room my eyes shot open. Looking up I saw Jamie.

Jamie stood in front of the of the TV with a regretful look on her face.

"V. I'm so sorry." Her eyes held tears threatening to spill. "I never meant to lie to you. I'm so sorry! And I just want to tell you how much I love you and I will never lie to you  ever again."

I looked past her at the TV and felt my heart ache. Since kindergarten we have been friends and she managed to keep a four year long lie from me? It hurt. It hurt a lot.

"I want to tell you why I did it." She sat at the edge of the couch.

I glanced at her as a signal I was listen. I held a strong face, as much as I wanted to crack I couldn't show weakness.

"When Grey left, so did Lucas. That is the truth." Her voice came out shaky. "A-and I was as devastated as you! But then when we went to college I was out and saw him. I went off on him and yelled and screamed and he explained to me why they left. And- the rest is a blur- but we made up in no time. An-nd you V, you were still so sad, you kept saying you were better off without him so I wanted him out of your life. And so, I hid our relationship." She finally looked away.

"Jamie. You could've told me. Why didn't you?" I looked between her eyes with a disgusted look.

"Because I felt bad! I couldn't tell you I was back with Lucas when you were still depressed about Grey. I never even saw Grey when I was with Lucas. He was doing stuff." She picked at her nails. "Look I love you and I never meant for this to turn out the way it did." Her lip quivered.

"This better me the last lie. Jamie I'm not messing around. If you lie again I couldn't trust you ever again." My lips pressed together.

"Ok." Jamie's eyes watered.

"You're on probation." I looked directly into her eyes.

"hey, do you want to have a girl's day?" She fidgeted with her fingers.

I'm not a hundred percent sure I am even allowed to leave the house, but if Grey can be busy why can't I?

I partly want to forgive her, but I don't know if I can. I at-least knew if there is anyway I am getting out of this house it's through her so I agree.

"I wouldn't mine that." I reply.


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