•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗•

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Pacing my living room my mind is scrambled with guys who I might want to ask to come with me.

I don't really know a lot of guys. There's Alan from the cafe across the street, but I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a zombie since I walk in every morning looking like one. I just need to get my coffee before I look presentable. I could ask James my neighbor, but he has a boyfriend.

what did I get myself into???

A knock nearly makes me have a full-blown heart attack and I go to my door with my heart beating fast. Peeking through the peep hole I see the mop of straight hair and a smile.

"Mason!" I swing open the door and run into his arms. Although it's a little uncomfortable since he didn't open his arms for me I give him a sweet smile.

He stands there and furrows his brows looking down at me. "V? What is wrong with you?" He leads us into my apartment.

"Can I not just hug my amazing friend?" I hug him tighter. 

"Not without wanting something." He tries to move out of my hug, but I won't budge.

"Ohhh that reminds me, I have a huge favor to ask youuu."

"Knew it." He manages to untangle my arms from his torso.

"You got any hot friends?" I ask bluntly.

His trip to my kitchen halts and he looks back at me with a confused look. "What?" He asks.

"Well I sorta need a date. So I was wondering if you had any hot friends." I repeat.

Opening my cupboard He grabs a cup and pours some iced tea. "So you're dating now huh?"

"Well no. But yes. But no." I debate in my head out loud.

"It's either a yes or no." He chuckles.

"No-ish." I fish my fingers together.

"To answer your previous question, no." He takes a sip of his drink.

I whine and lay with my hands sprawled on my kitchen island.

"Plus, if I did, I would never trust them with you."

"Come on. It's just for one-" I stop.

I have an idea! I'll take Mason! He and I wouldn't actually date or do anything but I feel comfortable with him so it could look like we've been dating for a while. The perfect plan.

"Be my date!" I spring up.

"no." He answers immediately.

"Come on Mason! I need a date and we wouldn't kiss or do couple things, but you could look like my boyfriend! Pleaseee." I look at him with puppy dog eyes. Please say yes Mason, please see the hole I've dug myself in is irreversible. 

"V, this is such a stupid fucking idea." He rolls his eyes and runs both his hands through his hair annoyed.

"So, is that a, yes?" I smile cheekily.

"whatever." He rolls his eyes. He can be so sassy!

"Yay!" I jump up with my hands in the air. Mission success. 

Ok I have a date. Now I just need a dress!

"You're the best you know." I walk out of the kitchen and into my living room. He doesn't answer as I look around my living room for my phone. It's probably buried in one of these dumb cushions.

"Hey, you know what else would be awesome?" I question. He grunts in response. "If you went shopping with me!"

"Nope. I've done enough." He sets his glass down. "Ask Jamie."

"But then I'd be there for five hours too long." I slump.

"I'll meet you in the car. Hurry up." He leaves and slams my door.

I throw on a cardigan and put my hair up in a claw clip and grab my purse. I tie my converse super fast and head out. Skipping down the stairs I see Mason in his car scrolling through his phone.

"Hey." I greet as I get in. "You know how great of a frie-"

"Yeah, yeah." He hushes me and reverse so fast I grip my seat in order to not die.


I open the door and spin around showing the flowy dress. "What do'ya think?" I pop my hip out in a pose.

"good." He puts a thumb up.

"That's not helpful at all." I throw my hands up.

Every single dress I've worn he gives a simple thumbs up or a casual smile or a "great". He's given me that line three times now.

"ugh." I huff.

Heading back in the dressing room I unzip my dress all by myself, because I have ninja skills. I shimmy up a tighter dress that accents my little butt which is saying something. It has a cute neckline that doesn't show too much but just enough and covers my back. The bottom is on the shorter side but It's not too short.  A beautiful black dress that compliments my wild red hair.

"This is the one Mason!" I open the door.

He looks up momentarily and gives a smile.

Same reaction as all the other dresses. Whatever this one's my favorite. I walk out of the dressing room and look at myself through the mirrors. I do a little dance and then some poses and that's how I know this is the one for me. 


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