•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎•

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𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚢

I ended up falling asleep and waking up the next day to the sun shining in our face. I still sat in the chair and held Grey's hand. He laid on the edge off his bed towards me and I put my head on my arm near me.

Waking up I looked at the time to see 8:30 AM.

A nurse entered the room and looked at Grey sleeping. "Should I come back when he's awake. For breakfast?" She whispered.

I nodded and she left. Grey apparently is a light sleeper and awoke as soon as she went away.

He moved his body to the other edge and pulled my hand towards him. He tugged harder and I got to my feet confused.

"Come on," He groaned and looked at the bed.

"N-No you're h-hurt." I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Violet, lay down next to me." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes and gingerly sat at the edge of the bed. His arm snaked around my waist and roughly pulled me next to him.

Laying down I looked at him and he buried his head into my neck. Everything was so good until my memory reminded me of why I was mad at him. Thanks brain for ruining the moment.

"G-Grey." I breathed a heavy breath out.

"Shush, let's nap." He snuggled more. It fanned my neck and made me ticklish.

"No." I said firmly. "Y-You did something I can't- I can't." I tried to get the words out. "I don't think I can be so willing to forgive."

His body stiffened and he went to the pillow besides me. With his full attention on me he said "Violet what are you talking about?"

"You sent spies on me. What kind of person does that?"

I was sort of livid now. Now that everything was settled in and I truly thought about it. Over the week it gave me time to think about if having a life in fear with Grey was worth it.

"I didn't want what happened to me to happen to you." He mumbled in my hair.


"Violet, please don't do this now. I love you too much to fight."

My body froze at the words. He fell right asleep and I was in shock.

Laying next to him he pressed me harder to him as his arm went limp. I rested my arms around his head. They trailed to his hair and I couldn't help but to feel overwhelmed with everything.

He's been through so much, but does it dismiss what he did?


In the end I decided to hold it off until he was better. Grey was discharged early due to him causing a fuss, so they just agreed with whatever he said to them. After all his stitches had closed and only a few were still needing tending.

But because he was discharged early he had to have someone take care of him while he was recovering. I was nominated since I'm a nurse and the only one who could handle him.

We wouldn't fly back to New York until a week or so, so we stayed at Grey's penthouse.

I rolled him in with a wheelchair through the elevator to his penthouse and he went to get up immediately.

"No! Sit!" I ran towards the front of his wheelchair.

"I don't need this Violet." He rolled his eyes. His arms steadied himself to get up but I trapped him by putting my hands on his thighs lightly.

"Nurse said that you sir, are on bed rest till Wednesday."

"Well the nurse can suck my dick." He scoffed and put his hands on the arms rests to get up.

"Grey, don't be difficult." I frowned.

Looking between my eyes he saw my worried expression and harshly sat back in his chair. "Fine." He mumbled.

I went behind the wheelchair and rolled his heavy body to the bedroom.


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