•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛•

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𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚢

"your-you're not grey." I whisper.

"Violet I-"

"grey wouldn't do that." I sob and shake my head.

"I'm not the monster here." He says sternly. He presses a gun back to his legs as he fixes it in a holster.

"Who are you!" I yell. This strange man can't tell me he's Grey but then kill a man infront of my eyes.

I understand that "Grey" just saved my life but to take one's life is just beyond cruel.

"Violet- It's me. I can-" Grey pinches his nose in annoyance.

"The Grey I- I know. The one- I-I loved! He would-wouldn't do that." I interrupt. I hate how I stutter every word as if I'm so fragile but it astounded me. "So I don't know if you're talking to right person."

"Violet you don't know what you're talking about." He looks between my eyes like I'm the crazy one.

"I do!" I look down the body with tears spilling down my face.

"No you don't!" He yells. My body backed away slightly at his harsh tone. And then I see him in the dim light. Those gray eyes and dark hair. The tattoo he had in high-school on his collar bone that would peak out in class, and it confirms this crazy man is Grey.

"W-What happened to you." I say shaken. Grey has never yelled at me.

"Nothing. Nothing fucking happened" He turns away.

"Are-are you in a gang or did you just decide to kill someone?" I ask confused as I try to wrap my head around the whole situation.

Racking my brain for any plausible answer, as to why I was taken, a man was killed, and the killer is Grey. Some many thought run rampant in my head. Why I was threatened in some foreign language, and with a gun to my head? And how could Grey took another man's life?

"Grey if you don't tell me this- whatever it  is- I will never talk to you ever again." I manage to say sternly.

"Just come with me and I'll tell you." He says holding a hand out.

I refuse to put my hand in his, and pull myself off with the harsh brick wall behind me. I step around the body and cringe as I walk past him.

"Violet, hold my hand."

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do. I know you were used to that, but not anymore." I shake my head.

"Violet. Listen to me." He grabs my wrist lightly. "Please," He begs.

I want to give in so badly but I can't. He left me for four years with a note and expects me to be ok with him? To forgive him and just let him right back into my life? No way. He must be criminally insane if he thinks it'll magically happen.

I go to pull out my wrist away but to my dismay he grips onto my wrist tight as he looks behind him.

"Violet you're going to be quiet and follow me in the car. " He says in a hushed voice.

"What are you talking about Grey? I jus-" I start shouting. He's actually crazy. This man has gone nuts.

"Shush." He whispers harshly with eyes cutting right into mine. He's serious.

I shut up immediately and follow him to the black Ferrari quickly. He open my door and practically shoves me in.. After he shuts the passenger door, he hastily gets into the drivers seat.

"Violet, I'm going to need you to be a little quite for a while ok?" He grips my chin and looks at me.

What in the world is going on?

I remember I'm mad at him and retract my face from his hand and he looks away and reverses out of the alley.

He enters the road, continuously looking at his mirrors in a panic like motion, and goes straight onto the highway. He pulls his phone out and dials some number.

"Grey- my- my friends they - I need to go back." I manage to spit out.

The speed we are going right now is most definitely not the speed limit and I'm starting to stress out. Grey speeds through lanes and zig zags through them.

"Violet not now." He speeds up and looks into his rear view mirror.

He brings his phone up to his ear  "You know why I'm fucking calling you. What the hell? Two times in one day, are you fucking kidding me?"

Deciding to look behind me I see a red Charger making the same zig zags as us.

Concentrated, Grey's face is hard and focused with a clenched jaw and arms gripping on the wheel harshly causing veins to bulge out. He spits profanity's at his phone while the receiver sounds- like a girl?

He's definitely changed since the last time I saw him. The new Grey had to have been going to the gym and whole lot more as his muscles are tight, so pressed against his black button up shirt. He's still his tall 6'4" making me a mouse in comparison.

He hangs he phone up harshly and drops it in one of the cup holders.

I grip the sides of the chair, and have an unwavering fear we are going to crash. He lifts his right hand off the steering wheel but as if debating he puts it back on.

It feels so awkward in here. We don't speak and the whole sound is the sound of the engine roaring as we speed up.

Our reunion wasn't what I was expecting. The gun to my head and Grey to my rescue wasn't at all what I thought would happen nor wanted it to be.

In a way I'm glad to see him. To see he's actually living. No context clues lead me to think he was dead or something but four year with no contact leaves a person wondering.

I was so lost the year Grey left me.

I'm better now. For good this time.


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