•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡•

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Grey took us home and I laid in the seat lazily. My eyes kept closing and opening and closing in a tired manner.

"Sleep angel." I felt Grey's finger run my inner thigh in circles.

If anything lulled me to sleep it would be anything but that. So I slowly took his hand off and held it. I held it and brought it to my lips for a simple kiss. His grip in my hand clenched a little and I held it like a teddy bear.

"Thank you for the ball, Grey." I mumbled as I snuggled into the seat.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." His thumb caressed my cheek.

My sleepy eyes made their way to Grey's face and that U could only see the outline when a street light was near. Before I could stop them, my eyes drifted asleep and I peacefully laid in my seat holding Grey's hand.


Waking up my hand felt around the bed for Grey. My searching woke me up after I didn't find him immediately.

"Grey?" My sleepy voice called out.

There was no response.

I lifted my achy body and looked to the clock on the side table. It read: 2:34 AM

I put my foot down to see my dress was long gone and I had one of Grey's shirts on.

I padded my way to the door and quietly walked down the stairs. I looked first through the kitchen, but he wasn't there. I went to the living room and still no luck. Finally I went to his office and bingo!

"What are you doing up?" Grey said as he looked on the other side of his computer to me.

"I could say the same thing about you!" I walked towards his chair with a sleepy smile.

He huffed and ran a hand up his face to his hair and closed his eyes. "Never ending work."

I slowly sat on his lap and he pulled me towards him as I tried to straddle him.

"No more work, let's go to bed." I ran a hand in his hair.

"I can't Violet, not right now." He gently explained.

"You know what you need?" I pulled his jaw towards me.

"Hm?" He gruffed out.

"A vacation!" I smiled.

"Violet let's be reasonable-"

"No, you work too much and you deserve some time off." I raised my eyebrow.

"Where would this grand vacation be?" He smirked at me and leaned back in his chair.
"Like in the states or out of country...?"

To be honest I didn't think that much into it. I should've, as suggesting a thing to do to Grey is like giving a whole presentation. A presentation persuading him to do it. And only then he would consider it a possibility.


"Anywhere!" My eyes gleamed. "What about, Europe, Africa, Asia." I listed off country's. "Or somewhere like LA, Florida or Hawaii."

"Pick a place and I'll consider it." His hands trailed on my lower back.

"Is Venice too cliche for your business?" I smiled.

"Cliche?" His hands traveled lower.

"Yeah..." I giggled.

"You wanna go to Italy?" He smiled.

"Only if you want to."

His hand squeezed my butt and I squealed at the unexpected action. "Grey!" I scolded, but he just laughed.

It was a glimpse of a smile and two little dimples. My hands went to his cheeks immediately as if they would stay and I could feel them.

He took this action as a kiss and pulled me closer, but I pushed back. "I don't want a kiss, I want a smile." I looked as his cheeks.

His face morphed to an offended look and it made me giggle.

"Glad that's funny." He tried to say in a fake rude way. He failed when I kept giggling. "You tease." He chuckled.

"What me?" I wiggled my butt and traced his jawline. "never." I smirked and got off his lap.

"Violet Jen-" He started as I walked away.

"I'll be packing my bags!!" I called out.


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