•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢•

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"grey." My voice comes out wobbly and shaky.

"What's wrong Violet?" His voice is horse and sounds tired. Did I just accidently wake him up?

"u-um. Please check DramaNow."

"Violet, why would I do that?"

"B-Because there's a photo of us. They think we're dating." I bite the inside of my cheek.

"hm?" He mumbles out confused. A second goes by before he actually processes what I said. I hear the ruffling of his sheet and then a hard click. 

"I-I just need you to confirm them that we aren't. I just- I just don't like attention." I fidget. This whole drama situation could cause a fair amount of annoyance. First of all, I never realized Grey was famous! So, explaining how I didn't know him to everyone I knew would need a mass email in order to let me breath. Secondly my apartment doesn't have the best security so crazy fans could most definitely vandalize my apartment and get away with the whole crime with no punishments. 

"Hold on let me check my computer." His phone shifts.

I wait for a second till I hear a groan. "What?" I panic. 

"Shit. There's a fuck ton of articles." He huffs.

"So, can't you just tell everyone it's all fake? There is truly nothing. They're making a bigger deal than what that picture insinuates."

"I'm picking you up tomorrow. Very early." He says too quickly.

"What. W-Why?"

"Violet. I will explain it all. I just need you bring some essentials. I need you to have everything ready by tomorrow at 6:30 AM."

"Grey, I have school. I have a job. I can't just be at your beck and call." I sigh.

"and you're right." He sounds frustrated. "But I need to explain something to you, and I need you to understand why in person."

"Why can't you just tell me right now? Over the phone?"

He makes no sense sometimes.

"Violet. Tomorrow."

Ugh. Grumpy pants.

"Fine." I give in defeated.

He hangs up like the meanie he is and leaves without saying goodbye. I flop backwards on my bed and sprawl out like a starfish. My mind is restless, and it won't let me sleep. 

"pack some essentials" His voice rings in my head.

What in the world is he thinking? What am I doing? I run my hand through my hair. The dumb part is I will actually do what he says.

A backpack sits at the foot of my bed filled with essentials like a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, extra clothes and underwear, and miscellaneous things like hair ties and lotion. I'll take my charger in the morning. My phone needs to charge right now.

It's been a long night, and something tells me It's going to be a long morning tomorrow too.


My al- wait that's not my alarm.

My phone buzzed so loudly I open my eyes quickly and try to wipe away the sleep consuming me.

6 Missed calls from: Grey

Oh crap, I forgot to set an alarm. Shooting out my bed I check the time.

6:45 it reads.

Ok not too bad. But Grey will definitely kill me.

Jumping out of my bed I grab my bag and grab the closet shoes I could find. I packed some basic shoes I wear every day in my backpack, along with my extra outfit so these should work. Grabbing my phone and charger I grab my keys and head out the door stumbling a little bit. Running down the stairs I see his stark expensive car against all the average ones. It's a Shelby mustang and can only tell it's a mustang is by the infamous logo.

Coming closer to the car I see an aggravated Grey leaning against his car with a cigarette in one hand. Yuck. I walk up to him and stand on my tippy toes and take the cigarette out of his hands.

He looks at me with a slightly furrow of his brows and looks me up and down.

"Nice outfit." His jaw moves ticks to the side slightly.

It's then that I look down at my outfit. Which is really my PJs. Short shorts ride up my legs with a plaid black and white print. My shirt is an old band tee I used to be obsessed with and my shoes are two different pairs. A pink flat on my right foot and a yellow sandal on my left foot.

I don't even want to think about my hair. His hand brushes mine as he takes back the cigarette I took from him.

"I woke up late." I explain and run my fingers together.

"I can tell." He blows a cloud of smoke out, away from my face.

I cough lightly and go to grab the cigarette again. "Why do you smoke. Don't you know it's bad for you?" I pop my hip in a sassy manner once I realize he won't let me have it. 

"We don't have time for this. Get in the car." He walks away.

I lift my bag on my shoulder and get in his car blindly having not a clue in the world about his plan.


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