•𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝•

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We ended up taking an airplane instead of his jet since Leo needed it. Leo and Lucas would take his place while he was gone.

Sitting across from Grey I tugged his sleeve. "I'm so excited!" I whispered.

He looked into my eyes with a lip smiled and closed his eyes.

"No kisses in public!" I put my hand on his puckered lips. "It's rude and no one wants to see it!" I whisper screamed.

He scoffed and held my hand.


Once we landed I was exhausted. I spent the entire time reading when we got to Rome. It was late so we got a hotel in Rome and decided to sleep before heading to Venice.

"This hotel is fancy!" I jumped on the bed.

Grey let the bell boy in and then tipped him before he left. I looked up and my stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Grey tilted his head as he walked towards me.

I shyly looked away and at the phone. As if it would magically order us food. Grey picked it up and dialed a number. "Hello, I would like to place an order," He looked at me.

My body shot up and my brain racked with  what foods I wanted most. "Get me some carbonara pasta, oh! chocolate gelato! do they have fries?" I asked timidly.

He nodded and repeated everything I said.

"also a small pizza? Oh! Get a bottle of champagne!" I smiled widely.

He looked at me like I was crazy but still ordered what I said. After I was content with what I ordered, I laid back and looked at the intricate design on the ceiling and the grand chandelier. I heard Grey place his order and hang up.

Looking up the lights softened and I only saw Grey's face. His body covered mine and lifted me up by my back.

He looked at my lips not daring to do anything, but I could obviously see what he wanted. I sat in front of him on my knees and looked into his needy eyes.

"You're such a dork." I pecked his lips.

He grumbled at the comment and pulled me closer.

"Champagne huh?" He chuckled into my ear.

My body lifted at the goosebumps and I looked at him. "It's a fancy hotel, and a fancy day. We need to some-"

"Let me guess...fancy alcohol?" Grey interrupted me.

"duh." I hugged his torso.

I squeezed it and heard his heart beat. His hand moved around my back and a finger went under my chin. He lifted my head up and came close.

He placed a delicate kiss on my lips that sent me to the moon. I moved my head up to keep the kiss and he trailed his kisses a little lower.
My head went farther back and gave him access to my collarbones. He went further down and trailed goosebumbs to my neck. My back arched and my head meet the mattress.
He kissed my collarbones and my cleavage, earning a groan from me.

"Room service!" We heard a knock at the door.

I let my body hit the mattress and Grey grumbled as he got up.

A tray rolled in and Grey stuffed a wad of cash in the mans hand before slamming the door.

I jumped off the bed at the sound and walked to him with my hands on my hips. A disappointed look filled my face and a shook my head. "That was rude." I pointed out.

"Where were we?" He came close to me.

I walked right past him to the food and a covered tray. It held my pasta and my mouth watered at the sight. "Oh this looks so good!" I excitedly said.

I grabbed my tray and sat on the floor in front of the TV. I grabbed a fork and placed a forkful of food in my mouth.

"Grey this is amazing!" I looked up at him.


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