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| Valencio |

"Good news, they think they're closing in," Pietro told me as I was putting away my dishes.

"Henderson and the group?" I asked.

"Yeah. They think they might have found something and are fairly certain Fabio's in France. May take a while to get him but they think they have him cornered so he won't be able to escape the country. Certainly, narrows down the search," he explained.

"Good. Good. That's some progress at least."

"Yeah," he sighed. "Though I wish we had him already. I'm as eager as you to get to him already."

"Trust me. No one is as eager as me. At least it gives me time with Milan without being disturbed I suppose."

"How's things going with him?" Pietro asked but before I could reply I got a phone call from Milan himself.

"Hang on. I've got to take this."

I took my phone and went outside to answer it. I was excited to hear my boy's voice, but he didn't often call me - we usually texted - so for him to call me now, it must have been something important.

"Hi kitten, you okay?" I asked into the phone.

"Don't worry you'll be fine we'll get it sorted-" he said to someone else. "Hey Val sorry. I umm I kinda need your help. I hope now's not a bad time."

"Now's a fine time. What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"So, remember how I told you last night about how my friend Elias was going to move in with me?"

"Yeah of course." We'd been texting all day the day before as I had a lot of work to do so I couldn't go see him myself. I had to oversee some new designs for a games console that one of my companies is working on. It probably wouldn't get released for a while as we've only just started but I had to be there to see some of the initial designs and idea sharing.

"Well, so we went over to his house today, me and the girls, to get him and his stuff to move into my place. Only, his parents locked him out the house as soon as we got here and they won't let him in to get his stuff. And well, obviously he wants his things you know, who wouldn't? We can't get through to his parents though and well I don't know I just wondered if there was anything you could do to help?"

I didn't like the thought of his friend being hurt by his asshole parents and I didn't like the thought of Milan being hurt as a result. I figured I could always pull the 'I have a lot of connections and money and lawyers' card, or straight up threaten them with a weapon, and get Elias' parents to let him back in for his things. It wouldn't be too much of a bother and maybe I could spend time with my little one afterwards.

"Yeah, I can help. Text me the address and I'll be right over."

Milan said his thanks and texted me the address like I asked. I told Pietro about the situation, and he agreed to come with me so I made sure to say goodbye and put out some food for Minnow as she would be alone for a little bit. Now I could go help Milan's friend and maybe win some almost-boyfriend points with him. I'd been debating when a good time to ask him to be mine was, but I think anytime too soon would be too quick, especially when Milan hasn't been in a relationship before. I didn't want to scare him away when there were already a million other things that might make him run in the complete opposite direction of me. No. What I had to do, and do for a little while, was just continue to gain his trust.

When me and Pietro reached our destination, I saw my baby with his friends sat on the side of the road. There was a small brown skinned girl who must have been his friend Diya who he had mentioned a few times. Then, there was a light-skinned boy with tight, long curls sat on the pavement with his head in his hands as Eden rubbed his back. He must have been Elias.

When Milan saw us, he rushed right on over and gave me a kiss to say hi.

"Hi my little puppy. How can I help?" I asked.

"Hi!" he greeted smiling. "Will you go inside and talk to his parents? Elias doesn't want anything to happen to them but just go in and threaten them or something I don't care. Do whatever you have to I won't ask what you did. His parents have been assholes since they found out El was gay, so they'd deserve it anyway. Just please help him get his stuff back," Milan replied.

"You sure you're okay with me threatening them because if you are I will," I stated quite bluntly.

"I mean I'm okay with it. In fact, I'd prefer it. Elias probably won't be but just don't say that what you did. Just come out and say you told them you'd get lawyers involved or something."

We were on the other side of the street to his friends and talking quite quietly so they couldn't hear us right now. I was surprised Milan was so eager for me to threaten Elias' parents. I didn't expect that of him but I was already started to see that there was more to my boy than what you saw on the outside. There was a tidal wave of conflicting emotions inside of him and when it came to protecting his loved ones the sea stood calm and still as his anger transformed into vengeance with a clear path.

"Alright love," I'll be back in a moment. "Come on P."

Pietro and I said hi to his friends briefly before going towards the two story, terraced house and knocking on the front door. The parents shouted at the door and refused to let us in until I explained that we weren't Elias or any of the other three. They must have been curious then as to who we were because the door slowly opened as the man and woman observed us.

"Mind if we come in? We just want a little chat," I said as sweetly as I could with as charming a smile as I could muster. The woman practically melted before my eyes as she examined every inch of me, and her pale skin slowly turned a deep shade of crimson. In fact, the man also blushed deeply, and I noted that neither of these people looked anything like Elias and wondered if he had been adopted.

The parents let me inside and I observed their home. Their interior design choice were...well let's just say it wasn't great.

"I think you should take a seat," Pietro said calmly to the couple.

"We'll...we'll take a seat if we want to. This is our house so don't tell us what to do," the man said. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Oh, we're just friends with the people outside who are so patiently waiting to grab Elias' things. But then we heard you weren't allowing them to do the one thing they came here for," I replied.

"And now we've had to interrupt our day and come over here to sort this shit out. It would have been so much easier if you just let them get on with it, no?" Pietro added.

"I could go on about lawyers and how we'll make your life hell but that's so boring and we want this over quickly. So, you have two options. Let them in to grab Elias' things and say nothing about it, or you can have your brains splattered on that disgusting wallpaper," I said calmly as I moved my suit jacket to the side and showed them the hilt of my gun as did Pietro.

Elias' parents weren't too much of a problem after that. They let everyone inside, and Pietro and I also helped with Elias' things and moving them into Milan's flat. The day ended up being quite the success.


Ngl I haven't been in the best of moods since I've moved back home, my parents don't exactly make me feel great, but I'm still enjoying this book and it makes me happy knowing that other people are enjoying it too.

I've also been obsessed with Genshin Impact for the last few weeks. Do any of you play? I'm trying not to get too preoccupied with the game and focus on other things liked writing this damn book for example 😂 But yeah if I miss any updates then it's probably because I was playing too much Genshin that shit is so addictive

Anyway make sure to vote and comment 


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