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| Valencio |

"Shit, he's just texted me that he's on his way home," Elias told me as I tried getting a few more of Milan's paintings out of their flat.

"Fuck, alright these will have to be the last ones. Thanks for your help Els. Try not to let him go into his art room alright," I replied as me and Pietro carried a very large canvas between the two of us. Milan had been out all day with the girls which had been a little devious plan of mine. I asked them to ask him to go out and asked Elias to fake feeling ill so he could stay at home and let me into the apartment.

I had a little surprise for Milan one: because he deserved it and two: because I wanted to give him a better apology than just saying sorry with how I made him feel the other day. He'd also been a little down lately because his sister still hadn't texted back, and I couldn't really say that she probably didn't know what to say yet when she's had some time now to figure it out. And I had a feeling that he wasn't being totally open with me at the moment, about how he was feeling, because I might have broken a little of our trust when I hurt him, and I wanted to work on rebuilding that trust.

I'd been thinking about the boat incident since the moment my baby got upset and I still hadn't forgiven myself for it. I couldn't believe that I would let my emotions cloud my judgment like that and make him feel any less than his true worth. I didn't feel that his body was just something for me to use but a beautiful privilege that I was lucky to be bestowed on top of being able to spend time with a beautiful soul.

We loaded the painting into the back of the van, with all his other paintings we had taken, making sure to be as careful as possible. I didn't want any harm to come to these paintings after my little one had spent so much time on them.

Come evening, once me, Pietro, and my sister had everything sorted out and all the guests ready to arrive, I headed back to Milan's apartment to come get him for his surprise. I felt nervous as I took the lift back up to his floor and felt my palms get sweaty. I feared he would take this badly and as another insensitive act, but I hoped for the best and that he would see I had good intentions.

"Oh hey." He smiled as he greeted me at the door. I leant down to give him a quick kiss. His lips were soft and I got a hint of honey on them.

"Hi love. You look lovely." He was only in a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt that, from the size, I suspected was one of my own. He had developed habit of going in my wardrobe and stealing my clothes.

"Oh thanks. It's your shirt though," he replied.

I chuckled. "I thought so. But look, as wonderful as you look, I might need to ask you to change into something a bit smarter?"

"Oh, why? Are we going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just have a little surprise for you."

He nodded and I followed him inside and then into his room where I helped pick out a new outfit for him to put on. We went with a smart pair of black trousers with a white dress shirt with a black turtleneck tucked underneath. He looked very handsome, and I made sure to tell him that I thought so. The blush that coated his face was adorable and I felt thankful that I could be the one to put it there.

"So, where are we actually going though?" he asked a little while into our car journey after not being able to keep the question to himself anymore.

"Well, you'll see, won't you?" I replied teasingly. He sighed dramatically and kept asking me questions in the hopes that I would give in, but my lips were sealed, and I was not going to change my mind. Besides, we were almost there anyway.

"Oooh are we going for a walk through an art gallery?" he asked excitedly once we were outside our destination. "I've been wanted to go to one with you, I just keep forgetting to ask."

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