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| Milan |

If I'm being quite honest, I was quite nervous about my date. I'm not sure why as I'd been on many dates before with a client, and in my early days, sure, I was nervous but I didn't let my nerves get to me anymore. I knew how to handle people now, how to behave on a date, what people wanted from me and didn't want. But Valencio...Valencio Osiris confused me and left me all jittery with nerves as I paced around my flat, waiting for the text to let me know he was outside.

At 7pm exactly, I received the text I had been waiting for and grabbed everything I could think of that I might need. I grabbed my suit jacket because while he told me to be smart casual, if he was going to wear a suit then so was I. I made sure to leave out the tie though so if he said anything, then I could claim it was smart casual just because one piece of garment was missing. I grabbed my wallet and my keys and then exited my door and took the lift downstairs into the lobby before walking outside of my building.

Directly outside the front entrance to my apartment complex, a limousine was sat in waiting and as soon as I had come outside, Valencio was out of the limousine and heading my way.

"Hello, kitten," he said with a smile as he took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. No one had ever been so soft and gentle with me before, no one except my friends, and all he did was kiss my hand. I could feel the blush heating up my cheeks and I got all embarrassed and said 'hello' back as I tried to ignore my reddened face.

"Cute," Valencio said as he rubbed his own knuckles against the blush over my cheeks which only made me even more red. There was just something about the man before me that made me feel like a schoolboy with his first crush. "Are you ready to leave?" he asked to which I nodded.

He guided me towards the fancy car and opened the door for me like a gentleman and I made sure to give him my thanks. He followed in behind me and took a seat to my right but I was focused on the other man inside the limo as I hadn't expected to see anyone else.

"This is Pietro. He is a good friend of mine but tonight he is our bodyguard," Valencio explained to me. Pietro was a handsome guy with very sharp features but he was nothing compared to Valencio, not in my eyes anyway. Valencio had such a strong masculinity about him that I adored but there were still hints of softer features on him here and there that gave him this dark but ethereal beauty. And here, in such a confined space I could see he had a few freckles of his own just like mine and it made me smile to think that we kind of matched.

"Nice to meet you Pietro," I said to the man in front of me but he only gave me a nod in reply.

The driver drove for about ten minutes before I felt Valencio rest his hand on my thigh. I tensed slightly at the touch, merely because I wasn't expecting it but then I relaxed against the feel of his strong hands pressing down on me ever so slightly. It was kind of calming and we made small talk all the way to the restaurant where I learnt that he was 27 years old, and I told him I had just turned 21. I didn't realise he was as old as he was, not that he was old at all, but I always did like an older man.

Finally, the limo stopped outside a building that I noticed was called 'The Glass House'. The building was more glass than brick with multiple floors all with floor to ceiling windows that were slightly tinted so you couldn't see completely clearly inside. It was a very beautiful and extravagant building and I had no doubt it would be expensive as fuck, good thing I wasn't paying.

Valencio guided me out of the car and towards the building with Pietro following closely behind us. Once we were inside a waiter greeted us and guided us to a private room on one of the upper floors where we would be dining together with no one else around us. Pietro stayed stationed outside of the door to the room to keep watch I suppose and Valencio very kindly pulled the chair out for me to sit on before taking a seat himself.

"What do you think?" he asked me as soon as he was sat down.

"Of the restaurant?" I asked back to which he nodded. "It's...I mean it's beautiful. No one's ever taken me anywhere quite as nice as this. What kind of food do they serve?" Just as I asked the question Valencio passed me the menu that was on the table in front of us. I ended up going for a salmon and rice dish and when I told Valencio he went for the same.

"Salmon's a great choice. I know the head chef here and he knows exactly how to cook fish to perfection," Valencio responded. No wonder he had gotten us such a great table, he knew the guy that ran the place.

Soon we ordered out food and drinks and fell into a nice comfortable conversation. When the waiter came down with our food the head chef had come in too and he shared a quick friendly conversation with Valencio before wishing us a good night. I wanted to ask Valencio about what he did for a living but from what Victoria had told me, I doubted he would reveal much, so I didn't bother.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I asked him instead, going for a safer option out of all the questions I had.

"I have a few. I take my horse Noir out for a ride every few weeks, she's gorgeous, I'm sure you'll love her. I do quite enjoy the occasional book as well, and I would consider myself an art collector," he replied with his last statement making me perk up.


"Yes," he said with a fond smile.

"I paint... I mean, I don't know if they're particularly good by your standards, but I'd love to show you some time!" I responded. I liked showing my art to people as I had put so much effort into them.

"I would love that," he said, his smile growing bigger. "I've been looking for a piece to go in my office. Maybe you have just what I'm looking for." I blushed at that and took another sip of my champagne that we had ordered. "I got you something by the way."

I looked up from my glass to find Valencio had put a little black box on the table. I reached over to open it and when I did, I found a gorgeous little watch inside. I knew the brand and that it wasn't as pricey as a watch could get but it was still a lot to spend on a gift for a first date when he was already paying for all the food.

"Wow, thank you," I whispered as I took it out of the box. Valencio told me he had already winded it to the right time and then he helped me put it on and it fit perfectly around my wrist. I didn't wear watches often, only on occasions like this where I had to dress smart, and now I had the perfect one to go with all my suits.

"Can I ask you a question, baby boy?" he asked which made me turn bright red. Apparently hearing him call me 'baby boy' was a turn on now and I tried not to squirm too much in my seat, especially as he looked at me with those enchanting eyes.



'Baby boy' 😳🥰



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