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| Milan |

Things bad been going good lately. It was weird I felt like something should have gone wrong by now. Despite our first fight, me and Valencio had managed to make up and throwing that exhibition of my artwork was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. I'd tried so hard to get my work out there but somewhere along the way I knew I had given up but was just unwilling to admit it to myself. Seeing my work on display and having so many people like it and many of those people actually want to buy my work made me feel like I had rediscovered my passion for art.

I'd been stuck in my art room for days as a result and it felt odd to have so many of my paintings missing as they were still being kept at the gallery, but it only meant I had to create more pieces to fill up all the empty space before they too hopefully went on display somewhere. Elias was out on a date today so I had the flat to myself but while I could have been walking around naked, I felt more like finishing this particular piece I was working on. It was only a small piece, but I was trying to recreate a photo of me and my friends and this piece I think I'd keep for myself.

As I was laying the foundations of the painting down, I heard a knock at the front door. It wasn't Elias because he had his own key and he had only gone out for his date like half an hour ago. It was probably Val or one of my other friends, so I put my paints down and went for the door where the guest kept banging loudly demanding I let them in. My friends nor Val would have kept knocking like this and it was putting me on edge.

When I got to the door, I looked out through the peep hole to see who was on the other side and to my surprise, it was none other than Tobias my boyfriend's ex. I didn't know what to do. On the one hand I could, or should, leave the door closed, pretend like I wasn't here and wait for him to leave because how did he even know where I lived. On the other hand, he looked very distressed and despite this being my boyfriend's ex and therefore someone I should typically despise, he still once meant something to Val, and probably still did in some respect, and I just couldn't bring myself to ignore him when he looked so terrible and could be hurt in some way.

With a deep breath, I opened the door and before I could even say a word, Tobias had barged past me and straight into my apartment without even being invited in.

"C..close the door!" he shouted immediately as he brought out a pocket knife from his ragged hoodie pocket.

"O...Okay..." I said as calmly as I could so I didn't frighten him and so I didn't panic myself. I closed the door slowly behind me. "T...Tobias right? Is there something I can help you with?"

"Text Val. Tell him to come here I-I...need to talk to him."

I did as he asked typing as quickly as I could and also telling Val to call the police. There was something wrong with the man before me and it wasn't just that he was threatening me with a weapon. His skin was pale, paler than when I had seen him at the gallery the other day. Up close he looked a lot skinnier like he hadn't eaten and was starved. And he was so fidgety like he couldn't stand still for even a second and his eyes darted around the place like any minute something or someone might attack him.

"Okay, I've told him. He's on his way right now," I told Tobias. "Can I ask what it is you want?"

"I just want to talk to Val. I...I need to tell him I still love him! Ye...yeah, yes that's right. I still love him and I umm I want him back! Obviously, and you...you are you're in the way of...of our love."

What the fuck? He sounded like everything he was saying was a lie and he wasn't sure of what exactly he wanted. And his hold on the pocketknife was flimsy as his hands trembled. I tried to take a step closer to him just to see how he would react, but he only brandished the weapon higher and had a slightly stronger grip on it now like he had just realised what exactly was happening.

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