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| Valencio |

"So, Jakob is dating both the girls?" I whispered to Milan in question as we walked a few paces behind everyone else who were following Pietro deeper inside as the club was mostly underground. We'd already been let through the entrance after our names were checked off on the guest list.

"Yeah, they've been together for a few years now. Eden and Jakob were dating each other first before Mila came into their lives. Don't be all judgemental about it though," my little one said in defence of his friend.

"I'm not being judgemental, just curious. Honestly, I'm impressed."

"That doesn't mean you can date other people as well by the way. I'm not poly myself."

"Neither am I, but still, it's impressive. Juggling one person in a relationship can be hard as it is sometimes, but they manage to do it with two people and some even more than two. it's definitely impressive."

"Yeah, absolutely. And they're all very happy, Eden would tell me if anything was wrong. I'm really happy for them, especially Eden. If anyone deserves to be loved by two people, then it's her."

I knew Milan and her had a lot of history, probably the most history out of all of them. I wondered if she knew about Milan's brother. She must do.

"Yeah. She seems like a great friend."

"She is."

I was about to say more when I spotted my own brother. There was a throng of people on the dance floor, but Pietro had successfully directed everyone to the VIP section where Vienno was waiting for us.

"Brother," Vienno said in greeting as he pulled me in for a hug. It had been a while since we'd seen each other in person, even though he was managing the majority of the hotel merger for me. We were busy men and Vienno had the club and other endeavours he was working on at the same time as the whole hotel business went down. I obviously had been devoting a lot of time to capturing Fabio, beguiling Milan, and a variety of company matters.

"Nice to see you V. Club looks great," I told him.

The club was called Midñight and had been a long sought dream of Vienno's. He'd been talking about opening his own club since he turned 18 and dad allowed him to actually go to one at last. Vienno used to be quite the party boy back in the day but meeting Mirabella a couple years ago, and eloping, had certainly calmed him down a lot. He still loved a good time though and this passion project of his was finally complete and it all looked great.

The DJ was playing good music – I thought so anyway – and the underground aspect of it was definitely going to attract a lot of the public. You could tell from the dance floor that everyone was having a great time and he'd been clever in putting drink prices a bit low. This was definitely going to attract uni students and Vienno would get a lot of customers with lower prices, especially as we were in London. He was proving to be a very capable businessman and I was proud of him.

"This is Milan," I said introducing the guy I was seeing to my brother when Mirabella finally joined us from wherever she had been. I could see Pietro and all of Milan's friends had dispersed into various parts of the club with Eden dancing with her two partners.

"Oh my God, Milan you are gorgeous!" Mirabella slurred. She already seemed a little drunk but I loved her nonetheless. I was really happy for Vienno when he had found her. They both deserved happiness. "Katarina has been telling me all about you and I finally get to meet you for myself. Here take this," she added handing over a cocktail.

"Oh thanks," Milan accepted happily. The four of us chatted for a bit longer before we split up. I wanted to dance and drink with my boy.

"I love this place!" Milan giggled as he hung off my arms. By now he was drunk but I was impressed with how much he had to drink to get this far gone. I had been trying to pace myself so I could look after him in case anything went wrong tonight so I was only steadily tipsy myself.

"I'm glad baby!" I shouted back. The music was loud and pumping away in my eardrums. Milan was beautiful and pressing his body against mine. And tonight was turning into a great night.

"Come with meeeee!" Milan giggled as he dragged me away. We managed to find a quiet hallway for us to talk without shouting at each other. "I wanted to tell you something," he told me smiling and kissing my lips between each word.

"What is it?" I asked smiling back and rubbing my nose against his. His arms were wrapped around mine and I had mine around his waist nice and tight. I never wanted to let him go.

"So, I got my test back today," he giggled again.

"You're test?" I asked in confusion.

"You knowwww, my test. I'm all clean and ready to goooo..." he giggled happily. "So, I thought maybe tonight we could finally go all the way."

"Oh, I see." I was glad he was clean and we could finally have sex soon but I didn't want our first time together to be while we were drunk. So, I told him just that. "-but we could tomorrow, depending on how our hangovers are, or maybe the day after," I suggested.

"Awee," he pouted and moaned. "Okay. I can't wait!" He had a big happy smile on his face. "I'm so happy I met you," he confessed.

"I'm happy I met you, silly boy."

"I- oh no," he said alarmed.

"What's wrong kitten?"

"I think I'm going to throw up," and before either of us could react I had sick all over my shoes. And then Milan was upset that he had been sick because he hated sick and he was upset that he had thrown up on me even though I tried to reassure him again and again that I didn't care.

I decided it would be best to take Milan home for now, so I ordered an Uber to take us back. I thought it would be best to leave the Limo for the others. I was going to take my little lamb back to his place but he said he wanted to stay with me so I took him back to mine. I put him in a quick bath and texted Pietro to let him know I had already left and then me and Milan spent a few hours cuddling in bed because he was supposedly not ready to go to sleep yet.

So, Milan may have thrown up all over me, but he was still cute, and tonight was still a good night.


Ya girl got her first dose of the vaccine yesterday and omg my arm hurts so much like I can barely move it 😢

Anyway guys please, if you spot any inconsistencies in this book please let me know. I write as I go along and have like a vague idea in my mind of where I want things to go but it changes all the time. I try my best to keep everything as consistent as possible but minor details like maybe people's likes or dislikes, their professions, I may get muddled up or wrong later on so yeah if you spot anything let me know so I can change it. 

Vote and comment <3


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