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| Milan |

The gala was very fancy. It was situated in a tall skyscraper somewhere near the centre of London and held a large array of guests ranging from all kinds of backgrounds. There were models and actors, CEOs of many corporations that dominated all around the globe, and other people who Victoria just described as having 'a vast expanse of wealth from unknown sources'. And everyone was unbelievably good looking with their flawless skin and figures to die for that were accentuated by their tight-fitted, elegant dresses and perfectly tailored suits.

At the moment there was a woman on stage thanking everyone for attending and talking about what the money raised tonight would go towards. She was beautiful with her olive skin and brunette curls, wearing a satin red dress with a slit in the leg. Victoria explained that this woman was called Katarina and that her husband, Ezra, owned the building we were currently in. Apparently, Ezra was gifted the building, and the company that came along with it, by his brother-in-law. Dude must be loaded.

"Who's the brother-in-law?" I asked Victoria wanting to know who this mysterious man was.

"He's one of those ones where we don't know where his money comes from, not really. We know he owns shares in many companies and hotels but not enough to make him as rich as he supposedly is. Anyway, he's sitting right over there," she pointed out.

When I looked in the direction that she pointed, I saw a God more than a man. Same olive skin but he had raven black hair with piercing dark eyes that already seemed to be looking right at me. He was wearing an almost all black suit, except for the shirt, with a silver handkerchief in the pocket. He held a glass of champagne in his hand which he brought to his lips, not once taking his eyes off me, and then winked at me.

"What's his name?" I asked Victoria while trying to remain subtle so the man wouldn't know I was talking about him.

"Valencio Osiris," she replied. Wow. His name might as well have been 'sex' with the way it rolled off the tongue, and he was a man who suited such a name perfectly.

"Katarina kept her maiden name then?"

"She not only kept her name, but her husband changed his surname to Osiris."

"Must be a pretty powerful name."

"Oh, it is. I've always heard that you must never cross an Osiris."

All through the night I kept stealing glances his way and saw that most of the time his eyes were already on me. It was a little unsettling. I felt like he was claiming me. He looked like a man who could claim what he wants and get away with it, while his victim had no choice in whatever matter he was forced into, and at the moment I was the victim, and I was terrified of what he wanted.

I tried to just ignore him and enjoy the food and drink bestowed upon me. I had the waiters pour me all kinds of expensive wines in the hopes that if I had enough it would distract me from the eyes that would not leave me alone all night. However, I was maybe a little tipsy at best, so it didn't prove to be much of a great distraction especially when the waiters would barely pour anything when refilling my glass. I would have had to have a whole bottle at least until I could pretend this man wasn't openly staring at me.

At some point, I watched him finish his current glass of champagne, he was on maybe his third glass by now. Then when he was done, he looked at me again and gestured with his head for me to follow him as he got up and walked out. I didn't know what to do though. I mean do I really just follow a man I had never met, and who was clearly dangerous in some way, into somewhere private where I would have to be alone with him? I didn't want to get on his bad side though and decided I should just risk it and see what he wants.

Before I got up to leave though, I sent a quick text to my friends, briefly explaining the situation, and then turned share my location with them so they could see where I was. If I got kidnapped or something by this man, then at least my friends might know where to find my body or where to at least start looking.

I bid Victoria a quick goodbye and told her that I was just heading to the bathroom and wanted to look around the place a bit. She said that was fine and left me be as she talked to those sat on the table around us. I hadn't made much conversation with anyone tonight and was happy to get away from them if I was being completely honest.

I walked out into a dimly lit hallway. I had hoped to see Valencio waiting for me nearby but there was no sign of him. I walked further down the hallway and eventually came to a door that opened onto a large balcony. We were on the top floor and the building was went very high up, so I could see a large expanse of the city illuminated in the dark by all the lights that twinkled like fireflies. If it wasn't for the horrible sound of the traffic, it might have seemed kind of beautiful.

I wondered if I could see my flat from here, but no it was probably too far away as we had travelled for a while in the limousine. That was one thing I loved about the lifestyle I led though; the expensive suits that were gifted to me, the limousine rides, free dinners in the highest rated restaurants, and all on top of the money my clients had to pay me. I was doing this all to secure my future though, so I could achieve my dreams and have money to set up a good life for my future family, if any man or woman will ever be willing to settle down with me. Whether I had someone to settle down with or not, I was definitely going to have kids of my own. I wanted to adopt and give them all the love my own biological parents could never give to me and if I had to do it while being a single parent then so be it.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a deep voice speak behind me.

"I wasn't sure you'd come."


Well hello Valencio 👀

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