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| Valencio |

Milan's birthday. I couldn't believe it was here again so soon. The last one felt like just yesterday where I had given him some plane tickets to Italy. We went for three weeks, visited Milan the actual city, enjoyed the sun in our face and a beautiful time exploring. I wasn't sure how I was going to top it off this year but a couple months ago I had finally figured out what I wanted to do. I could only hope my baby said yes.

Everyone was at our place celebrating. We had a big party last weekend, but this was more just for our close family and friends. I could see Verona with her husband talking to Eden and her partners. Elias had his arm around Matt, his boyfriend, and Pietro was with Diya on the love seat whispering something in her ear as they held hands. A long time ago, perhaps I would have been jealous, but I didn't care anymore. They made a beautiful couple and I had a beautiful other half of my own. His parents weren't here tonight because even now they were trying to repair that fractured relationship, but my family had taken him in like he was one of their own. My father was chatting to him in the corner, probably asking about how his painting was going knowing him.

I was actually really proud of my little one. These days it seemed as soon as he was done with a project another buyer was already ready and waiting. I had to renovate and extend the house again so he could have a proper space of his own to do all his creative work in. Sometimes, after a long day of working, I liked to go in there and watch him as he painted. It still amazes me to this day how he can turn a blank canvas into an intricate piece of art that looks just as real as the real thing itself.

Okay, I need to stop wasting time. I was nervous but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I just wanted everyone to be here when I did this and now that Kat was back from laying her son down for a nap, I was ready.

"Hi!" my kitten said excitedly as he re-joined my side. He was 24 now and I had started my thirties. Sometimes I did worry about my age but this one always liked to remind me that he still found me just as handsome as the day he met me, even if every now and then I would find a random grey hair. I was just going to ignore that for now, but my father had greyed early in life and I knew I would just have to embrace it too as he had one day.

"Hi love," I replied giving him a kiss. "How about a toast?" I said to everyone else. We all grabbed a drink and I started giving my speech.

"This is to Milan who is the kindest most loving soul I have ever met. He makes every room light up with his cheeky smile and just this aura of love he carries round with him. I've never met a man like this before in my life and I don't think I ever will again in this life or the next. His talent is unparalleled and his beauty rivals that of angels. There's so much more I could say about him but..." I said getting down on one knee to gasps around the room. I hadn't actually told anyone but Pietro and my father what I had been planning to do but I hadn't even told them that tonight was the night. Milan's eyes grew huge as tried to process what was happening. "There's only one thing I really want to say tonight but it's more of a question really. Milan O'Dair, will you marry me?"

The silence that proceeded worried me for a second, but I slowly started to see my puppy nod his head up and down until he was finally able to whisper out a yes. All the girls squealed in delight as I put the ring on his finger, and I was beyond happy, happier than I ever thought I could be. I gave him a hug and he held on tight before pulling back and mouthing an 'I love you'. I think he was having a hard time speaking right now. Adorable as always.

I told him I loved him too and shamelessly gave him as many kisses as I could, but nothing too out there. I could save that for later. I asked him if he liked the ring and he confirmed that he did. It was a simple gold band but had rubies inlaid within the centre the whole way round. Everyone came over to inspect the ring and he happily showed it off and I loved how confident he was in our relationship.

It had been a wonderful few years together watching him grow and become more confident in himself. I was glad that our relationship had grown right along with that. Sure, there were moments when one of us got something wrong and upset the other, but we were good at communicating our feelings and we never went to bed upset with one another. I knew that our journey together wasn't over, and I couldn't wait to see our little family blossom into existence. I couldn't wait to have kids with my soulmate or to watch wrinkles take over his face and be there with him as we made our way through the rest of our lives.

Later that night, as we sat in front of the fireplace, everyone one else asleep in one of the guest bedrooms or having gone home, I knew that life in this moment was perfect. Cece our little dog which I had gifted to Milan the day I asked him to move in sat asleep with her head on my lap. Minnow was perched on my fiancé's shoulder, and I've suspected for a while now that she had replaced me as her favourite person. My little lamb, my love, Milan was resting his head on my shoulder as we watched the flames flicker away.

"I guess this means I'll be an Osiris soon," my baby whispered into the night.

"I'll make sure of it," I replied.

And make sure of it, I did.

The End.


And alas, this journey has ended 😢

I hope you enjoyed this little story and appreciate all of you who have been reading and voting and commenting. We just hit 60k reads as well which is honestly amazing. I've always wanted to be able to write a story and have people actually read and enjoy it so I'm so thankful that you gave me a chance to give you some characters you could (hopefully) love. 

Even though this journey has ended, I hope you guys will join me on another one. Delicacies of the Soul, my newest book, will now start to publish chapters and the first one should be up now. I do hope I'll see you guys over there, but if not, then thank you for being here. 

Love you all <3


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