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| Milan |

I finally got the call back I'd been waiting for from my sister the other day and I was nervously getting ready to go meet her. Apparently, she'd been on her honeymoon! She'd gotten married and I'd had no idea and she explained that her and her husband, Ricardo, had imposed a no phone rule during their honeymoon which is why it took her a while to get back to me. These last few days I'd thought I'd officially blown any chance I had of reconnecting with her when in actuality she was just busy enjoying the sun with the love of her life.

I was truly very happy for her. When I had left home she wasn't dating anyone at the time but she'd gone through countless boyfriends hoping one of them would love her but they all left her heartbroken in the end. I feel like during that time she felt a lot of her self-worth came from being in a relationship and making someone else happy and I could only hope that she had learned to love herself before she fell in love with this 'Ricardo'.

After our phone call, and a few apologies back and forth, we decided the best thing to do would be go meet in person as things would just be easier to say face to face. So, here I was trying to decide exactly what to wear for meeting my sister for the first time in years. I realised I was overthinking it too much and settled on some black cargos, with a chain hanging loose on the side, and paired it with a simple black hoodie. She used to tell me that cargos suited me.

I quickly texted Val to let him know that my uber had arrived and I was heading out. I knew he was visiting Tobias at the moment, and I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about that, but I wasn't necessarily upset about it and decided that I should just trust him. If he felt he needed to talk to his ex and clear the air, especially after that incident a couple weeks back, then I didn't want to stand in his way. I definitely had way more important things to worry about at the moment.

The car ride was a short one, but it felt like I'd lived through at least three lifetimes by the time it pulled up to the cafe. It was the same little one, with the books, that me and my friends liked to go to. I thought Verona would probably like it too.

She wasn't here yet, so I got us a table and waited for her arrival. It was very nerve wracking and I kept subconsciously trying to bite my nails but as soon as I realised what I was doing I would pull away. I didn't want my boyfriend to see me with nasty nails. I thought about ordering something to drink but didn't know if it would be rude to order something without her, but luckily, I didn't have a decision to make because suddenly there she was at the door. It took her a moment to notice me but when she did, she smiled and walked right on over. Her skin had that natural sun-kissed tan to it and she seemed to glow. I'd missed her so much more than I'd realised.

"Mil," she said sitting down.

"V," I said back. I think we were both a little lost for words just taking each other in. "I...umm I was just gonna order something. Would you like something too?"

"Sure," she replied, and I got us both a tea, hers with a little extra sugar. "You look good Mils," she said once our order had been taken. "I've uhh seen you trending on social media recently. You and your boyfriend."

"Oh...right yeah. That's Val. He's...he's really great. Congrats on getting married that, that's just...wow. I was so happy to hear it."

"Thanks. Yeah, Ric is pretty great. I met him down the dairy aisle in Tesco," she said which made us both chuckle. "Very romantic, isn't it? How about you and your man? How did you meet him?"

"Oh, I met him at a gala," I explained very vaguely.

"Oooh, very fancy. How did you even end up at a gala?" she asked. I felt my body grow cold and uncomfortable from having to answer that question.

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