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| Valencio |

"You can say no," I reassured my baby boy. "I won't be mad."

"I... Did I do something wrong?" he asked me innocently. He was so adorable.

"No kitten. It's not a punishment. It's just something I like to do," I explained.

"Umm... okay."

"You sure?" I asked to which he nodded his head shyly. "Great, let me explain exactly what I want to do and how and if you change your mind that's absolutely fine okay."

I pulled him up and shifted our positions so that he was sat on my lap with his legs around me. I wanted to tell him everything I wanted to do so he knew exactly what he was getting into because I took my spankings very seriously. No half-assed measures.

"So, baby. What I want you to do in a sec is take off your clothes and spread yourself across my lap for me. I want your bare ass facing up on my lap and I'll spank you with my hands. I do occasionally like to use spanking tools but obviously they're not with me right now," I began explaining.

"What kind of tools?" He asked shyly but still looking me in the eyes.

"Belts and different kinds of paddles."

"Oh. But won't they hurt a lot?"

"They're meant to." I placed little kisses all along his neck. "But in a good way. And I'll always stop if you asked me to."

"Okay," he said nodding.

"Now usually, when I use my hands, I would get you to count but for today I'll let you off the hook. I want you to just experience what it can be like without having to worry about too many things in one go. I'll start off easy with a few soft hits to warm you up but I like to hit hard so I will spank you roughly. Do you have some ointment you can put on it afterwards? Just to soothe it."

"Umm yeah."

"Okay, good. Do you still want to do this?" I watched as he bit his gorgeous lips and thought for a moment about what he wanted. I hoped he would say yes but I was more than ready to back off if he said no.

"You know what. Yes. Absolutely," he said confidently which gave me all the reassurance I needed.

"Great my little puppy. That makes me so happy," I said rubbing my nose against his which made him smile. "Now if you change your mind during the spanking, you can tell me to stop as well okay."

"Okay. Is... is there like a safe word I should use?" he asked politely and I was so glad he did.

"I like to use the traffic light system. Do you know how?" He nodded. "Okay, tell me what the colours mean."

"Umm... so green means everything is good and I can keep going. Red means you have to stop right away and umm well I'm a little unsure about yellow actually sometimes they mean different things..."

"Well, with me, I like to actually use the word 'amber' it's smoother to say than 'yellow' and it means that you're okay but you're starting to reach your limit and I'll need to ease up for a bit until you say green again. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

He did it! He called me sir and I didn't even have to ask him to. I saw the way the blush overtook his features and how he bit his lips even harder when he realised what he had said and it made me hold him closer. I was over the moon and he was completely embarrassed and trying to look away but I caught his face with my hand on his jaw and turned him to face me again.

"You're perfect," I stated.

"I am?"

"Of course you are. You're the most beautiful boy I've ever met and you knew just what to call me in bed without me even telling you to."

"Oh... you like being called 'sir'? I wasn't sure, it kinda just came out to be honest."

"Baby, I love being called sir. You're such a good boy you know that?" His eyes lit up when I told him he was a good boy and I instantly knew what kind of treatments and reassurances he needed when we were intimate. I could tell he liked affection and validation. He would want compliments and sweet nothings whispered into his ear to let him know he was still doing good. He needed things that boosted his confidence not put him down like humiliation or degradation.

"I... I wanna be your good boy..." he admitted. This only served to let me know for sure exactly what I had just been thinking.

"I'm sure you will be. Why don't you be a good boy and strip for me now?"

He nodded and quickly got off the bed and stood in between my legs when I shifted forwards and placed my feet steadily on the floor while still sitting on the bed.

"I... umm.... B...before I uhh I wanted to ask if uhh umm..." he kept stuttering like a cute little bunny. Looks like I was getting the opportunity to spank that stutter out of him after all.

"C'mon stutter bunny. Get your words out clearly so I can understand. It's really important that we communicate clearly when we do things like this."

"I..." he took a big deep breath before he continued. Such a good boy. "Sorry, sir, I wanted to ask if you'll give me aftercare afterwards?"

"Baby of course! I always, always, give aftercare. It's the best part and I promise I will never skip out on it," I told him. It was stupid of me not to mention aftercare before, so I was glad he had asked now. I didn't want him to worry that I wouldn't take care of him afterwards, especially when he deserved all the care in the world.

"Thank you, sir."

I fucking loved hearing him call me 'sir'. I fucking loved it even more when he began to strip. He started with his t-shirt and when he took it off, I had clear view of his upper body. Of course, I had seen it before but last time I didn't get the chance to properly look. Now before me I could ogle every inch of him and run my fingers down his light abs and I stopped at the tattoo on his hip to trace the outline of the little mushroom figure.

"It's umm... I got a matching tattoo with Eden, one of my best friends, the first year I moved to London with her. She... she has a mushroom too but her's is holding like a little briefcase and has like Clark Kent glasses," he explained when I didn't move away from staring at his ink.

"That's cute. I'd love to meet your friends some time baby boy." And I really did look forward to meeting the people he trusted enough to call his friends.

"I'd love that!"

"I'm glad kitten. Why don't you take these off for me now hmm?" I said gesturing towards his joggers.

He nodded and obliged. The joggers were swiftly pulled down and tossed to the side and now I had his beautiful, toned legs in front of me. I could tell he worked out just enough to keep his figure and stay fit. He had the perfect body. I adored him. He was packing a good size in his pants as well from the way his bulge poked out of his Calvin Kleins.

"And these now," I said tapping his boxers. He gulped, not because he was self-conscious, I don't think, because I knew he was confident in his looks, but maybe it was more so from the intense staring he got from me. I couldn't help it. I had a huge dent in my trousers, and it desperately longed for the sight of Milan's cock.

He eventually pulled down his underwear and tossed them aside somewhere with his joggers. His cock sprung out before me. A nice 6 inches or so I would say. A really good size, the perfect size for my bunny.

"So, so gorgeous. And still such a good boy," I cooed running my fingers up and down the sides of his thighs.

"Thank you, sir," he replied looking very happy with himself.

"You're welcome baby. Now lay down on my lap for me like I told you before. Let's get started."

He did as I said, and I soon got to work on showing my boy what pleasure and pain was all about.


And the spanking is about to begin! 

I'm so excited hehe, are you?

Vote and comment if you are!


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