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| Milan |

When I woke up, Valencio wasn't in bed with me anymore. I panicked at first thinking he had left me until I realised we were at his house and he had nowhere else to go.

When I looked at the time, I realised I had slept for almost two hours. I definitely needed that nap after what we did because he had worn me out. I may have had sex for a living for a while, but it still always exhausted me afterwards.

I liked being with Valencio. It made me feel good to know I made him feel good. I liked holding onto his thighs and the way his rough hands grabbed my hair and pushed me deeper onto him. I liked the way he looked after me afterwards as well. I wasn't used to being taken care of after, but I loved it whenever I got it and coming from him made it feel all the more special.

I checked my phone which had been left on the side table and texted Val to see where he was. When he replied, he told me to go to Minnow's room.

I made my way there still in Val's shirt but now with my boxers on as well. It would be a little awkward if Pietro was here now and he just saw me walk down the corridors with my dick hanging loose. Though, I found making my way to Minnow's room from Val's without his help to be kind of a hassle. I should have taken the lift in hindsight, but I wanted to walk through this beautiful home. This beautiful home that was also massive and had a million hallways for me to get lost in. By the time I just made it downstairs it had already taken me way longer than feasibly acceptable and I vowed to learn this place inside out.

"Hi," I said to Val when I saw him placing food around the room for Minnow to scavenge.

"Hi love, sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I realised I hadn't given Minnow her food yet, I usually give it to her much earlier than this..." he explained.

"Oh, that's okay, I understand," I replied and went over to him. He gave me a kiss and we smiled at each other and it was so goofy it made me blush.

"So, I have something to ask you," Val said once he was done with Minnow's food and she was happily flying about all the trees trying to find it.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, Vienno, my brother, he's actually just opened a club, or well he's opening it on Friday night when he gets back from abroad. I wondered if you and your friends would like to come? It will be free entry, I've just got to let him know all your names for the guest list."

"Hell yeah! My friends would definitely want to come as well!" We hadn't gone clubbing for a while, so it sounded like a great opportunity to go again. Valencio hadn't ever really seen me drunk though and I was a little nervous about that. "You're finally gonna see me drunk then I guess..."

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked chuckling.

"No, just embarrassing," I said hiding my face behind my hands.

"Why?" he asked prying my hands away.

"Well unless I'm in a bad mood when I get drunk, which I don't know why I would be that night, you're gonna see me be like all overly affectionate n shit."

"I look forward to it," he said with a laugh.


"We're going clubbing?" Diya asked to confirm what I had just told them.

"FUCK YEAH! This is perfect we can celebrate my newfound freedom, you know as well as the whole club opening thing, but mainly my freedom," Elias said excitedly.

"Can I bring Jakob and Mila?" Eden asked.

"Oh, I'm not sure let me ask," I replied as I got my phone out and texted Valencio asking if those two could come as well. He messaged me back a few minutes later saying that they could, and I could tell Eden was more than excited now.

"So, all of us are gonna be together properly this time, you know, not when we're trying to get through to Elias' crazy parents," Diya said. "Hey, is Valencio's brother single by any chance? I wouldn't mind an Osiris myself."

"Nah, I think he's married," I replied which made Diya pout. "But, I think Pietro is single." I had gotten over my feelings for Diya a long time ago and thought her and Pietro might have looked good together.

"Nah, I mean I don't know. Maybe. We'll see."

I didn't try to push her too much about it because she was a very stubborn person and when she didn't want something she was very adamant about it. Right now, she was sitting on the fence and if I tried to nudge her too much she would decide on the opposite of what I was suggesting just out of frustration. Diya wasn't a person you could force into doing things. She had to make up her mind on her own because she was fearless and independent. The only thing she feared sometimes were her parents but luckily, they wouldn't be there.

Soon, Friday night came around and Valencio came to pick us all up from our respective homes. I'd chosen to wear black baggy ripped jeans with my Doc Martens, a chain, and a t-shirt that I cropped. I wasn't always comfortable wearing cropped tops out in public because people always stared but I liked how they looked on me and seen as we were going clubbing, I had no doubt that this would one of the least risky outfits worn tonight.

"You look delicious," Val whispered in my ear when he gave me a hug in greeting at my door. He was wearing black dress pants with a black half unbuttoned dress shirt. Always with the suits this guy.

"Thank you," I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I was excited for tonight, not just for the club but because I had finally gotten my STD test back and I was all in the clear. I was hoping tonight would be the night we finally went all the way. However, when I went to tell him about it, Elias was suddenly at the door too and I didn't exactly want to tell Val that I wanted to have sex with him tonight in front of one of my best friends.

Instead, Elias and Valencio greeted each other and then we made our way downstairs to the limo that awaited us. Elias was beyond excited and so were my other friends when we picked them up. Seeing Valencio, Pietro, and Jakob all next to each other was also a strange sight to see merely because it was like staring at three Gods having a conversation about how much they could all bench. I had a feeling Jakob would end up getting on perfectly well with the other two hench men.

"I can't tell if it was a good idea that those three all met or not," Eden whispered in my ear while Mila giggled because she heard it too. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought Jakob. I feel like we've created monsters." I didn't bother telling her that the Osiris was probably some sort of monster already. A monster with angel wings and, at the moment, it was only the wings that I could see.

"We're here," Pietro said and almost at that very minute the driver stopped outside a busy building. I couldn't wait to see how this night turned out.


Hehe clubbing time :)

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