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| Valencio |

I called Katarina back to the room and she showed us where the puppies were being kept. I understood why Milan was a little scared of things but I never wanted him to feel that way, so I made it a vow to myself to always try and make him feel as safe as possible. However, I could not tell him all my secrets yet and I was glad he understood that and was willing to wait things out.

The Shibu Inu puppies were Lila's babies and Lila had come from a litter that an old dog of mine, Mia, had had a few years ago. Unfortunately, Mia had passed away about the two years earlier shortly after my ex left me so that was kind of a difficult time for me because I had loved her very much. Katarina and I used to bring Mia and Lila together on doggy meet ups all the time and Vienno, my brother, would bring his dog, Shiro, who came from the same litter as Lila. So, when I got close to Lila and her puppies she didn't react as she knew who I was and trusted me to be around her babies.

She was a little bit wary of Milan though. I could tell from the way she watched him. So, I stayed by Milan's side as he cooed at all the little puppies who were still learning to walk and often fell on their bums. They were all very excited to see some new people though and pounced on us both when we sat down on the floor. I could see Milan relax from earlier as we played with the pups together.

"Hey, Val. Can I talk to you with Ezra for a sec?" Katarina asked. Ezra had come into the room with us when his phone call had ended and I made sure to look out for if his gun was visible so Milan wouldn't see it and freak out again.

"Lila won't hurt Milan if we leave them alone together with her puppies, will she?" I asked concerned.

"No, not if we stay in the same room anyway. We can just go over there by the window," she said.

I nodded and got up to join my sister and her husband by the windows on the other side of the house. I asked them what they wanted to tell me, and they looked at each other and smiled for a second before turning back to me.

"We've already told dad so we're happy for everyone else to know now and since you're here in person, for once, we thought we should tell you now," she started explaining. "So, the thing is, there's going to be a new Osiris in the family," she said placing her hand on her belly.

"You're pregnant?!" I said in shock and excitement.

"We sure are," Ezra replied.

I pulled my sister and brother-in-law in for a hug and congratulated the couple. Katarina told me she was about two months along and how they were already buying things for the baby and getting a room sorted out in the house for it.

"Umm... congratulations..." Milan said when we came back over to him. He was holding one of the puppies in his lap who seemed to be taking a nap. "I... sorry I could hear you guys," my little one said awkwardly.

"That's okay. And thank you. I hope you'll be around to see the little one when they're born," she said hinting at the fact that she wanted mine and Milan's relationship to last.

"I'd like that," he said happily before looking at me for a moment and blushing before turning back to the puppies. I sat on the floor with him and played with the puppies for a bit longer after the one on his lap woke up and we had a great time together watching them all flop to the floor and jump about and lick our fingers. I was glad Milan liked animals just as much as I did.

We had lunch with my sister after a while and sat around the table gossiping. Well, Katarina was gossiping with Milan while Ezra asked me how the hotel merger was going. When lunch was over, I drove my baby boy back to his place and would have gone back home myself if he didn't ask me to stay.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something baby," I said to him as he put the cupcakes in the oven. He had decided he wanted to bake something, so we had gone for cupcakes and had a lot of fun making them together. He was cute when he was happy. Sometimes he'd do a little dance while he was mixing the ingredients together, a little happy dance, and it made me kiss him every time.

"What is it?" he asked smiling.

I was nervous about asking him this because I didn't want him to take it the wrong way and put him back in the mood I found him yesterday in. However, I felt this was an important question I needed to ask as it was necessary for both of our safety.

"Please don't take this the wrong way. It's not a dig at your job as an escort and I'm not trying to insult you," I began by saying which made him look a little concerned. "I just wondered if you would be willing get an STD test. I will too!" I quickly added the last part. "That way we both know we're being safe when we decided to take things further and well we won't have to use a condom."

"Oh..." He looked unsure about how to feel. "You're getting one too?" he asked.

"Yes baby. I'm getting one too."

"Okay. Yeah that's fine. As long as you're definitely getting one too."

"I am. I promise."

"Okay." He nodded his head and started cleaning up the mess we made from mixing all the cupcake ingredients.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I said to him in gratitude before helping to clean up as well.

"That's okay. Umm... I don't think I've ever actually done it without a condom before though. How does it feel?"

"I like it better. I think you will too. But I've only ever not used a condom when I've made sure to check it's definitely safe for me and my partner to not use one. That's why I want us both tested," I explained.

He nodded his head and didn't seem upset about it, so I was relieved. The cupcakes came out the oven a little while later and we ended up making out as we waited for them to cool down. I may have left a hicky or two on his neck in the process. I didn't like how horrible he had been feeling when I came over yesterday and I wanted to make him feel good in any way I could. I hope the puppies and my kisses helped.

When the cupcakes were done, I helped him decorate them with some icing and as it got later in the day, I decided it was finally time to go home. I gave him one last kiss and walked out the door and booked an STD test as soon as I got home.


Sorry for the later update, I was moving back home and everything took a lot longer than expected and then I was just exhausted

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter :)

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