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| Valencio |

"I want us to talk about some things," I said to Milan as he laid on the bed with his head on my chest.

"That doesn't sound good," he said back.

"It's nothing bad. I just wanted us to have a proper chat about boundaries and limits. What you like and don't like," I explained so he didn't get too worried. "Will you tell me what they are for you?"

"Umm yeah of course," he said back. He lifted his head off my chest and leant it on his elbow so he could look at me. I had gotten him in the shower this morning, when we woke up, making sure to wash him and check that his bum was doing okay. It was very red but he would be okay and he said he didn't mind the stinging. "Umm the main thing is, I don't like doing stuff in public. Like I don't mind if we're out and we find somewhere private, but I don't get a thrill from the idea of being caught somewhere where we can easily be found. It actually worries me a lot and turns me off."

"No public sex. Got it. What else?"

"Uhhh..." He looked cute while he was thinking. His eyes sort of looked far away and he looked like a cherub all cute and innocent. Though he was very much not as innocent as he looked. "I don't like too big things going in me. Umm like I don't want you to put anything in me that's bigger than you cos you're pretty big anyway so... I just get worried that I'll get stretched out too much..." He'd seen me fully naked now when we had gotten in the shower and I was definitely on the bigger side with 7 inches length wise, and girth wise I was quite big too. I remember he looked a little apprehensive when he first saw it but then he bit his lip and got this glint in his eyes that made me think that he still desired me regardless. All I knew for certain though was that I would be using a lot of lube when I finally slept with my little one properly.

"No problem kitten and-"

"Oh! And I don't like being talked down to and like being made to feel bad. It upsets me. I pretend it doesn't and that I'm enjoying it when I'm with clients but please don't say mean things to me. It makes me feel like I'm being used and like I'm nothing," he added with a frown as he cut me off from what I was about to say.

"I won't put you down. I promise."


"Pinky," I said as I linked my pinky finger with his. He was adorable. "And what are some of the things you like?"

"Umm...I liked what we did last night. You can do that again. I wanna try it with your tools n stuff too. And... I like being choked and when it's fast and rough and I love deep throating and I also like cuddles."

"I can do all that," I said with a smile. As excited as I should have been for all the things he said first, I was probably most happy about the cuddles. He fit in my arms perfectly and I would hold him all day if I could. It was wonderful.

"What about you? What do you like and what don't you like?" he asked which actually surprised me. No one ever really asked me this and I was glad he cared to know.

"Well, you know I like spanking, so there's that. And I also like choking someone but only lightly. I don't know how roughly you like being choked but I can only choke you softly I don't want to accidentally take it too far because I would never forgive myself if anything happened to someone I was with because I was too rough."

"That's okay. Soft choking is absolutely fine with me."

"Okay, little one. I'm glad. I also like it hard and fast and I enjoy tying people up sometimes but other than that I don't like to do too much that will strain your body. My favourite thing about relationships and sex is honestly the part where I get to look after someone. I can't wait to spoil you with everything I can think off," I said happily.

"You don't need to spoil me," he whispered as he ran the hand he wasn't leaning on through my hair.

"I know. I just want to," I whispered back before leaning up a little and kissing his sweet lips. I loved how pink and plump they were.

"That reminds me actually," he said pulling back suddenly. "I want you to stop paying me now."

"Oh, are you sure?" I asked back warily. I had only given him about three payments at most I think and I would have thought he would have needed more time to be sure he liked me enough to ask me to stop paying.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You've already given me way more than you needed just to see me and I feel bad now. When I accepted your money, I was honestly just being selfish but I... I mean I know I like you now. You're sweet and caring and you look out for me. I don't... I don't know what will come off this relationship, but I don't want to take your money anymore. I'll still stay away from others, so you don't need to worry about that."

"What about your bills? I'm assuming you're renting this place so it must become expensive if you suddenly start having no income." I didn't want Milan's livelihood to be ruined and I worried about him. I wouldn't have minded at all if he wanted more money. I had way more of it than I could count, and it grew every day so I wouldn't miss it if more went to my boy.

"Valencio it's fine," he said chuckling. "I have a lot in my savings. I mean I was saving it all for if I had a family in the future but I'm sure I could make it back. And I've had a lot more time for my art with not having seen clients lately so I'll keep focusing on that and hopefully someone will want to exhibit it some day and people will want to start buying my work. I don't really know but I'll figure it out. It's not like I wanted to be an escort for the rest of my life anyway."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're one hundred percent sure you want me to stop paying you," I told him seriously. He did as I asked as soon as he heard me and I decided, quite begrudgingly, that I would oblige.

We stayed in bed for a little longer, the both of us a little more sure that we wanted something wonderful to blossom from this relationship, and then I got up to make the both of us breakfast. I made sure Milan stayed in bed so he could give his body plenty of rest and brought breakfast to him when I was done. He said he wanted granola with yoghurt and some fruit so I made two bowls, one for us each, and made sure he was sat on a pillow when he got up to eat in bed.

When we were done, we put on a movie and snuggled on Milan's couch. We talked the whole way through the movie and barely comprehended what the story even was as we enjoyed each other's company and the morning sun that filtered in through the balcony windows. I couldn't believe I had gone this long without having someone as amazing as Milan in my life and I was glad at least to have found him now.

When the movie ended it was just past one o'clock in the afternoon and Pietro came to pick me up and drive me home. I kissed my baby goodbye, promising to see him again soon, and took the paintings of his I had picked out the day before, then walked away from the man that was very quickly starting to mean a lot to me.


They're so cute I love them

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