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| Milan |

"What did you say to them?" Elias asked Valencio and Pietro when we put down the last box in Elias' new room in my apartment, or well our apartment.

"Oh, nothing really. Just said we'd bring in lawyers and they'd lose a bunch of money," Valencio replied. I knew he was lying of course.

"Oh right. Damn. I've never seen them look so scared it was kind of satisfying," Elias said in response then carried on unpacking.

When we had helped as much as we could we left Elias to it. I said thank you to Pietro before he decided to leave and then dragged Val to my room so we could talk in private. I wanted to know what he had really done to get Elias' parents to let us in even though I did say I wouldn't ask.

"So, you threatened them, right? But I'm assuming without the mention of lawyers," I started saying.

"You would be right," he replied. He came closer to me and brushed away some hair that had fallen into my eyes.

"Do I want to know what you did exactly?" I asked warily.

"Probably not, love," he said. I nodded my head in content. I was fine with not knowing.

"Thank you for helping my friend," I said as I brought my face closer to his.

"You're welcome."

And then our lips were touching in a soft embrace and my hands were running down his chest as he pulled my hips closer to his. I went to wrap my arms around his waist until I felt something. I didn't say anything as I tried to feel out the shape of whatever it was until I realised the only thing it could be.

"Is... is that a gun?" I asked in shock after pulling my lips away from his.

"Oh, crap, Milan I'm sorry."

"Did... did you use that on his parents?"

"Only to scare them. It's empty though, it wouldn't have hurt anyone, I swear it."

"It's empty?" I asked feeling a little better.

"It is," he nodded. "Do you wanna see?"

Did I want to see? I wasn't sure. All I really knew about them was that they were scary, but I was starting to really trust this man and I didn't think he would hurt me, at least I hoped he wouldn't. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious. I was wary of the weapon sure, but they weren't legal in this country – which should have scared me off as Val was carrying an illegal weapon – so I was very curious.

"It's definitely empty?" I asked apprehensively.

"It is. Look," he said showing me that there were no bullets inside.

The gun was smooth and sleek and black, and I had never seen anything like it in person before. I had the sudden urge to touch it, but I was battling with my inner morals not to. I just wanted to see what it would feel like. I wanted to know what it was like to hold a gun. If I was going to be with Valencio maybe I would need to hold it one day, and that was a scary thought but when I looked at Valencio I found myself not being as scared anymore.

"You wanna hold it?" he asked me softly. I nodded and he put the weapon in my hand and turned me around. "Hold it up with both your hands. It will give you better aim as your inexperienced. Never hold it tilted to the side, that's just something they do in movies to make it look cool, but you want to always hold it upright because that way you'll know exactly where the bullets are going." He was behind me positioning my hands and my stance as he told me what to do. "Now focus on looking above the gun at a certain point, pretend there's a coke bottle there or something, pull this," he said showing me how to pull the trigger after taking the safety off. "Then imagine the bullet has just gone right through the can."

Except when my imaginary bullet was shooting forwards at high speeds, it wasn't a coke bottle that I imagined. It was my uncle and my imaginary bullet had just gone right through his heart. I wondered how much easier it would have been if I had a gun the night I saw him with my brother. Instead of standing there frozen I could have pulled it out and stopped him myself. Or if Valencio was there then I bet he would have stopped him. I'm sure he would have.

"How many people have you shot with this thing?" I turned around and asked suddenly. I was scared of the answer, but I needed to know.


"It's okay. I just want to know."

Val sighed before replying. "I couldn't really give you a number. There's been too many to count." Too many to count? Did he really have that many enemies? That was a disturbing thought.

"Have...have you ever killed anyone?" I asked looking down. I couldn't look him in the eyes right now.

"Little one, I'm not sure that's something you really want to know," he replied without giving me an answer explicitly, but I knew what it meant.

"That means you have." He went to say something, but I cut him off. "My brother killed someone too. I... I saw him. But the person he killed deserved to die but then León killed himself and he didn't deserve that so somehow Phillip still won," I mumbled quietly.

"What? You had a brother? He killed someone?" Valencio asked confused. I guess I sort of said everything without any context.

"I had a twin, León," I explained. "He was being hurt, by our uncle. I saw it one night, the night he killed him afterwards. I...it was awful but I was so glad watching the life drain out of Phillip after what he had done. I know you've killed people too, even though you won't say it outright, but I want you to know that...as fucked up as it may be, I'm not willing to lose you, if it can be helped, so if you've had to kill then...then that's that. I...I just can't lose anyone else in my life. And I'm starting to really like you which is really new for me, and I know I should be running for the hills right now, but I just can't bring myself to do it."

"Right I...I'm sorry to hear about your brother love. I'm really sorry. And you're right, I have killed people. I can promise you know they were all very, very, very bad people. But my world is dangerous and I'm glad to hear that you like me so much but if you wake up one morning and decide you can't be with a man like me anymore that's completely fine. I won't ever hurt you for wanting to leave me nor will I make you feel like you're obligated to stay. I need you to know that."

I nodded. That was the thing about Valencio Osiris. He was dangerous and scary, but he was still somehow so caring. I saw it especially with his interactions with Minnow. Maybe some men were just the embodiment of good and bad all in one.

"Stay with me tonight?" I asked him. He nodded and slept in my bed again, but he kept his hands more to himself which I assumed was him trying to give me space as I thought everything over. When I woke up in the morning, he was gone but he'd left a note on my side table saying he would call me later. I was content with that for now.


Top more secrets are being shared, I hope it makes sense why Milan being quite accepting of the whole murder thing...

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His Little Lamb || bxbOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora