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| Milan |

"Val!" I shouted as soon as I saw him in his bed. Pietro had driven here as fast as he could complete ignoring certain speed restrictions, but I couldn't care less. In fact, I wish he had driven a little faster if only to get me to Valencio quicker.

"Hi darling," Val said smiling as soon as he saw me. I ran up to his bed where he was propped up on some pillows and hugged him tight until I heard him hiss and grimace.

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry! Are you okay? What happened? Pietro said you were fucking shot and I didn't hear from you for days and I had no idea what was going on. Oh my God Val you better tell me everything and I mean everything."

"Okay, okay. Slow down. I'm okay I promise. The bullet missed anything important so it just hurts is all. I'm sorry you didn't know about this. I told Pietro off for not telling you and I promise if anything ever happens again, you'll be one of the first to know," Val replied.

"I better be. Now tell me what happened you idiot. I want the whole truth." Val went on to explain how this man called 'Fabio' broke into his home and attacked him.

"-and then he shot me, but he couldn't see that the bookcase had slid open, so I managed to get a gun out and shoot him back. I'm not as lousy of a shot as he was though."

"You killed him?..."

I mean I already knew deep down that Val had killed - he had pretty much confirmed it to me indirectly before - but knowing it for certain now was a strange feeling. I didn't feel any less attracted to him and I knew I still felt strongly about him, but he was a killer and maybe that should have stood for something. Maybe it should have made me back off, sort out my priorities, but technically he had done it in self-defence and technically I was glad that someone who dared hurt my man was disposed of.

"Milan," Valencio sighed. "I wish I could say I regret it. I wish I could say that it was self-defence which I suppose in the moment it was. But you said you wanted the whole truth, so here it is... I was always going to kill Fabio. My history with him goes back to before I even met you where he stole a lot of money for me and by a lot, I mean 50 million worth. I've had my people hunting him across the continent for months now, from the moment I met you I had been after him. In fact, I'm annoyed at how the whole thing played out. He wasn't meant to die so easily."

I was shocked to say the least. I think my mouth must have been flying open and closed like a fish in a tank oblivious of the big wide world all around it. Right now, I almost wished I could just be a fish. My life could have just consisted of finding food and swimming around in circles and then dying. Instead, I was faced with decisions I didn't know how to make, feelings I couldn't control, and morals on either end of the spectrum that made me confused as to where I stood in the grand scheme of things.

"Baby boy this is who I am. This is who I've always been, and I can't hide it from you anymore. I didn't want to keep things from you, but I was being selfish. I liked you so much that I was worried if I showed you who I really am then you would leave me. But I can't keep these things from you anymore. And, well if you want me to be completely truthful then the thing is that I've realised I've fallen in love with you and if you left me now, it would break my heart, but I would let you go... I wouldn't want you to stay in a relationship that you're unhappy in."

"You love me?" I asked. I know he said a lot of things, but I think that was the thing that shocked me the most. I felt like I was having a weird fever dream.

"I do. You don't have to say it back. I know you're probably not ready for that yet. But I just wanted you to know how I feel."

"Val I... This is all a lot to take in. I..." I took a deep breath before continuing and thought about what I wanted to say and how I felt about everything. "I don't want to leave you. I cried myself to sleep last night because I thought you didn't want me anymore, so I don't think I'm emotionally capable of leaving you right now. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Scared of what you could do, but also scared for you, scared of others who may try to hurt you or me."

"Milan, I will always protect you," he said as he brought his hand to my face. "I love you and I do everything I can for the people I love."

There he goes again with the 'L' word. I definitely wasn't ready to say it back to him yet despite how strong my feelings for him were growing. I had never been in love before or been loved in this way so I had no idea what it would feel like to truly love him. How did you even know if you were in love? Don't you just know if you are?

"I...I don't know if I can say the same back yet," I whispered. I knew I was going to disappoint and upset him, and I didn't want to do that, but I couldn't be dishonest about something like this. "I do like you a lot though. Like a lot but I don't know if I'm in love. I feel like if I was then I would know?"

"That's okay. I don't need you to say it back yet, but I just wanted you to know how I felt. I want to be honest with you about everything from now on. Not that I lied to you before but there have been things I have kept from you, but I won't be keeping things from you anymore."

"Okay. Thank you," I replied. I wasn't sure I was going to like everything I found out about him, but I still wanted to know all there was to know about Valencio Osiris. "And...I may not be able to say the 'L' word just yet but I do have something to ask you." I decided I would be the brave one now and be the one to ask this after he had been brave enough to tell me the truth about what happened to him and how he felt about me.

"What's that?" he asked confused. He was cute when he scrunched his eyebrows up together like that.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked quietly but not too quiet he couldn't hear. The smile that overtook his face was a beautiful sight indeed.

"I'd love to be."


Val admitted his love for Milan 🥺

I've written quite a few chapters ahead now so you'l probably get a few daily uploads so make sure to be on the look out!

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