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| Valencio |

"What do you want me to do, boss?" my second hand, Pietro, asked me over the phone.

We were currently in the process of a big transaction, but it had gone awry. It was meant to be a straightforward course of action. We lived in a capitalist society, so when you traded goods, you expected some form of payment. But this buyer decided to try and get away with my merchandise without paying the cost, so I was going to make him pay some interest. Though he wasn't the person I truly wanted to make pay but I needed him to be used as an example, a warning, so his superior knew what to expect once I got my hands on him.

"Start with the fingers," I began before explaining the rest of what I wanted done.

It was early in the morning by now and this whole situation had made me too angry to sleep, so I took a sip of my whiskey and waited to hear from my second again. The fiasco had taken place in one of my estates in Italy where Pietro was leading the transaction. I would have gone there myself and dealt with the situation first-hand, but I had a gala to attend soon, and I didn't want to risk missing it.

I promised my sister I would be there. And I never break my promises to family.

"I would have thought by now that people knew not to cross me. But there's always one bastard who thinks he can get one up on me, isn't there Minnow?" I said as the bird flew over and perched on my shoulder.

"Bastard. Bastard," she squawked. "Always one, always one."

"Yes. Always."

My phone rang again, and I was quick to answer without checking the caller ID, expecting it to be Pietro.

"Hello," I said into the device.

"Val," my brother, Vienno, said. "Heard something went down in the Di Lusso estate. What happened?"

"Fabio thought he could get one up on us, but the situation is being resolved as we speak. I've got Pietro on it," I replied. "Bastard thought he could get away without paying the full 50 million he owed."

"50 million!? Jesus Valencio, what was worth 50 million?" I heard Vienno's wife say into the phone.

"You know I can't tell you, Mirabella," I responded.

"Vienno?" I heard her say to her husband.

"He's right baby girl, it's best you don't know anyway," Vienno replied.

Eventually, I managed to get off the phone with the two of them and decided to head out of my office and to my room. I went to my walk-in-wardrobe with Minnow still on my shoulder. I still hadn't chosen which suit to wear to the gala and now was a better time than any.

I had all my suits on one side of the four walls and had them colour coded, so they were easy to find for every occasion. My sister, Katarina, had told me it was going to be a black-tie event, so I needed a black suit. I went to the end of the wall where my black pieces were carefully hung, and I settled on an almost full black three-piece suit with a white shirt and a silver handkerchief which folded neatly into the pocket.

My sister had asked me to bring a date, but I had no one to bring, and I made no promises that I would uphold that part of her request. I was twenty-seven years old, and I still had no one to call my own, but that's just how life was. Vienno and Katarina had found their significant others already, and they were both younger than me, but where they had found someone to love and accept them despite knowing about the Osiris family background was beyond the realm of my knowledge.

Sure, there were women who often threw themselves at me, lavishing at the thought of becoming my trophy wife while I bought her diamonds and dresses, and took them to all my estates on annual holidays. But I wanted a man.

A man to call my own and share my life with. To share all aspects of my life with who would accept the family background just as my brother-in-law and sister-in-law had done.

"What do you think, Minnow? Do you think I'll find someone?" I asked my bird. She was an African Grey Parrot with grey feathers, alluding to her name, a white face, and a dark grey beak. Her plumage had a scalloped design running through it and, upon closer inspection, you would be able to notice her bright red tail peeking out among her other feathers at the end, and beautiful orange eyes.

"Find someone. Find someone, yes. No. Yes," she replied as I walked out into my room. She flew onto one of her trees. I kept many small trees throughout my home so that she could rest on one whenever she liked.

"Thanks Minnow, that was a very clear answer," I said with a shake of my head.

No matter. When the time comes, I will find him. I just know that when I see him, I'll know he's meant to be mine, and only mine, and I'll do everything in my power to ensure that. When I meet my prince, I'll make sure he never has a worry again. I'll give him everything he could ever desire, riches beyond belief, the world at his fingertips, and mostly importantly, every single ounce of love in my body.

I received a call from Pietro a few hours later, as I was deep in my thoughts and still unable to get some shut-eye.

"Boss, I dealt with Fabio's underling just like you asked, but he refused to speak and eventually bled out. We searched his car and his hotel room, but we couldn't locate the rest of the money," he explained.

"Any sign of Fabio?" I asked feeling the anger begin to consume me.

"None. Sorry boss. What do you want me to do?"

"Spend the week searching for him and then return back to England. If you can't find him within the week have a search party sent out to gather intelligence and scout any of his previously known whereabouts," I ordered.

"Yes boss." With that he ended the call and I settled in for a restless few hours of sleep before the sun gracefully greeted me with its presence.


What do you guys think of our man Valencio? And I would especially love your thoughts on Minnow!

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