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| Valencio |

"Alright," I chuckled. "Bye dad."

A while after I had gotten home from leaving Milan's place, my dad had called me. I hadn't talked to him in a little while, so it was nice to catch up with the man who made me who I am today. He lived in a resort island now relaxing away in the sun after retiring early. He could have retired at 40 years old if he wanted with the amount of money he had made by then.

I was meant to call Milan at some point today but every time I went to pick up the phone, I stopped myself. After our talk last night, I was a little worried about where I stood with him. I know he said he still wants to be together, but I was worried he would wake up this morning and change his mind after realising just how serious this whole situation was. In the end I decided I would give him the day to think on things while I got on with some work.

The hotel merger I was in the middle of was finalised today with Vienno at the face of it. He, along with his wife, were currently in Japan where a celebration would take place but I had stayed behind. They were going to be back in two days and I didn't feel the need to make the journey only to come back so shortly when I had a million other things to do,especially when Vienno had done all the hard work and deserved to take the break. I know Vienno wanted more of a solid role within our company which is why I had him be the main man when it came to this merger, and I was extremely happy with the way he had handled everything and knew I could entrust him with more in the future. He had been kind of a reckless teenager which is why I had been apprehensive about his involvement in Osiris company affairs, but he had really proven himself. I was proud of him.

Pietro had come by and left a couple hours ago and let me know that Henderson and the team were still working on finding Fabio. He was proving to be a very tricky man to locate and I decided to just let the team be for now. Asking after his location was proving to be more and more frustrating so I decided to purge it from my mind until they actually found him or needed my help.

By evening, when I had finished my dinner, I truly had nothing else left to do, and I had left calling Milan way too late. I should have done it a lot earlier but every time I reached for the phone, I just kept thinking I should give him more time.

When I was contemplating, for the millionth time that day, whether I should call him, my phone started ringing and I realised he was calling me.

"Hi baby," I said warily into the phone when I picked it up.

"Hi," he replied. "I umm, you're not busy, are you?"

"No, no. I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier I just wanted to give you more time to think about what you said last night." I decided being honest with him was just the best route to take.

"Oh... I don't need more time. I meant it. I wanted to ask you something actually."

"Okay, if you're sure. And what did you want to ask?" I was curious.

"Well, last time you took me on a date. I wondered if this time I could take you on a date?"

"Oh really?" I asked shocked. I was surprised to say the least. I don't remember the last time that I was the one asked out.

"Yeah, I was thinking like mini golf?"

I chuckled. "That sounds great. I can't wait." I couldn't stop the smile that overtook my face.

"Umm the only thing is... Well, I don't have a car so umm you might have to drive us there. But I'll pay!" He was adorable.

"That's fine baby, I'll drive us there. You don't have to pay though."

"Shut up. I'm paying. We're not gonna argue about this. Anyway, umm I was thinking like tomorrow? Around 5ish?"

"Sounds perfect."

We chatted a little longer and he seemed like he really was okay with what he found out last night. Or maybe not okay with it, but able to look past it. It gave me a huge sense of relief and it would make things a lot easier the more he found out.

I woke up nice and early the next day after having one of the most relaxed sleep I've had in a while. I went to the gym to get my body working and keep in shape and then I went to Minnow's room and stayed with her for an hour or so. These early mornings were sometimes the only time I had alone to relax, and Minnow's presence always grounded me.

I was excited for tonight's date with Milan mainly so I could just see him again. His smile was infectious when it graced his face and I wanted to keep him smiling for an eternity.

I was shocked that my little one had a brother. A twin at that as well. I didn't know exactly how he had been hurt but I understood that it was their uncle who hurt him. I wish I could have been there to protect the both of them from all the pain they had to face.

I didn't know if León was watching over Milan wherever he was now, but he could have been - none of us knew what came of us after death after all - so on the off chance that he was watching over his brother, I decided to make León a promise which was the only thing I could offer him. I made him a promise that I would do everything I could to take care of Milan, to make him happy, to make him laugh and smile until his cheeks were sore. I wanted to be for Milan everything he never had and so much more.


Yayyy another date!

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