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| Milan |

That was some of the best sex of my life. Valencio was so sexy when he was being demanding but he still made sure to check I was okay with everything. What a sweetheart. And he choked me too, not too roughly and admittedly I would have probably liked it if he went harder on me but he had told me before that he couldn't choke hard, so I appreciated that he did it at all. I don't know why I enjoyed it as rough as I did but I think it came accompanied with a level of my trust in him that I loved.

"I feel like that came out of nowhere," I said giggling thinking that maybe he had just looked at me and desired me in an instant. I should have known not to have such a big ego.

"I needed a good distraction," he replied. "And you happen to be the best." A distraction? I wondered as he placed a kiss on my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "A distraction from what?..."

He sighed before he responded, and I feared what he had to say. I didn't like the thought of just being a distraction for him especially with how good it had been. Why was I just a distraction to him and what had he been using my body to get his mind off of?

"I just uhh...I saw my ex is all," he admitted.

"You saw your ex and decided that you were going to use me to forget about him?" I shot back hurt and feeling more used than ever.

"Wha...no. I mean it wasn't like that. I wasn't using you. At least...I...that's not what I intended baby. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, but I'm very hurt. I...I don't want to feel like you're using me. I..." I didn't know what else to say. I was confused and upset and this didn't feel right at the moment and I could feel myself getting emotional and I didn't want to be around Val right now. I decided the best thing I could do for now was leave so I hurriedly put on my clothes and walked out.

"Wait, Milan!" Val shouted running after me and doing up the buttons of his shirt at the same time. But I couldn't talk to him right now. I needed to calm down and get away from the situation because running was just what I did best.

My friends must have seen me walk off the boat because suddenly they were surrounding me on the side of the pier where I sat down on the pavement and started crying like an idiot. Val wasn't behind me anymore and I was glad because I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Eden asked. "Did Valencio do something to you? Something bad?"

"I...I don't know," I replied honestly because I was very confused right now. I had my head in my hands trying to figure out exactly what I was so upset about.

"Tell us what happened Mils," Elias said so when I gathered myself together, I explained how Val said he had just seen his ex and then immediately had sex with me and said it was because he needed a distraction.

"Okay...that's kind of a shitty thing to do but it's not the worst," Diya said. "Are you sure you didn't maybe misinterpret the way that he meant it?"

"Well," I croaked sniffing and holding back any more tears that threatened to spill. "He said I was the best distraction which I think he meant as a compliment but I don't know it just upset me. I...I feel like I was used. Like I was escorting again, and someone just needed to use me to forget about something and I don't want to feel that way with Val. And he said he loved me so I'm just confused about why he would treat me like that."

"Wait, okay. That's a lot to unpack there so bear with me for a sec," Eden began. "He said he loved you?"

I nodded. "Like a few weeks ago now when I went to see him after first finding out he was shot..."

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