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| Valencio |

I finished hitting the sandbag when my alarm rang and took my gloves off. I was in my home gym and letting out my frustrations on the bag because there was still no sign of Fabio. I detested things not going my way.

I quickly turned the alarm off, now that my hands were free, and decided to make my way back to my room to shower. I could have used the gym showers, but my personal things were in my own bathroom and I needed to get ready straight away because I would be attending my sister's gala tonight.

I left the gym which was located in the basement level of my house. When I made it to the ground floor, using my lift as I couldn't be bothered with the stairs, I had to walk through many of my dozens of corridors.

I designed this house myself, which took years to fully furbish, having only completed its final renovations three months earlier. I went for a sleek and modern design with tones of black, white, and grey. My floors were made up of black wood or marbled white tiles, depending on the room you were in, and most rooms had a black ceiling with a dark green accent wall, to bring colour back into the place in subtle ways along with gold detailing that I added through my choice of furniture and decorations. I had left many things a little unfinished, however, with plenty of room for redecorating which I hoped to do with my lover someday.

I went to the kitchen and quickly grabbed a cool bottle of water out of the fridge to drink and then went upstairs to my bedroom which was located on the third floor, once again using the lift. When I was showered and dried, I began to make myself look presentable.

Katarina's gala dinner was meant to be a charity event. She hoped to raise money for wildlife conservation centres, particularly for endangered apes much like the orangutan jungle school in Borneo. She usually held a number of charity events throughout the year, having donated all the money raised to various other charities or conservations.

She was maybe the purest out of everyone in the Osiris family and I loved her for it, I truly did. It was a miracle that she had turned out the way she did. I was glad though that her husband, Ezra, happened to be one of my men, or he was in the past anyway; she had made him leave behind his direct role under my leadership after they got engaged.

I'm not sure things would have worked out as well for her if she married a man without knowledge of who our family was, considering on her wedding day there was a shoot-out. Her now husband had aided in killing three men that day, making sure to protect Katarina at all costs, and that was when I knew for certain that he loved her. Though, I continued to make it clear that if he hurt her in any way, I would cut off his balls and make him eat them. After the shoot-out we ended up having a private wedding on a small resort island with just close family and friends and luckily that one ended without anyone having to die.

Once I had my suit on and was ready to go, I made sure to leave out some water and food for Minnow while I was away. She was currently perched on the armrest of the sofa in the bird room. This was where I kept her when I had to leave her alone so that she would be safe and out of harm's way. The room was a large in both length and width, so that she had plenty of room to fly around. It stuck out in the back left-hand side of the house and had a high glass ceiling much like a conservatory. However, unlike a conservatory, Minnow's room was filled with vines and trees and plants all intricately woven in among the furniture. There were stone statues in each corner of the room, a red sofa with gold leaf detailing along with two armchairs of the same design. The walls held paintings of various birds to make her feel like she had company and there was a TV and speaker system in the room as well.

I made sure to give her the life of luxury that no other bird could dream of having.

I texted my driver to meet me outside and soon joined him in the back of a limo, along with a bodyguard. Usually, I would have Pietro with me, but as he was still away, so tonight I had another of my men to accompany me.

Soon enough, we arrived outside a skyscraper and my driver opened the door for me to let me out. With my bodyguard following closely behind me, I went to meet my sister who had come outside to greet me when I told her of my arrival.

"You didn't bring a date!" she said, clearly showing her disappointment.

"Sorry Kat. Another time," I replied. I really did hope that another time, I would be able to bring someone who I could call my own.

I followed my younger sister onto the top floor where I took my assigned seat on a table consisting of her, Ezra, and a few others that I had met before, albeit briefly. Once almost everyone had arrived and had a chance to mingle before taking their own seats, my sister got up on the stage and welcomed everyone before proceeding with a breakdown of tonight's events.

I paid attention to her for as long as I could, but then I found myself quite distracted as I stared at the handsome man a few tables across from me.

He was gorgeous with his pale skin littered with freckles and blonde hair that had been combed back smartly. His eyes were a bright striking blue and he looked beautiful in his all-black suit. He sat next to a woman clearly somewhat older than him, perhaps in her mid-thirties and looked quite out of place as he tried to listen intently to what Katerina had to say while looking around at all the faces here tonight.

He looked like a lamb caught amongst wolves, but there was a fire in my little lamb's eyes, like he wouldn't allow himself to get eaten and I decided I just had to see if I could get a small bite.


So, will the wolf eat the lamb?

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His Little Lamb || bxbOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora