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| Milan |

When I woke up, I had the world's worst hangover. What the fuck had I drunk? I seriously needed to learn my limits and not go overboard, but hey, I was celebrating. I was going to be raking in money now, so I was allowed to have a little fun. Though, I did plan to put a significant amount of it in savings, so I didn't go overboard.

I tried to get out of bed every now and then but every time I sat up, the blood rushed to my head and I laid straight back down. It's not like I had anywhere to be today anyway, so I might as well stay in my warm comfy sheets. I had a queen bed with a very comfortable mattress which gave me lots of space to spread out like a starfish and try to sleep away this hangover. I was seriously never doing this again.

But I kind of always said that... I mean, I didn't become a heavyweight by doing nothing.

My stomach grumbled and I realised how hungry I was, and how terrible I smelt, and how horrible my mouth felt from not having brushed my teeth the night before. I decided to just have a glass water for now, someone had left it for me on my bedside table. Damn, my friends were the best. I distinctly remember practically making out with them all last night. Very, very drunk me was quite affectionate to say the least.

I think I managed to finally drag myself out of bed by the time it was midday, mostly because the feeling in my mouth had started to bother me more than I could handle now. I had an en-suite to my room which I adored, not that I would have had to share my bathroom with anyone anyway considering I lived by myself. Though, Elias did like to come and stay with for a few days every now and then. His parents were still working on accepting his sexuality, so he had to get away sometimes and I was more than happy to be his home away from home. He couldn't afford a place of his own right now, not with London prices unless you wanted to live in an absolute shit hole.

Elias actually used to be into me. He admitted it one night when he had a particularly bad argument with his parents. He came over and we watched nostalgic childhood movies with lots of ice cream and then in the middle of the night he told me that when we first met, he had a massive crush on me. I didn't really know what to say to that because, as hot as Elias was, he just wasn't really my type. I liked masculinity when it came to guys and Elias was on the softer side, and he was also one of my best friends so I just couldn't bring myself to think of him in the same way. I told him all of that and he understood, telling me that he had gotten over his crush anyway when he saw me throw up on myself one night when I had drunk perhaps a little too much vodka. Yeah...I wouldn't have a crush on me either after that.

I made a mental note not to throw up on myself in front of Valencio.

I had a long, hot shower because every time I got in the shower, I always found myself never wanting to leave, and I was also trying to do as minimal activity as possible with how badly my head ached. I finally forced myself out from under the water when my skin startled to wrinkle at my fingers and then I wrapped a white fluffy towel around my hips and made my way to the kitchen. I needed to get more in my system than just water, but I wasn't sure if my stomach could handle proper food right now. Instead of making food, I made some tea just to fill me up a little bit and I would try and make some toast or something later.

Once I had my tea I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. It was only then that I noticed I had a text. Well, I had a few actually, mostly from my friends asking if I had woken up and if I was okay. I sent them all a reply to say that I was alive but very much not okay because my head still hurt. Then I stared at the text that I was most interested in.

It was from Valencio, and it was a single word.


I mean what do I say to that? I suppose all I could say was hello back so that's what I did but it made me cringe a little sending it. I didn't get a reply straight away, so I put on a white robe and then went onto my balcony with my tea and my phone and sat on my chair. It was a little chilly today, but my robe and my mug kept me warm. The sky was cloudy, and the streets were busy, and my head ached.

After a while my phone went off and when I looked, I saw a message from the man himself. Valencio had replied.

V: 'How are you today kitten?'

M: 'A little hungover tbh, wbu?'

He made me blush when he called me kitten but hearing such a masculine man call me any pet name would have made me blush. I did love a man with muscle, and he looked so dashing in his suit from the night I met him. I have to remind myself that he's technically a client though. Appreciating his beauty is one thing but I shouldn't let myself get attached because I didn't know what his intentions toward me really were and he could drop me any minute. I still couldn't stop thinking about his gorgeous eyes though.

Just then my phone went off again with another text, and I couldn't help my excitement when I saw it was another reply from Mr. Osiris himself.


Oooooh they're gonna start talking now hehe, so excited to write about how their relationship develops

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