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| Milan |

"I'm sorry about getting sick on your shoes..." I mumbled when I woke up and found myself in bed next to Val. Last might was really fun but throwing up on him was definitely not on my list of things to do.

"It's alright love, not like they were limited edition or anything," he said sarcastically.

"Fuck! Were they? Seriously, I'm so so soooooo sorry!" I was beyond mortified and pissed off that I kept embarrassing myself in front of him and now apparently destroying his property too.

"Don't worry," he chuckled. "Only a little bit got on them I'm sure I can get it cleaned."

"You sure?"


"I'll pay for the cleaning," I insisted and though he argued with me for a bit about it, I managed to get him to agree. It was either that or no sex even though we were both perfectly ready to do it now. Although maybe not today because I had a raging headache and every time I sat up in bed, I felt like throwing up.

"Does your head hurt as much as mine does?" I asked in vain.

"Nope, I had nowhere near as much as you did to drink."

"Ugh, I hate you."

He chuckled again and then left me in bed to sleep off some more of my hangover after giving me some water and paracetamol. When I awoke a few hours later it was probably midday and Valencio had brought me a tray of food to eat. It was just some avocado on toast with some tea, but it was just what I needed and now that I had some food in my system, I finally felt ready to get out of bed and shower.

Val kept coming into the bathroom by making excuses of needing to grab something, but I think he just wanted to stare at me naked with water dripping down my body. I made an effort to stay in the shower as long as I could without it being obvious that I was trying to grab his attention. I wanted him to see exactly what he would be getting soon.

A few more hours later and my hangover was pretty much gone. Val was in his office doing some work, whatever that involved, so I headed back into his bedroom after bonding with Minnow for a little while. I had packed an overnight bag, because I had been planning on staying at Val's last night, and I was glad he had the mind to take my bag out of the limo before getting us that uber home.

When I managed to locate my bag in his room, I rummaged around in it for a while until I found what I was looking for. Then, I headed into the bathroom again and had another wash where I made sure to clean myself down below with my douche. I was hoping that by tonight Valencio would finally be in the right mood and ready to fuck me senseless.

When I was done in the shower, I put on some joggers I had packed but didn't bother with underwear or a top. If things went as planned, then my clothes wouldn't be on me for very long anyway.

I was laying in Val's bed on my phone letting Elias know that I probably wouldn't be home tonight when my man walked into the room.

"Hi sweetheart," he said greeting me as he came over.

"Hi!" I said cheerily in reply. I got off the bed and ran to him. "I'm feeling a lot better now by the way." My arms went around his neck and I stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the nose.

"I can tell..." he said trailing off as he took my body in. "You look good."

"Thanks," I happily said. "Do you wanna see the rest?"

"Hmm, I might do."

"Maybe, you can spank me again?" I made sure to give him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe I could," he smirked.

"Maybe you could do more than spank me too," I suggested hoping he got what I meant which I'm sure he did.

"Oh, I can certainly do that." His hands were roaming my body and then he cupped my ass cheeks deciding that was where his hands needed to be. I definitely didn't mind.

"Umm...and this time when you spank me, do you want to use one of those tools you told me about?" I had been eager to try them out since he first mentioned them, and I thought tonight would be as great a night as any to try it out.

"I would love to." He pecked me on the lips quickly before he continued talking. "Do you want to choose which one you'd like me to use?"

"Yes!" I was practically bouncing on my feet in excitement at this prospect.

Valencio guided me into his walk-in-wardrobe where he opened a drawer in the far left corner. Inside the drawer were an assortment of toys. Not just spanking tools but like other kinds of toys as well. Dildos and plugs that were still in their packaging which made me feel relieved because I wasn't going to use anything he had used on other people. But right now, my focus was on the spanking tools I saw. There were thick and thin paddled ones, and then leather and wooden ones.

"Please can you use this one on me sir?" I asked as nicely as I could pointing to one of the thin leather ones. I could already imagine what it would feel like as it hit my bare skin, but I knew the sting of it in reality, and not just my imagination, would be so much better.

"Absolutely my little puppy. You deserve it for being so polite." I blushed at his praise and followed him back into the bedroom holding his hand. Sometimes I felt like I should be calling him 'daddy' instead of 'sir' but I wanted to call him what he asked me to.

"Let's take these off then," Val said as he pulled down my joggers. "Naughty, you're not wearing anything underneath."

"You would have just taken them off anyway," I pouted as he ran his finger down the length if my shaft making me shiver.

"Hmm, well done for being so prepared then," he chuckled. "Now lean over."


Well I think you know where this is going

Stay tuned for the next chapter - it will be a double upload 👀

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