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| Valencio |

I was really worried about my baby boy. Yesterday had been very strange. I had never seen someone act like that before and I was concerned that he needed professional help but unsure how to approach that topic with him when things between us were still so new.

"He's not always like that by the way," Eden told me as she put on her jacket. After not hearing from Milan at all I drove here in a rush to check up on him and Eden had arrived shortly after me. I'd been knocking on the door hoping he'd let me in but luckily, she had a spare key and when I told her who I was she let me in along with herself. She was a lovely girl, and I was glad Milan had such a great friend in his life.

"But he's like that sometimes?" I asked her. We'd all fallen asleep in Milan's bed last night and my baby had ended up cuddled next to Eden when I woke up. I didn't mind. He had known her a lot longer and trusted her much more than me and I was just glad something or someone was giving him comfort when he so clearly needed it.

"Sometimes... Not as much as he used to be. Honestly, it hasn't happened in such a long time. He's been so good for ages at staying in a good mental state, but I guess he just needed to let those emotions out again after holding it in so long. Please don't let it scare you off. He really likes you..."

"Oh, it hasn't scared me off. I plan on sticking around," I said truthfully.

"Great. I'm glad." She smiled. "I'm gonna head out. Will you tell him to text me when he's feeling up to it?"

"Yeah, sure. Are you sure you don't wanna stay though? I can always go instead."

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'm sure he'd like your company. If he didn't want you here, he wouldn't have let you be around him like he was yesterday," she explained. I nodded and said our goodbyes and I finished making two cups of tea.

I brought the steaming mugs back into my baby's room just on time as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips. I placed the mugs down on one of his white side tables and went over to him because he looked a little sad again.

"You okay, sweetheart?" I asked him lifting his head up with two fingers to his chin. He nodded in reply but didn't say much. "I brought you some tea. Would you like it?" He accepted one of the mugs and went out onto his balcony, still in his towel, and drank it in silence. I sat next to him outside like we had done a few nights ago and wondered what had happened.

"Did Eden go home?" He asked softly after finishing his tea. I told him she had, and he nodded his head absentmindedly. "S...sorry."

"What for, baby? You don't need to be sorry."

"I don't know I just..."

I grabbed his hand before he could finish talking. "You don't need to be sorry," I reiterated taking his hand to my lips and kissing the back of his hand. We sat in the silence for a while the brisk air flowing past our faces. It was getting colder and soon winter would be upon us.

"Do you want to come with me to my sister's place?" I asked him. "I mean I know that might seem like a lot of pressure and everything, but Katarina is very easy to get along with. And her dog had a litter of puppies a little over a month ago and I was planning on going there to see how the puppies are doing now cos I haven't seen them since they were born really."

"There's going to be puppies?" he asked. I clearly seemed to have piqued his interest.

"Mmm yes. She has Shibu Inus so the puppies are adorable, though all puppies are aren't they."

Milan chuckled. "Yeah. They all are." He thought for a moment and then he told me that he would like to come to my sister's with me but he made sure I understood that it was mostly for the puppies. I was glad to know he was coming because my sister was starting to ask about him and she was going to be very happy that I was finally seeing someone again.

Milan got dressed and then I quickly drove us back to my place where I took a quick shower and got changed as well. I was only going to see my sister, so I put on something a bit more casual. Milan was wearing a blue crew neck sweater with another pair of grey joggers so I went with a black hoodie and some joggers as well. I still did like wearing my suits, but they weren't always necessary and I had to try and not go overboard especially around Katarina who would tell me off.

When I was ready and had all my things, I headed down to the bird room where Milan was with Minnow. On the drive here he asked me to stop at a supermarket where he went in and came back with some fruit. Apparently, he had been watching some videos on online about how to look after parrots and knew that they needed a lot of fruits in their diet. So, when I went into Minnow's room, there was Milan placing some pieces of mango on one of the trees trying to coax Minnow into going to him and getting a little treat. I think Minnow felt okay around him if I was here, but birds took some time and patience to really earn their trust so without me here she was probably a bit wary off him and still trying to figure him out. I thought Milan was so adorable for trying so hard with her though and it meant a lot to me that he wanted her to like and trust him.

She squeaked my name when she saw me enter the room and I went over to where my little one was standing and tapped the tree bark the mango was on. She flew right over and inspected the fruit for a few moments before she began eating and I could see it made Milan happy. I knew she would soften up to him eventually but for now I was just going to have to help her realise that she had no reason to distrust him.

I checked to make sure that all the doors and windows were shut in the bird room and made sure my princess had plenty of food and water while we were gone. I also told Pietro to come and keep her company for a bit at some point today. Birds were social animals and needed company and comfort and I liked to make sure she always had that.

When I was sure I'd sorted everything out, I took my kitten's hand and walked him to the garage. I had another lift in my house that led directly down to the basement level and led straight into my underground garage with all the cars.

"Do you wanna choose the car?" I asked him. He nodded giddily and inspected them all before settling on the sleek black Lamborghini.

"I've never been in one before," he said explaining his decision.

"You're about to be in one now."

I smiled and opened the door for him before getting in myself and driving us out. Katarina lived in a suburban area in surrey with a mansion of her own and we were able to use the motorway and then some quieter country roads where the speed limit was still high so I was able to show Milan how fast the car could go. He seemed to enjoy himself a lot and was smiling immensely by the time I parked outside my sister's house in the driveway.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Absolutely," he replied. "Well kind off."


What did you guys think? 

I'm always excited for puppies hehe

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