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| Valencio |

"Mmm morning baby," I said when I felt Milan stir in his sleep and cuddle closer to me.

"Is it morning already?" he asked groggily.

"Yeah, you slept through the whole night."

"Ughh I only wanted a nap. Why didn't you wake me?"

"Mmm didn't want to. You were really worn out and I wanted you to have your rest." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and we snuggled under the covers for a while longer. "How do you feel?"

"Really sore to be honest. My hole and my cheeks and my thighs. Ugh everywhere," he explained. "Definitely worth it though," he giggled. I felt guilty at first hearing how sore he was but I was glad to hear he didn't mind and was in good spirits.

"I put some ointment on your spank marks while you were asleep. I hope that was okay? I'll put some more on once you've had a shower."

"No bath?"

"You're pretty bruised down there. It will probably hurt to sit down especially if you're gonna sit on a hard surface like a bathtub."

"I could sit on your lap," he suggested.

"And have my knees dig into you whenever you move around? Not to mention having your bare ass pressed up against my cock but not being able to even fuck you again. That sounds like torture."

"Okay fineee," my little one said nodding in understanding and once he finally felt ready to get up, I carried him into the bathroom and stood him up by the sink as I got the shower and his clothes ready. When I came back from grabbing his clothes, I found him looking in the bathroom mirror at his backside and all the bruising where there were lots of thin lines of purple coating his ass cheeks and a few on the back of his thighs.

"Is it okay?" I asked concerned that he was going to be upset by the sight of it.

"Yeah, it's just pretty. I like looking at it," he replied smiling. I was beyond relieved. It let me know that he was definitely okay with this both during and afterwards. If he wasn't okay with any part of a spanking process, then I doubt I would ever do it again because I didn't want to make him upset or uncomfortable or scared in any way. The pain when he sat down on things would be a nuisance but if he thought it was worth the hassle then I couldn't wait to do it again.

I got him in the shower and joined him. I helped wash him off and didn't allow him to do a thing. He had been so good for me last night that I didn't want him straining his body to do anything so I washed him all over and when I went down on my knees to wash his legs, his cock might have ended up in my mouth by accident...

When we got out of the shower, my little puppy was one more orgasm down and hanging off me in contentment as I did everything for him. I loved taking care of him. It made me feel important and like my life had a more fulfilling meaning. More than just amassing mass sums of money, but the fulfilment of being someone's happiness and comfort.

I helped him lay down on the bed and rubbed some more ointment on his bruises to help soothe the aching and then we laid in bed talking. I did everything I could to make him smile and laugh. His giggles were the purest sound on earth, and I hated to think of a time where he might have lost his laugh but with the loss of his brother, I had a feeling he had suffered through a few years where he couldn't find it in himself to even smile very often. I hoped I could make sure that never happened again at least.

"Oh, woah what," my boy said when he went to check his phone at the sound of a notification going off.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked. We were still cuddling and if I wanted, I could have looked at his phone screen over his shoulder, but I didn't want to intrude on his privacy.

"It's just my group chat with my friends. Apparently, I'm trending. What the fuck."

"You are?"

"Yeah, look." He showed me his phone screen where he opened Twitter where various pictures of the two of us were being shared.

We weren't top of the trending page, but we were on the page. This wasn't a surprise to me as people mentioned my name every now and then to which I was suddenly trending for some reason or another every month or so. I wasn't famous in the same way as pop stars like Billie Eilish was but more so in the way of Rupert Murdoch. People knew my name, but I wasn't a constant thought in anyone's mind and honestly, I much preferred it that way. Although, being out of the spotlight completely would have been nicer as there was always a risk of being caught doing something a little illegal or well...very much illegal.

"I guess you're a little famous now," I replied. I hoped this wasn't too bad of a thing in Milan's mind. I should have told him that something like this would probably happen if we started dating but it never crossed my mind. The paparazzi hadn't bothered me in a while now so it was easy to forget about them from time to time.

"I guess..." He scrolled through some more tweets.

Some of them talked about how cute we were as a couple and others of course had people throwing homophobic slurs at us but at the end of the day I was a billionaire, and they weren't, so what did I care? Their words didn't hurt me anymore than getting dust on my Gucci clothes that sat forgotten in my wardrobe - I found them a bit too obnoxious to wear out in public.

"I hope my family doesn't see this..." he admitted.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" I asked.

He nodded. "I don't talk to them at all anymore and my sister, Verona, she's been tryna get in contact with me every now and then for a few years now. I don't want them to see this and think that I just... That I don't miss them."

"If you miss them, why don't you talk to them?" I asked. I hadn't realised how estranged he was from his family or that he even had a sister as well. He never liked to talk about his family that much I noticed.

"I can't. Just... I can't after everything. Seeing them again it would just bring back so many memories and they're going to ask me questions about what I've been doing, how I made money and I can't exactly tell them I was a high-class escort but what else could I tell them that's actually believable and makes just as much money without being involved in drugs or something. Ugh it's just too much to deal with."

"Okay. Okay," I said trying to calm him down. "You're overthinking things now. If your family sees then there's not much you can do about it and if you don't want to see them then I'm not gonna make you, am I?"

"No... I don't think you would make me do anything like that," he replied.

"No, I wouldn't," I reassured.

I got him out of bed a little later and eventually had to be stern with him and tell him off for staring at his phone for so long. It wasn't healthy for him to stare at what everyone online was saying about him for so long. I understood how addictive it could be as I used to do the same when I gained more prominence after taking things over from my father, but I didn't want Milan to go through the same addiction. It could be quite troubling for one's mental health and well, I knew Milan definitely had a few issues in that department which I hoped we could at least try and work through together.

We cooked some food together, mostly because it hurt for my baby to sit down on a chair because of his bruises and he felt it would just be better if he stood up and helped me cook. Once I made sure he was thoroughly fed and full, I put on a movie for us to watch though neither of us caught the ending because we had our tongue down each other's thoughts. Apparently watching movies together meant no actual watching of the movie when it came to us two.

When the movie was done, Milan was ready to go home so I drove him back in my Tesla and gave him one last kiss before I bid him goodbye. I felt like every time I had to say bye to him now just hurt more each time.


Oop Milan kinda famous now lol but it was bound to happen when you're dating a guy like Val

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