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tw: LOTS OF SMUT, foster care system, language.

"Babe I really, really, really, really want a yacht

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"Babe I really, really, really, really want a yacht." I say as I walk into the living room.

She pauses the tv and laughs. "Well i'm sure you could do something illegal and make a lot of money to have a yacht."

I nod. "Or like a rich family."

"Well love, we're already past that possibility. We didn't get that." She states. I laugh as I sit down on the couch next to her. "I mean- No i'm saying-" She says through laughter.

I grin. "One of us could marry into money."

She laughs lightly. "No, we're both married, already. We married each other. We blew it." Em states.

"We could get divorced." I say with a loud laugh.

"If you divorce me i'll loose everything and i'm too lazy to divorce you now so you're just stuck." She informs me.

"How would you loose everything?!" I scoff.

She laughs. "Well you for starters, and half my money, the house, I would loose it all."

"I'm gonna get half your money?!" I ask suprised.

"We didn't get a prenup! That's how it works!" She informs me.

"What? Why didn't we do that?!" I scoff.

"Because I don't think we're ever gonna get divorced! I think we're far too lazy to do more paperwork!" She scoffs.

"Okay." I say taking a drink of her coffee. I'll wait for her to realize the right thing to say.


I laugh with her. "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH."

"I still think we're too lazy to ever go through with the hassle of a divorce. Besides we've got a good thing, you and I." Emily tells me.

I nod. "A very wonderful thing."

I kiss her on the lips softly a couple times and then on her nose and grin. Kassidy comes out of her room and peaks in the twins' room. "Where are the girls?" She asks.

"Play date. They won't be back for a couple hours." I explain.

"Okay well I made some friends at school. Aisha and Jaylynn, they're picking me up and we're just gonna go to the mall." Kassidy tells us.

Emily smiles. "Good! I'm glad to hear that."

"Me too. If I give you a 20 will you pick up my perfume? It's like 7 dollars because it's on sale right now." I ask Kassidy.

"Yeah, i'll make sure to get you back the change. What brand and smell?" Kass asks.

I look around and my purse is on the counter behind her. "Hand me that babe." I tell Kassidy

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