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One Year Later

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One Year Later...

Ariana Pierce's pov:

I walk into the bar and immediately eyes are on me, i'm wearing a black bodycon dress, my hairs long now and I curled it. I even put on a full face of makeup, which I don't do often anymore. I smile and lightly blush as I approach the bar, I take a seat on the stool and the hot bartender comes over to take my order.

"What can I get ya?" She asks.

"I think i'll take a scotch." I tell her.

She nods. "We love a strong minded woman."

I smirk. "What do you mean by that?"

Her cheeks turn a dark shade of red. "It's just a thing I do, I uh, analyze people based off of their drink order." She informs me, while making my drink.

I lean in over the bar so she's got a good eye on my cleavage and wave her in closer, she does. "Y'know i'm actually an fbi agent and I do that for a living, I use psychology to figure out a person. I can't say that too loud or it'll damage the fragile masculinity in the room." I whisper.

She smirks, she knew what I was doing. "So, what do you think about me?" The brunette asks.

I lean back in my stool and make eye contact. "You don't drink on the job and hardly drink ever, you probably had an addiction to alcohol in the past. You're pretty and you know it, so you use it to your advantage whenever you can. I mean who doesn't, I know I do. You've got commitment issues, but still jump head first into relationships. You're also very gay and very attracted to me." After I finish I pick up a tooth pick and chew it with my teeth.

She sets my scotch in-front of me, licks her lips and smiles. "They them and I get off at midnight."

I smile. "I don't even know your name."

"Naomi, but I go by Nomi."

I nod. "Ariana."

They grin. "Ariana Gran-"

I cut them off. "Nope, nope, nope, don't say those words or your instantly unattractive." They laugh and goes to their other customers.

For the next two hours I have short conversations with them and dismiss men and women who try to flirt with me, after they buy me a drink of course. While I wait I might as well catch you up on my life.

The day after our breakup Emily put in her two weeks notice and informed Hotch she was going to work for Interpol. She failed to mention it to me and i was completely shocked when Aaron told me, I tried to stop her from quitting and leaving. I failed. Aaron, JJ, and Penelope were my sidekicks for the next month. All Pen and JJ knew was Emily and I broke up, not why. They were the biggest help. I stopped seeing Marshall for therapy about two months ago, but I can always go back to her if I need her. My mental health fell down a dark, dark hole after Emily and I's split, for about 6 months I was depressed, hardly eating, drinking way more than I should've been, and sleeping whenever I had the chance. Eventually I pulled myself out of it, I got better at living, even though she still lingers in my mind. I get flashbacks to our relationship at times, from kissing in the break room to the bathroom of the jet, or the moments of significance around the bau or my apartment. I haven't entered a relationship since, occasionally I dress nice and go to a bar to get laid, but that was it. Emily taught me what love was and somehow she made me hate it. She was my great love and for now I didn't want anyone else.

So here I am, in a bar, waiting for a babe to get off work so I can rail them and never talk to them again. Which honestly was too bad because I really like Nomi. I still work for the bau, we've got a new team member now, Alex Blake. She's older, maybe late 40s, which was normal. I'm still living in my apartment, i'm doing okay if I do say so myself.


"Ready?" Nomi asks as they slide their jacket over her arms and shoulders.

I pull my black leather jacket on and nod. "My place or yours?"

"Yours, i've got a roommate." They insist.


Our lips clash together the second I unlock my apartment and we pull each others jackets off of our bodies. We kick off our shoes and I pull her hand into my room, pushing the door close.


I wake up the next morning and surprisingly their still here sleeping soundly. That didn't happen often. I look to the clock, 11:14 am. Nomi was really pretty, even when they slept. I gently pull their hand off of my stomach and place it on the bed. I walk into the bathroom and pee then find my purse so I can check my phone. No missed calls or messages. I walk out into my kitchen and make a pot of coffee, I pull a chocolate chip cookie from my pantry and snack on it while I wait for the coffee to brew. Once it's brewed I pour two cups and go back to lay in bed. I scroll my phone for a while and soon a yawn is heard next to me. "Morning." I say.

They open their eyes and give me a tight smile. "Morning." They stay quiet for about 10 minutes trying to wake up and after they sit up in bed. I smile at them and hand them the coffee I poured on the night stand. "Thanks." They mutter before taking a big swallow of it.

I nod, "No problem." and open up the tiktok app. That stupid trend comes on and the girls are laughing, Nomi leans over to view my screen. "Coochie rad, coochie from the 80s." The girl says and Nomi and I lightly laugh.

"Coochie angry, coochie need therapy." Nomi says through laughter.

I turn off my phone and smile at them. "Coochie lonely, coochie need a date." I laugh at my own words.

"Coochie gassy, coochie fart." Nomi and I start laughing hysterically.

"Coochie funny, coochie do comedy." I croak out.

"Coochie pretty, coochie a model." Naomi giggles.

"Coochie wired, coochie drink coffee." I let out. Nomi and I laugh at our words. "Coochie smart, coochie attend university." I laugh so hard I can't breathe. After we both calm down I look over at them and smile. "I've got to run into work, but you can tag along and i'll drop you at your house after." I suggest.

They smile. "Okay cool."

"You can freshen up, shower, whatever. i'll wait and then go in the bathroom after you." I tell them.

"Okay." They kiss me on the lips, and it almost shocks me. I forgot their not just a friend i'm hanging out with. They pull out of the kiss and I smile goofily at them. Nomi climbs out of my bed and I notice the only thing on their thin body is a thong. I smirk and they blush. "Look away! This is embarrassing!" They tell me bashfully.

I laugh a loud laugh. "It's not anything I didn't see last night!"

"Still, it's light out now and you can see it clearly and all of it so look away!"

I turn my head to face the other way while they put their clothes on. "You're gorgeous."


Nomi gets in the shower and I go out into the living room. I turn on Like That by Doja Cat and clean up a bit. I just walk around in a black bra and grey baggy sweatpants, it was comfortable, and after tons of therapy I was comfortable in my body.

There's a knock on the door and I open it, forgetting to put a shirt on. "Arianas residence, how may I help youuu?" I tease as I open the door.

There she is standing in-front of me, my jaw drops to the floor. "Hey." Emily says.

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