Kassidy Moha.

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tw: language, ed,  foster care system, slut shaming

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tw: language, ed, foster care system, slut shaming.

We follow Jenna out of the room and into the elevator, she pushes the button to go down to her floor. "So did you get any names?" Jenna asks with a smile.

My jaw drops. "No! Go back up! I've got to get her name." I say pushing the button back up to the previous floor.

Jenna laughs. "So you did meet someone you like!"

Emily nods. "Ari really liked a teenager actually."

Jenna furrows her brows. "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, we didn't get to talk to her much, but she looks like she has a shield up. She defended us from a kid who called us dykes. I think she's really cool though." I nervously ramble.

The elevator doors open and I smile at the two of them, "I'm gonna go get her name give me two seconds." Emily and Jenna nod in response and I run into the room. The girl is sitting on her phone, I practically race over to her. "What's your name?" I ask quickly.

She looks up and furrows her brows. "What?"

"What's your name?" I ask again.

"Why?" She says defensively.

"I want to foster you now spit out your name, god damn." I groan.

I see a small smile hit her lips, but she quickly hides it. "Kassidy, Kassidy Moha." She states.

I smile at her and nod. "Great! Okay! My names Ariana Prentiss, i'll see you again soon." I tell her as I walk away.

"Bye!" She says sounding happy.

I walk into the elevator and Emily and Jenna look up at me. I smile. "Kassidy Moha." I state.

Jenna's jaw drops. "You want the Moha girl?!"

Emily's eyes widen. "Yes, is that bad?"

Jenna shakes her head. "No, just surprising."

We get into her office and sit in front of her desk. "So tell us about her." I deadpan.

Jenna types on her computer for a minute and stares at the screen. "Just a second.." She mutters. "Okay here! Kassidy Moha, she does have authority issues-"

"So does Emily." I interject.

Emily leans back in her chair and looks at me shocked. "Hey!"

I laugh and lean back in my chair, Jenna smiles. "As I was saying she has authority issues with men in particular, she entered the system at age 12 with her sisters-"

"Sisters?" Emily asks.

Jenna nods. "I'll pull up their files, just let me finish Kassidy's."

"Thank you." I say.

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