Chapter Two // "Wow."

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tw: slight smut, language

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tw: slight smut, language.

Her face goes red, bright red. Why the hell did I just say that? "W- What?" She spits out.

I look down at my hands. "Nevermind." I mutter. How embarrassing. I want to die.

She looks over at me. "I've never slept with Jennifer Jereau, nor have I ever had any feelings for her. I can promise you that." She says and puts her hand on my thigh.

I laugh. "Oh my god. I don't know why I said that." I say face going as red as her's was.

She laughs back. "I've never even said anything to her about those rumors. She's not who i'm looking for." Emily says, her gaze on the road.

"I don't care and it's none of my business. I'm in shock with myself that I even said that." I laugh. "Your romantic life is none of my business, i'm so embarrassed." I say crashing my hands against my face.

She pulls one of my hands off of my face. "C'mon, you know you care a little bit. Not only that, I would like it to be your business." She says, smirking. A blush forms over my cheeks rapidly. This time I know she is flirting.

We pull up to the club and both get out. I unbutton the top 3 buttons of my red button up shirt I wore to work and Emily walks around the car. The two of us walk into the building and the music is loud. Reid and JJ are sitting in a booth while Garci and Morgan follow in behind Emily and I. "Hello, ladies." She says with a grin, I smile at her in response.

"Hey Garci. Ready to get hammered tonight?!" Emily asks excitedly.

Morgan smiles evilly. "Unfortunately Pen and Reid have training in the morning, and me being their trainer, will not let Ms. Garcia get drunk." He says cockily and Penelope frowns.

I laugh at their exchange of words. "Look who's the buzzkill now." I mock.


We make it over to where Reid and JJ are sitting and sit in their booth, we order drinks and I have about 5 margaritas and 2 shots within the next hour and a half. Emily at about 3 margaritas and 3 shots. We are both waisted.

"I think it's time we head home." Morgan says to JJ, Spencer, and Penelope. Spencer had one beer and didn't finish it, Morgan had two, and Penelope was stopped at 2 cosmopolitans.

Spencer groaned. "Finally let's get out of here." Penelope whined. "But i'm having fun!" JJ was just spaced out. "Okay." She said, climbing out of the booth and the rest followed out.

I look to Emily. "Let's get one more drink or even just sober up?" I asked her, smiling widely.

She nods. "Oh hell yeah."

Morgan looks at the two of us. "I should leave Reid for designated driver." And we look at him with attitude.

"Sorry, Reid." I mumble.

Emily smiles sympathetically. "Yeah- Oh no, wait a minute. My house is like a 10 minute walk from here." She says, blinking fast.

Reid smiles, relieved. "Statistically this is a horrible idea but you guys are fbi agents and I don't want to stay, so you guys walk." He tells Emily and I.

I look at Emily. "Is it cool if I crash at your place?" I ask.

She smiles. "Oh, hell yeah." That's her drunk answer for everything.

The 4 of them leave and I walk over to the bar, Emily following behind me. I take a seat and Emily sits next to me, staring at my breasts.

"You're so totally, definitely, gay." I laugh. I think I sobered her right up with that sentence and her cheeks went tomato red. I call for the bartender and he comes over. "Uh water. Water bottle." I say and he hands me one from the cooler underneath the counter. I look at Emily, her cheeks still red. "No more drinking for me."

She smiles. "Do you wanna have sex?" She asks, very bluntly.

Boom. "I knew you were gay." I smirk.

She smirks back. "I'm bisexual, I like men and women." She says in a matter-of-factly tone.

I nod. "Makes sense. Am I hot?" I ask her.

She nods. "Extremely. I've been wanting to screw you for like months." She says smiling.

I grin and blush. "Sure. Let's have sex."

She smirks and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the bar, I feel the crisp air hit my lungs. She pushes me up against the wall and kisses me lustfully, her lips crashing into mine. As soon as our lips part I look up at her. "We didn't pay our tab." I deadpan.

She laughs. "You're such an idiot!" She pauses for a minute and I grin.

"I've been wanting to kiss you for like two months." I admit.

She throws her head back. "Tell me about it. I stare at you like every day."

I smirk and look up to the sky. "You look like my next mistake."

Emily smirks. "At least let me rock your world before you call me a mistake." She teases.

I pull her in for another kiss, this one even longer than the last. She smiles into this kiss and when it ends she grabs my hand pulling me down the street. "Let's go to my place."

The walk to her apartment is short, maybe about 7 minutes instead of 10. She unlocks the door and I step inside, looking around for a minute. It was very Emily, a black leather couch in the living room, an espresso machine on the kitchen counter, lightly decorated in dark colors. I walk around for a minute and turn to look at Emily. Before I can even get a word out she smirks. "You should see my bedroom."

I grin at her boldness and follow her into her bedroom. Immediately she pulls off her blue, green, and gray patterned v neck. Her black lacy bra revealed. "Wow." I let out.

She pushes me into the bed and I fall into it, not even resisting. She climbs on top of me and kisses at my jaw, neck, lips, and chest. Standing up to turn out the light.

Lights out.

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