Part 86

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"Are you excited about this season in F3?"

"Of course I am! I honestly still don't really believe it"

"Well we are all sure you will do well" Lando's mum Cisca said

We were sitting around their massive wooden dining table finishing up on the fish and chips I bought on my way there.

"You must stay here, it's too late for you to drive back now" Adam said to me as he got up from his seat

"Are you sure, I don't know if Lando would think that's weird"

"Lando lost the privilege to find things weird when he cheated on you, you are welcome here whenever, I gave him a proper ear ringing over Christmas" Cisca said to which I laughed

"I'm seeing him tomorrow though so hopefully we'll get everything cleared up"

"You are very wise for your years"

"I'm 20, getting on a bit now"

"Never! Flo has some clothes you can borrow and the spare room is already made up" Cisca said pointing to Flo on the sofa

"I will have to leave early, I have a training session and I need to find something to wear, it being new years eve and everything"

"No worries love"

I was shown to the spare room by Flo who also let me pick out a tshirt and shorts to sleep in, when I got back in to the bedroom and sat down on the bed I saw that Lando had texted

'Why are you at my parents house?'

'They wanted to see me?'

'That's fucked, do you not think that's weird?'

'No? They like me and wanted to see me, what is wrong with that?'

'Literally everything Izzie what the fuck'

'Get over it Lando, I'm not arguing over your own family, if you have a problem take it up with them'

I threw my phone down and led back on the bed looking at the ceiling, it probably was a bit weird seeing my ex boyfriends parents but I felt welcome there and Cisca and Flo liked me as well as his parents.

I fell asleep quite early, I had had such a long day flying back from Madrid and now I wasn't even sleeping in my own bed.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm and quietly got changed and folded Flo's clothes back up after re making the bed so it looked nice, I didn't want to look rude.

I tip toed down stairs and was about to put my shoes on when I jumped out of my skin

"Off already?" Adam asked

"Yeh, I have that training session, and it's quite a long drive"

"Okay, well drive safe, it was nice to see you"

"And you, thank you for having me, tell everyone I said thank you please"

"Will do"

I quietly left through the front door and started my long drive back to cornwall.

When I got back I had 10 minutes to get changed before Jon would be at the gym down the road to do some training. I got changed in to my gym clothes and sprinted to the gym to meet Jon there.

"You run here?" Jon asked when I got there

"Yeh, I only just got back"

"From where?"

"Lando's parents" I said as I tried to catch my breath

"Why were you there"

"They wanted to see me, end of I'm not here to gossip" I snapped at him

We spent the rest of the session not really talking, I was focused on getting fitter ready for the season, I was now the right weight I needed to be, around 74kg, I was 62kg before I left for Spain, the Sainz family obviously fed me well.

I jogged back to my house and had a shower to get all of the dirt and sweat off me, it was a nice day for the UK, cold, but sunny.

I put some pyjama trousers and a hoodie on and sat outside in my garden for a while listening to the birds chirping and drinking my tea, my phone buzzed making me jump a bit.

'I'm in the UK, it is so cold' Carlos said

'at least it's sunny'

'not here!'

'well I need to get ready and drive up, i can't drink, i have to drive home'

'can't you stay at Lando's house?'

'maybe but i don't think he is very happy with me'

'i'm in the car with him now, let me call you'

Carlos then started to ring me, I obviously picked up

"Lando, are you angry at Izzie?" Carlos said over the phone

"I'm not angry" Lando said in the background

"Good, well lets go and get her from her house then" Carlos said which made both me and Lando gasp audibly

"It's a really long drive, I wouldn't want you to go out of you way" I said over the phone now standing up and pacing around my patio

"It's no problem is it Lando?" Carlos said to Lando 

"No, not at all" Lando churned out

"Is Carlos holding a gun to your head Lando?" I said not knowing if it was okay for me to talk to him.

"It would be better if he was" Lando said back

"I am just very persuasive" Carlos said proudly

"We'll be just over 2 hours till we get to yours" Lando said

"Lan- Lando, would I be able to stay at yours?" I choked out

"You will have to share with someone but yeh" He said back

I hung up the phone after saying thanks and I rushed in my house to find an outfit or two, pack my makeup and do my hair.

My hair was still damp so I did a blow out style and put a hair roller in the front parts to make it bouncy. I chose this long sleeve black dress, it had a low neckline meaning I wouldn't be able to wear a bra with it, it fell just above my knee and was smock style, it was quite loose fitting below the ribcage.

I got my alcohol from on my fridge and put it in my bag a long with my clothes and makeup and of course my toothbrush. I put the gold jewelry I wanted to wear at the party on now so it wouldn't get tangled in my bag, I also spent about 30 minutes trying to get my contacts in so I didn't have to wear glasses.

By the time I was done there was a car honking its horn outside my house. I put my docs on and picked my keys, purse and bag up before locking my front door and walking down the front steps.

"Hola, bonjour" I said with my arms up and a bottle of alcohol in each hand

"Get in, or we won't make it on time?" Carlos shouted at me as I put my bag in the boot

"You can't be late to your own party" I shouted back as I closed the boot and got in the back

"You better take some good photos tonight" I said to Lando as he started driving

"I'm doing a you actually, everyone gets disposable cameras and hand them back at the end and I develop them"

"Wow you are obsessed with me" I jokingly said to have nothing but silence in response.

In Love With Formula 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें