Part 37

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There was no way. How did she get here, I knew Lando couldn't find out about this so I walked out of the house and shut the door behind me, staring at her with disgust.

"What are you doing here" I said with my teeth gritted

"Just here to see my pals" 

"No way are you coming in"

"I think I will though, it isn't difficult to get in, the front door is unlocked so I could just walk straight in"

"You wouldn't dare, Lando is just trying to enjoy himself, we don't need you ruining it Lily-Rose"

"Shame, I thought you would still be all curled up in a ball crying like the pictures showed"

This burst the bubble that was rising up and I just lunged for her, I hit her in the face hard enough to knock her down to the floor, and I just left it at that.

"You have anger issues Izzie" She said through the hisses of pain

"Least I know how to use them"

"Very well"

"Get up and get out then" I said whilst rubbing the blood off of my fist

She got up slowly and walked away, I watched her until she had turned the corner before walking back in to the house and locking the front door. I walked back in to the kitchen to see everyone stood there

"Who was that?" I heard Carlos say

"Just a cold caller trying to get me to buy some tea towels"

"Fair enough, we were going to set up a fire in the garden" Lando said

"Sounds good to me"

We all gathered around the fire and sat there talking and messing around till quite late, I kept fiddling with my knuckles because they were quite sore from it connecting with her face but I don't think anyone noticed. I was just looking at the fire, I loved looking at fire I always thought it looked so mesmerising. 

"I'm going to go and ruin Izzie's room then, Max are you joining me?" Daniel said reaching a hand out to Max

"Oh yes" Max replied grabbing Daniel's hand and they walked off in to the house.

The rest of the boys had decided they were going to either sleep on the sofa or fill out the other spare rooms, I didn't think they would want to share beds but I was surprised when Pierre and George said they were sharing a bed. Charles had got a bit drunk and Carlos refused to share a bed with him so Charles got dumped on the sofa with some blankets and cushions while Carlos got a bed to himself.

I walked in to Lando's en suite and brushed my teeth as well as putting my hair up in a ponytail and changing in to a big t shirt and shorts. Lando was already in bed and was just looking at his phone as I jumped on the bed making him jump.

"Why did you do that" Lando said in a whisper trying not to laugh

"Made you jump, gives me comedic relief" I said back in the same whisper

"Well that's just silly" He replied before smacking me in the face with a pillow

"You did not just do that Norris" I was trying so hard not to laugh as I clobbered him with a pillow.

It turned in to a full blown pillow fight on the bed and Lando got one really good hit on me and I fell off the bed completely and was upside down hanging off the bed

"You're a dick" I said whilst stuck like that

"Yeh well it's comedic relief" He replied whilst trying to get me unstuck

"Glad you find it funny" I said as I sorted out my pillows and got under the covers

"Who was really at the door earlier because we don't get cold callers round here?"

"Oh, erm it was Lily-Rose"

"What the fuck, did she do anything to you?" Lando said almost raising his voice a bit too much

"Nah I got her in the face"

"You didn't do it again?" He said with disbelief

"I did" I said with a proud smile as I turned my lamp off

"You are mental" He said as he did the same

We both led there in silence and I think I fell asleep first because I woke up with a pillow on my face almost suffocating me.

"Norris are you trying to suffocate me" I shouted with my morning voice as loud as I could

"Fuck I didn't kill you, shame" He said back from the bathroom

"I thought you were the cuddly type not the murderer type" I said sitting up and checking my phone, it was 8am 

"Yeh whatever, we have to leave by half 8"

"Okay" I said and got up to get dressed

We all left the house in the van towing the trailer with our karts in and made our way to the track, we got there and unloaded everything. There were quite a few people there already but they didn't have any karts they just had cameras.

I walked in to the toilets and put my suit on and did my hair in braids before walking out and putting my boots on. Everyone else was wearing the exact same suit as me, the same one from when I won my championships. The biggest smile came across my face and I gave them all a massive hug

"Thank you guys, this is really sweet of you"

"You need to get back in the zone, season starts soon" Max said to me as he passed me my helmet"

"Yeh and you need to be fighting for the championship, we are going to be testing you today" Charles said as he walked past me

"Oh god, this sounds like hell"

"It will be fine don't worry, we are all starting from the same place, we need to fix up the karts and things" Lando said as we made our way over to the garages, I had to tape up some parts of my kart as well as measure out the fuel. I was not going to lose this.

After a while I had sorted out what I needed to and made my way to the grid, I had put enough fuel to burn a while to heat everything up and soon everyone was coming to the grid with their karts.

I put my helmet on and got in my seat and waited for the flag to be waved. As soon as it was waved I was gone, storming off in to the first corner in the lead. Throughout the race there were a few challenges put up by 2nd place but I defended them all and got to the chequered flag in 1st place. 

"Still got it" I said as I took my helmet off after returning to the garages with the others

"I don't know how you do it" Pierre said

"I want to see you in a proper race car" Max said with Daniel agreeing

"Well I have that f2 car I can drive right"

"That's true, I bet you would still be quick in them" Carlos said

"I would need to do some more training though, it's a bit different to this" I replied

"You have the neck strength of an f2 driver anyway, you train like an f1 driver it's crazy" Charles said

"I need to be at the top of my game" I said whilst untying my hair

"Well I think that was a productive day, getting beaten by a 19 year old for at least the 4th time" Lando said

"I can't help being this talented" I laughed at him whilst undoing my suit to tie around my waist

"I want to go to be after that" George said joining in on the conversation

"Lets go then" I said as I wheeled my kart to the trailer.

We all drove home singing Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift with a big box of KFC to share between us. It was nice spending time with people I actually liked, and they made it enjoyable. I posted some of the photos from today on my instagram as well as posting a video of us all singing party in the USA. 

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