Part 8

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Lando's POV:

I felt so guilty not offering Izzie a place to stay I mean she didn't really have a place to stay and keeping that car in front of a hotel just didn't sit right with me so I did the only thing I knew how to, I texted her.

The text read

'Hey Izzie i know you said you were staying at a hotel but i feel bad for not offering you to stay at my house when i have like 4 spare bedrooms, so i was wondering if you wanted to stay at my house whilst you were here in your home country x'

She replied within 5 minutes saying

'are you sure? i don't want to be a bother'

'of course, i really don't mind i will send you the address now'

I sent my address to her and she read it but didn't reply, I started feeling really nervous, I didn't know why I mean maybe it was because my house is a tip and is filthy.

Oh gosh I should clean the house, I thought to myself. I frantically used every spray and cleaning supply I had to try and make it look better, I even cleaned up all the boxes outside of my office, I looked inside and remembered I was meant to be streaming later.

'shit' I thought to myself, but I'm sure Izzie would understand.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't realise my doorbell was going off until she texted me

'if you've given me the wrong address I would sleep with one eye open if I were you'

Why was I actually scared of her, she is the least intimidating person ever.

I ran to my front door to see her there with her bags and she hadn't changed out of what she was wearing on the flight, it was quite amusing seeing her in a jumper that almost went down to her knees.

"Are you going to keep me waiting on your front porch or what?" she snapped me out of my mind and I was immediately reminded of the power she possessed so effortlessly.

"Yeh come in I'll take your bags up, you look exhausted"


As soon as she stepped inside she took her shoes off, maybe I was weird for not taking my shoes off as soon as I got in, I was definitely weird, I will stop wearing my shoes around the house. I thought to myself as I took her suitcase and hand luggage up to the second biggest room. I was putting her bags on the bed when a folder fell out of her backpack, instictively I did the thing I shouldn't have and read the first page of this document.

'Divorce proceedings for Stella Bewdley and Alun Jones'

I was thinking why is Izzie involved in this so I kept reading until I saw this small paragraph.

*Trigger warning mentions of abuse*

'Proceedings for abuse against Izzie Bewdley, commited by Alun Jones, physical abuse and emotional abuse that caused lasting psychological effects on Izzie'

"Shit" I said to myself just staring at this document for what felt like an hour, I quickly put the papers back in her bag and made my way back downstairs. She wasn't in the hallway so I was guessing she was taking herself for a tour, that was until I found her in my kitchen making a cup of tea.

"Want one?" She asked pointing at the kettle

"Please" I said back not really understanding how she knew where everything was, I think it is just a female thing, being more intelligent and just knowing where everything is. I just sat down on the island across from her making my tea. We both sat down on the island and just enjoyed our tea but the only thing on my mind was what I read earlier I didn't know she had gone through that and I thought about how difficult it must have been for her to even agree to staying here when the last place she was alone with a man he completely disregarded his duty to be a father, it also made me realise how lucky I was to have such a wonderful family, knowing she went through that alone with no siblings must have been the worst thing ever, she was only 18 but so incredibly strong, I kind of wanted to know how she did it.

"I need to go to the shops to get some food for dinners and things, is there anything you want?"

"I'll come with you and buy what I need don't worry about it" she said with a small smile and we fell back in to silence.

"When I was putting your bag down a document fell out of your bag and it was wrong of me to read it but I read a bit, why didn't you tell me about it?" I said automatically regretting it

Izzie showed no reaction or emotion to it and she just kept staring out into the garden mug in hand and said

"Not every day you go round telling people you've known for less than a week that your dad's a wife beater and also beats their child is it"

She said it so coldly it sent shivers down my spine, how was she not reacting to this, she didn't kick off about me reading it, she looked terrifying, this straight face but I could see her jaw clenching and unclenching and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Aren't you angry I read it?"

"No point being angry, you already read it, you can't un-read it"

I guess this is what you get for only knowing someone for a few days and letting them come in to your own home, I didn't know this stuff and I was asking her all these questions, I just tapped her on the shoulder and moved nodded my head and started walking her to her room.

"Thank you" she said, barely above a whisper, I could see her lip trembling even though she was the opposite side of the room to me

"It's okay" I turned around and shut the door remembering the case started tomorrow. After an hour she came downstairs and sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, she had had a shower and was now wearing an oversized harley davidson t shirt and the same black leggings but she had these white fluffy socks with bear faces on which made me chuckle

"What?" she said wondering if she had done something wrong

"Your socks are cool"

"Oh. Thanks, are we going to the shop before it closes?"

"Whats the time?"


"Okay give me 2 minutes and we'll go" I said as I got up and got my car keys and found a pair of shoes and we walked out to my car.

"How did we spend 2 hours in a shop?" Izzie laughed at me

"I honestly have no idea, I'm blaming you for that"

By this time it was around 7pm and I was due to stream at 8pm, I mentioned this to Izzie when we were in the shops and she said she would just go to sleep or watch a movie downstairs.

We didn't burn the house down and the food was actually really nice, I don't know how we did it.

It was now 7:45 and I needed to set my stream up, Izzie just sat downstairs watching some Star Wars movies and she joked about my name being from Star Wars, I was happy I cheered her up because I knew tomorrow would be tough for her.

I ended up finishing my stream at 2am, I didn't mean for it to last that long but I got a bit carried away. I went downstairs to get a drink when I saw her sleeping on my sofa covered in blankets. she looked so peaceful like this I almost didn't want to move her. I ended up carrying her to her room, without hitting her feet on anything, and closed the door and I went to sleep myself in the next room.


Okay so I don't know whether I should do more parts with different POV's or not and I also don't know if the trigger warning was good or in the right place or anything, please tell me what you guys want I don't want to upset any of you!! Xx

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