Part 53

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The season opener, in Australia, everyone was excited to be back racing, I was excited to be there and be supporting the team and my friends.

The race was full of action, Lando had a crash with Alonso, it was Alonso's fault but it brought out the safety car and eventually the red flag because of so much debris. Both of them were okay but it was a nasty incident. 

The red flag benefited Daniel massively, he was one of the only ones to not have pitted yet, he got a tyre change and because he was in p4 currently, he would be able to finish the race on this set of mediums, Charles, Lewis and Max in front of him had pitted the lap before the red flag so they wouldn't change their tyres.

On the restart Daniel got the jump of Charles and was up to p3 by the first corner, Lewis overcooked it when trying to pass Max and he ended up losing lots of time so Daniel was now right on his tail, he pulled an old school Daniel move, he dove down the inside late on the brakes to take second position, the crowds were going mad, a podium finish in his home race would mean a lot to him.

In a last lap attempt at an overtake on his old teammate Daniel overtook Max, it was a ballsy move and I don't think anyone expected an overtake there, Daniel finished the race in p1, he won his home race. It was amazing and there was a buzz around the garage even with Lando's incident.

Despite this Lando was happy for his teammate to get a win here and was supportive as we made our way down to parc ferme, it was a good day for team and starting the season off with a win was an even better way to prove that Mclaren were back to fight for championships.

There was the well known shoey and lots of champagne sprayed, everyone had the biggest grins on their faces, Daniel getting a win here was well overdue.

"Well done mate" I said to Daniel as we made our way through the paddock

"Fucking finally" He said back wiping the champagne off his face

"Better late than never eh"

"Very true, I need to do my interviews but can we all come to your hotel room tonight"

"Why is it always my hotel room, but yeh, text me when you two are on your way"

"Will do" Daniel shouted back as he was ushered to the media pen.

I had a few meetings to do, Zak kindly let me use his office because I didn't have a proper one. The meetings were with Redbull and Mercedes to talk about sponsorship.

I sat down in Zak's chair and waited for the men to walk in, I liked being on this side of the desk quite a lot.

The two men entered and sat down and we all shook hands and greeted each other nicely

"So you're here because you both want to sponsor me for F3?"

"Yes" they both said in unison

"And what contracts do you have for it then"

They both handed me a contract and I read through both of them briefly and highlighted the areas that I didn't agree with, Redbull said that if I didn't get a podium finish in half of the races they would drop me and Mercedes said that I would only be able to drive for Mercedes powered cars if I ever got to F1.

"I highlighted the areas I don't agree with" I outlined the issues to both of them and then they started bickering to each other about where I would be better suited

"Right, you are 2 grown men, you either sort this out in a mature way or I will find another sponsor" I said loudly as I got up from my seat.

I walked past the two men and out of the Mclaren area leaving the two men stunned, I was walking down the stairs with my sunglasses on and I didn't even realise cameras were there filming me, I had my much loved power walk going on, I was going to watch the F3 race that was starting in 10 minutes.

The race finished with one Prema boy, Dennis on the podium, the other 2, Olli and Arthur were in 4th and 6th. I walked in to the garage after the race and was greeted with sweaty hugs from the drivers.

"If you don't have a seat next season, I will be shocked, you were flying at testing" Arthur said as he grabbed a drink from the fridge

"Yeh, for real, you had real pace, don't take my redbull seat though" Dennis added

"Out of us two being Brits you are the more talented one" Olli said after throwing his helmet on the desk area

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm that good, beginners luck maybe" I said as we all sat down at the table

"You were part of that car, none of us got to chat to you there but I think a lot of teams are looking at you for a seat now" Olli replied

"Please, take my seat, I will do something else, if you can do what you did there all the time, champion" Arthur said in an exaggerated tone.

"I don't think that will be happening quite yet lads but hopefully next season I will be in F3"

"I think everyone wants you to be in F1, you are a natural" Dennis said

We spent a while just chatting and laughing before I saw that I needed to get back to my hotel.

I got back to my hotel quite quickly and sorted my room out to make it safe enough for Lando and Daniel to be in there. Just as I was putting the last things away there was a knock on my door.

"Alright lads" I said welcoming them in to my room

"We have alcohol" Daniel said as he shook the bag of alcohol in my face

"Lets get going then" I said as I got glasses out of the shelves 

We drank and talked for hours, we had room service and we were listening to music and messing around for ages, it was such a good night. 

That was until Lando had too much alcohol in his system and decided to throw up in the sink, why the fucking sink, everyone knows you go to the toilet, I made him clean it up and then he sat by the toilet for ages. 

Me and Daniel continued drinking, only just realising we were drunk, Daniel was stumbling all over the place and was a liability to me and himself.

"Bed time boys" I shouted as I made my way in to my bed.

Both of them joined me in bed and they immediately passed out on me, I was trapped with these two men on my arms. I had to take a picture though, it reminded me of Abu Dhabi.

I posted the photo on my private account and then threw my phone off the bed and went to sleep with both of them snoring in my ears and drooling on me. They would regret not drinking some water before they went to bed.

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