Part 45

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I was pulled in to the back of one of these massive cars and my training was obviously paying off, it took 4 of these massive men to keep me under control

"Let me go or I will castrate all of you" I said as I got one hand free and pulled my keys from my bag

"You wouldn't do it with a car key"

"Wanna bet" I said as I lunged towards the one who said it,

So many cameras had taken photos of me being pulled out of the casino and we were now all just sitting in this car as I was threatening all of them

"Are you some big time celebrity" The one who initially grabbed me asked

"You could say that" I said through gritted teeth

There was a collective groan as the grip on my arms loosened and one of the men hit the back of the seat with his fist

"Wrong girl or something?"

"You could say that" He said back

"Well I was kind of here on a revenge plan and you sort of ruined it for me"

"Revenge, on who?"

"This bloke who has screwed me over a few times"

"What were you going to do?"

"Kill him" I said with a straight face staring in to this mans eyes


"Car keys, of course I'm not going to fucking kill him, he's in England anyway"

"Well we can help if you want, we can make him look like a lost lamb" He said as he looked away from me

"Capo, cosa stai facendo?" One of the men said as they let go of me finally. I had no idea what they were saying, my Italian was awful but I knew a few phrases.

"Lei è carina, quest'uomo ha bisogno di mettere insieme la sua azione" The main man retorted back at the other men.

I knew a few words in what he said, carina, meant pretty so I guessed he called me pretty so I replied with the only Italian I knew

"Grazie per aver detto che sono carina" which translated to 'thank you for calling me pretty'

They all stared at me with wide eyes as their mouths opened and closed like a fish,

"Stop looking at me, I know I'm pretty, are we doing this or not?" I retorted at them.

They immediately stopped staring at me and looked forward again, I signaled for them to open the car door and we all stepped out as I grabbed the hand of the boss to step out of the car, he grabbed my hand and I was guessing this was part of the plan, we walked a long this long street as the paparazzi followed us.

"What are we doing?" I whispered as this man led the way

"Nothing, just smile"

"I don't smile in front of cameras, what do you think I am, happy?" I said and he laughed, he actually laughed, I didn't know if it was real so I just kind of went a long with it and showed a small smile before quickly returning to my normal face.

I was hearing my phone pinging with texts and notifications but I didn't look until I was in the park sat down on this bench

"What's your name?" The man asked as I looked at my phone

"Izzie" I replied shortly

"Izzie, how did you know I was part of the mafia"

"Wild guess, I am in Italy after all"

"Well this doesn't look good if a stranger can pick me out"

"Wear clothes like everyone else, would be better" I said as I saw the pictures surfacing on twitter of me and the mystery man

"What do you do for a living?" He asked

"Racing driver, stop asking so many questions"

"It's usually the other way round when people find out who I am"

"I don't know who you are and I don't want to know because then you'll have to kill me" I said in a sarcastic tone as I rolled my eyes and scrolled through these photos

"Fuck" I said under my breath as I saw the texts from Lando

'Who are you with?'

'Why are you with someone from the fucking Mafia'

'Iz you have taken this too far, the thing with Harley is a publicity stunt for her'

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I said as I lent back on this bench

"What?" He said looking at me

"Dog died" I said 

"Oh, okay"

I sat there in silence until I decided I wanted to go to my hotel, I was over this, why would Lando do this when he made it so clear that he liked me. I got up and straightened my dress out and started to walk out of the park.

The man followed me walking slightly behind me, he thought I wouldn't notice, I stopped and turned around to look at him

"What are you doing?" I said a bit more aggressively than I intended

"Just making sure you get back okay"

"My hotel is like a 30 minute walk, I'll be fine"

"We'll drive you"


"You don't really have a choice" He said as he grabbed me again, this time I used my memory of self defense lessons and got him to the floor in one swift motion.

"I said no"

I swiftly walked away and before I knew it I was back at my hotel, it was around midnight, I wasn't expecting people to still be there waiting for me, but there were, as I approached the hotel the cameras started going and I just put my middle fingers up and walked inside straight away.

I got up to my room and started running my hands through my hair, that was a bit chaotic for mt liking and now there were even more notifications on instagram and twitter about the man I was with, I mean for revenge it worked quite well but it definitely wasn't smooth sailing.

I got changed in to my bed clothes and sat in my bed reading those texts Lando sent me, I hadn't responded because what was I meant to say to that, I posted a picture of me in my outfit from that night and one with my middle fingers up on my private instagram with the caption 

'Revenge is sweet x'

I posted it and then looked at the texts trying to come up with a response 

'and you thought to tell me about this when?' was the best I could come up with

'It's for a few weeks and then we will shut the rumours down, I didn't mean for this to happen'

'You know I almost got taken away by the mafia tonight because of you'

'what the fuck'

'oh yeh and now we are best mates, the man in those pictures, killed more people than you've eaten bowls of cereal'

I didn't wait for a response I just went to sleep.

Waking up the next day was easier than I thought it would be, I got dressed and made my way to the factory again to do some preparation on my kart as well as inform my boss on the opportunity I had with Zak, this week was going to go quickly and soon enough I would be in Bathurst driving an F3 car for the first time. 

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