Part 49

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This restaurant we walked in to looked so expensive, meaning I was not completely under dressed as well as very out of my social class being here.

There were massive chandeliers hanging from all over the ceiling and the tables had flowers and candles on them, I had never been somewhere this fancy in my entire life.

We sat down and I was looking at the menu and seeing all these dishes, I had no idea what most of them were, I was also looking for the cheapest meal because I was not going to spend more money on food.

I decided on this carbonara dish which was the cheapest meal I could see at £18, I thought this was ridiculous but when Lando ordered the £30 steak I thought I was going insane.

"You know I don't belong here right" I said quietly to Lando trying not to get anyone's attention

"You're fine, I am surprised you have never been here though"

"I was nearly evicted every month because money was so tight Lando, I was lucky if I got dinner"

"I had no idea, how did you afford racing?"

"My mum worked 2 jobs and I lied about my age to get the paper rounds job, I also had 1 sponsor which was my local pub"

"And now you live in Monaco, things do change"

"I saved up so much money, I was working 3 jobs when I was 16 to help pay bills with my mum"

"I'm sorry, makes me realise how easy everything was for me, obviously my dad is quite successful"

"Yeh, it's fine though I mean if I get promoted to F3 then it will be a salary increase and hopefully I will have more sponsors but living in Monaco isn't too bad"

Just as I said this our waiter came out with our food and put them down on the table

"You live in Monaco?" the waiter asked me as he filled my glass up with water

"Yes?" I didn't know how to respond to that, how was I meant to respond?

"You chose the cheapest thing on the menu when you live in Monaco, surely you have quite a bit of money"

"Just because I live in Monaco doesn't mean I have lots of money but thank you for saying I look rich"

"Well everyone comes here with big dresses and suits trying to be rich but the rich people come in jeans and jumpers because this is where they would have brunch"

"Wow, thank you"

The waiter nodded and I looked at Lando and raised my eyebrows, I wasn't really planning on looking rich.

The food was delicious, it was such high quality and everything was cooked to perfection, I finished all of my food which was a surprise because it was such a big plate of food. 

When the bill came, I refused to let Lando pay for all of it, millionaire or not, I was not accepting it, we split the bill and I paid £60 and Lando paid the same. After we paid we spent a bit of time just sitting and watching people in the restaurant, there were a few people who's outfits were amazing, and I wish I asked them where they got it but it was too late by the time we were back in car park.

The car park backed on to a park with a big green area, the sky was clear and you could see the stars clearly,

"Watch the stars Lan" I said as I walked over the low fence and in to the green space.

I got right to the middle and led down and looked up at the stars and Lando came and led down next to me,

"What's so interesting about the stars, you are always watching them"

"Well that one there, is part of the big dipper, and I told that star about how I didn't feel like I could live any longer" I said pointing to the smallest star in the big dipper,

"They all have a story, the one I told about that could have someone telling it about the best day of their lives"

Lando was just nodding as I continued to talk about the stars

"This one here, I told it about my championships in karting, so they follow me everywhere, even in my darkest times the story is still there with the star, and this one over here, I was 16 and I told the star I was going to be as big and bright as the star, and I guess I am now"

"So every star has it's own story from your life" Lando said almost in a whisper just looking at all the stars

"Yeh but other people tell their story, and when you see a shooting star, you have to tell it your biggest dream before it disappears so it will come true"

"You are like a big child, with all this fate stuff"

"Well everything happens for a reason, fate and luck are on the same spectrum, depends if you believe in the universe or not, that decides whether its fate or luck"

"That is pretty cool you know"

"I know"

We just laid there for a while in silence, watching the stars and finding all of the constellations, there was no sexual tension no nothing, it was just nice to do another one of my favourite things with someone I cared about.

I knew I was difficult to like and my commitment and trust issues didn't help with this and I was glad that I had a group of people around me that supported me and were proud of how far I had come with my racing and my career as a whole.

Lando's POV:

We were just led there, anyone walking past must have thought we were mad but when I saw how happy Izzie was with just looking at the stars I knew she was something special, how many people did I know that could get the most amount of joy from something so small yet so vast as well as something that didn't cost a penny.

"We should probably head back" I said sitting up on the grass

"Okay" Izzie said quietly whilst covering a yawn with her coat sleeve.

We walked back to the car and we both got in and within minutes Izzie was asleep in the car, I had no idea how she did it, falling asleep anywhere, I even heard somewhere that she fell asleep in her kart one time.

When we got back to the house I ended up carrying her inside because I didn't want to wake her up, and as usual it was going so well until I hit her stupid foot on the door, how did she manage to take her shoes off, why didn't she have any shoes on.

"That's my foot arsehole" She said with her eyes closed

"Why don't you have shoes on?" I said as I sat her down on the stairs

"I always take my shoes off in cars, when I'm driving I don't have shoes on, have you not noticed?"

"No, I haven't, that is so weird Iz"

"Fair enough, I am going to bed, good night"

"Night" I said as she walked up the stairs almost tripping up the stairs.

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