Part 33

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It was the night of the drivers awards and I had been staying at Landos house, I made him buy some plants for his house and now he was obsessed with them, making sure they were properly watered and looked after, it was like a father looking after his child. We had spent most of the day in the garden, it was a really warm day and the sun was out so I was outside sun bathing all day. I didn't really want to fake tan so I had been trying to get a natural tan and it had worked, I was now tanned instead of being pasty white. 

Around 4pm I had a shower and put a face mask on and went back downstairs to have some food, I kept up with the health thing which I was quite proud of, I had tried my dress on a few times and realised that now I was tanned the colour looked even better.

"What is that?" Lando asked while pointing at my face

"A face mask"

"Oh, what does it do?"

"Let me put it on you and I'll show you"

"No way"

"Mate it won't kill you"

With that Lando shook his head and started running away from the kitchen, I ran after him and caught him, I pulled him up the stairs and put this face mask on him against his will, he secretly loved it but he would never admit it. I painted my nails white and washed the face mask off and styled my hair. I wanted a blow out look so I used my hair rollers and kept them in whilst I did my makeup.

I wanted the glowy look but flawless but not too much makeup, I ended up spending an hour on my makeup and it was now 6pm, we had to be at the venue at 8pm and I had only finished the first part of my makeup. I did a really light brown smokey eye and the special red lipstick. I took my hair down and was just looking at myself in the mirror for a while.

Lando's POV:

Izzie had been in the bathroom for at least 2 hours it was 7pm and we needed to leave before 7:30 to get there on time. There had been lots of media attacks on her saying that she was after money and fame. She hadn't reacted to any of it, hadn't even made a statement about it. That wasn't like her, I obviously didn't know her too well but I knew that she would normally react to things like this. 

I was getting in to my suit and walking down stairs when I heard the bathroom door shut

"Iz we have to leave in 10 minutes" I shouted upstairs


Before I knew it she was walking down the stairs with this stunning green dress on, she looked like she belonged in a movie, I think my jaw genuinely dropped at her beauty, I think the hate she was receiving made her more powerful because she had this look on her face like she was planning something.

"We need a photo" She said as she walked past me in to the kitchen, I just followed in awe, I noticed she wasn't wearing heels because she was still shorter than me. She reached up in to the cupboard above the kettle and got these little bottles of alcohol out and opened one and just downed it before putting the rest in her bag.

"Photo?" she asked again

"Yeh yeh one second, do it in front of the mirror yeh"


We walked over to the big mirror in the main hall and I got my phone out and took a few pictures of us, she looked seductive but almost evil at the same time, I didn't want to ask what she was doing because I knew I wouldn't be able to stop her.

We walked out to my car and got in and started driving to the venue, it was at this beautiful hall with loads of ground, it was like a castle or somewhere royalty would live, it was architecturally stunning. I even thought it was a bit like Izzie, beautiful but full of secrets as well as having this power over the people because everyone was mesmerised by it, like everyone was with Izzie. The whole drive there she just looked straight ahead without saying a word, I was kind of scared for what she had planned.

We got there and we got out of the car and she looked at me and winked at me, what was she going to do. She looked up to the balcony above the entrance to the building and a massive banner fell down and it read 'Izzie Bewdley makes more money in a month than you do in a year, go buy a freddo' 

I had to hold back a laugh but it was quite funny and then I heard a helicopter fly over and then there was money flying down, I picked a note up and it had Izzie's face printed on it with her two middle fingers up. She was something else. Everyone who was walking in to the building had stopped and everyone was just looking at Izzie who had a stone cold look on her face. She found a microphone that was going to be used at the end of the night and started going off at all these reporters. She was terrifying, there wasn't any shouting, no raised voices, she made eye contact with the journalists who had made these articles about her and she told them with the coldest look on her face that 'If I was after the money I would have gone for Lewis' and then someone called her a raging feminist and she just smiled, walked over to them and whispered something in their ear, I was officially terrified.

She walked back over to me, I was frozen on the spot, in disbelief about what had just happened

"You coming?" She said with a smile on her face, she put her hand out and I grabbed it, we walked towards the doors, Izzie was leading the way I was just a passenger to all of this, I was just staring at her like a little kid does to their pets.

Izzie's POV:

That went better than planned, the cameras ate it up, they loved it and now that we were inside I could get ready to execute the second part which was slightly different but still a very important thing. I walked over to the bar and asked for a pint of beer.

"Beer, are you sure you aren't German?" Seb said as he stood next to me

"Sometimes you can't beat a beer"

"Very true, you know I'm pretty sure every single person in here is scared of you"

"You as well? I said turning towards him

"Yeh maybe a bit"


"You gave the cameras exactly what they wanted, a reaction, how is that a good thing"

"You know the phrase women should be seen and not heard, well I just proved them wrong and it was amazing so they can write what they want but I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago"

"Fair enough, you are terrifying though"

"On the outside maybe" I said as I took a sip of my beer and walked over to the table. I sat down just as the awards were starting, I had planned the next part for just after the final award was given.

The awards went smoothly, everyone on my table won at least one award that being, Charles, Max, Lando, Daniel, George and Carlos. I had now been secretly drinking my own alcohol and was definitely getting a bit drunk. The final award was given and just as planned the banners fell all around the room with information of children and people who went missing but the police did nothing about it, highlighting the institutional racism within the UK.

"Was this you" Lando whispered to me


"It's pretty good"


I just sat back and watched everyone read them and they all immediately take their phones out to share it, everything had gone to plan, I could sit back and relax now. 

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