Part 68

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I had won every race in the series and I had just won the championship for my karting series, it was a good way to end my season and go in to F3 on a high. I had started training more and I was increasing the intensity of my workouts, I was training almost every day really focusing on my mental head space and what my goals were for the future.

I had been told by Redbull and Mercedes that I needed to have a race suit that had both of the teams on, I decided to go for a blue and black suit to match their team colours, I had Mercedes and Redbull on each shoulder, a bit like the devil and angel.

My car would have to have Mclaren, Redbull and Mercedes on, I chose Mclaren for the rear wing, Redbull on the side pod and Mercedes on the nose, all in Prema colours though. 

I wanted to keep my helmet classy, I kept with the purple and green but made the purple more glittery and I chose for a grey tinted visor to go with the sleek look.

I was now in Bahrain for the F3 and F1 race, I hadn't really spoken to Lando or anyone for that matter since I won my championship, I was too busy training and getting to know my neighbours and people where I lived.

"Izzie" Lando said snapping me out of my thoughts 

"Yeh" I said looking up at him from my seat in the Mclaren hospitality

"Can we talk?" 

"Of course"

"At dinner, tonight?" He said as he winced waiting for my response

"Okay" I said calmly, I just wanted to get back to where we were, I didn't like not seeing him.

"I'll pick you up at 7 then?"

"Sounds good" I said looking back down at my notes from the F3 cars in practice today

I got back to my hotel and realised I didn't bring any nice clothes worthy of going out for dinner in. I had to wear some black skinny jeans and a brown crop top with a white oversized shirt as a jacket. I did bring some heels but I opted for some chunky boots instead.

I was just brushing my hair when Lando texted me saying he was downstairs, I picked all my stuff up and made my way down to him.

"You look nice" He said awkwardly

"I didn't have any nice clothes"

"You look good in anything don't worry"

We walked to his car and drove to this small restaurant that looked like it was family run, my sort of thing.

We sat down and ordered our drinks and we started chatting 

"You won the championship?" Lando asked me

"Yeh, it was a nice feeling, doubt it will be like that in F3 though"

"Never know, you look really strong in those cars, also what happened in Singapore"

"The hot laps?" 


"Oh, I broke Lewis because I am an expert driver and Susie and Toto wanted to see it for themselves"

"The footage was posted on their page, you never stopped smiling, even when you drifted the car round the corners"

"I was happy"

"I do remember that Singapore is your favourite track, if I didn't fuck up I would have got you paddock passes"

"Look at you accepting being at fault, you really are maturing"

"Very funny"

The food came and it was so delicious, I had never had anything like it and I made sure to tell everyone who worked there that the food was amazing and they were the nicest people ever, I was hugged by the owners and they gave me free food to take away as well, I made sure to give them a big tip because they were so kind.

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