Part 15

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I had been back in Monaco for a week now and was enjoying the peace and quiet, I worked most days getting to know the people of Monaco more and more every day. I was living a simple life, not having people asking me loads of questions, I was just a normal waitress here, I loved Monaco for this, there were so many big famous celebrities here I could just have my own life and not be the centre of attention for a while.

I had finished my shift at 7pm and was walking back up to my apartment, listening to music in my headphones, taking in the view of all these architecturally amazing buildings and all the expensive cars and boats. I got to my apartment and made some dinner and ate it on my balcony with a bottle of wine when there was a knock at my door

"Who is it this time?" I said as I walked over to my front door

"Hi" Charles said

"Anyone would think you are obsessed with me"

"Come with me"

"Are you going to murder me?"

"I'm an F1 driver not a criminal"

"Just checking, let me put some shoes on and we'll go"

I was still wearing my work clothes, a white short sleeved top and some black wide leg trousers, I put on the shoes closest to the door, my black slip on vans. I stumbled out of the door making sure I didn't look to rough, I didn't know what was happening. Charles didn't say anything on the walk back to his apartment, I was guessing that's where we were going. We entered his apartment to see the Prema team boss there

"Hi" I said not really knowing if he was there for me or not

"We heard along the grape vine that you are the girl that shocked the karting world, correct?" He asked

"Yes, that's me" I was twiddling my thumbs, I had never been this anxious in my life, not even when I was racing against all the people that doubted me

"Well we have an opportunity for you, we would like you to come and test one of our karts in Barcelona next month"

"Wow, erm thank you so much for this opportunity, it means a lot, is there any way I can contact you when I have made a decision?" I politely asked back

"Of course here are all my contact details, the Leclerc brothers here were the ones who contacted me and told me about everything you achieved, you would be an incredible asset to the team"

"Thank you so much" I said with a smile whilst shaking his hand

Charles showed him out of the apartment and I was internally freaking out, Charlotte was just looking at me like she was about to burst out in laughter.

"You had such a professional voice on compared to normal" she said bursting out in laughter, I was laughing as well now realising I did put on a different voice, it was like the voice you put on when you're on the phone, it was quite funny at the time.

"With my job I write articles on people as well as do fashion things, I was wondering if you did take the offer from Prema if I could do an article on you, I mean everyone already loves your style so it would just be about why you dress like you do and how motorsport influenced it"

"That would be incredible, a massive step but I might be able to get some sponsors from it if I do it, thank you so much Charlotte" I said whilst getting up from my seat to give her a hug. Charles walked back in to where we were sitting and he had this massive grin on his face,

"Thank you so much Charles it means a lot, honestly" I said to him being truthful

"Well you are incredibly talented I couldn't just see it go to waste, I also informed some other teams so you might have some more interviews like that"

"Oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank you" I said jumping up and down like a child.

"I best be off, I have an early start tomorrow"

"See you soon" They both said back to me

I walked back to my apartment with a spring in my step, my career might be back on, I was excited but there was a tiny bit of doubt in the back of my mind telling me I couldn't do this, I walked in to my apartment and finished off the bottle of wine that I had left out and wandered around my apartment looking at the trophies dotted around the place. It reminded me of how determined I was, how I could achieve anything if I put my mind to it. I was just about to sit down on my sofa when there was another knock on my door.

"Fuck sake what now" I said slightly slurring my words, the wine was kicking in

I opened the door to see Lando stood there

"What the fuck" I said slightly too loud so he could hear me

"It's summer break and I wanted to see you" I just looked at him with my mouth open, slowly blinking and shaking my head, I now couldn't see straight and was feeling very drunk

"Get in" I said to him turning around and walking back inside, he followed me with his stuff, why would he come here with all of his stuff, I wasn't a hotel. He took his shoes off straight away which I appreciated.

"You're drunk" He said

"Okay and I didn't invite you here?"

"No need to be hostile, I had no where else to go, the hotel check in was closed and this was the next best place."

"Okay, put your bags in my room, you can have the sofa, I'll get you some blankets and things"


I gave him the blankets and pillows and walked back out on to my balcony taking in the cold air and just focusing on my breathing, I didn't want to lash out, it wouldn't end well. Lando walked out on to the balcony and sat down just looking out at the view, we stayed like that for 10 minutes before I walked back inside

"I'm going to bed, I start work at 8am tomorrow"

"Okay" he replied as I stumbled in to my room walking in to my door frame before finding my way in to my bed.

Lando's POV:

I shouldn't have just turned up here, I knew it was the wrong thing to do but I'm glad I did, she was so out of it, at least I had somewhere to sleep, I thought to myself.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked back in to the apartment, closing the door quietly, she had left all of the lights on so I walked over to the light switches by the front door, I stubbed my toe on the little table and I realised that the trophies were still there and I could read them

"2010 World Karting Champion, 2009 British champion, 2009 European champion"

There were at least 2 of every 'championship' trophy and my brain was working at 100 miles an hour to try and figure out who Izzie Bewdley was, and then it clicked, Oh my god she's the champion. Well of course she's the champion it says it here on the trophies dumbass I thought to myself but it was 'her', the girl who rocked the karting world.

Why didn't she tell me about this, I was so confused about this but I knew I had to do something, I was going to call Zak in the morning and see if there were any opportunities going, I would have to explain the whole who Izzie is thing to him but I'm sure he would catch on quite quickly.

I walked over to her room seeing her led in her bed sound asleep and I pulled her door shut before lying down on her sofa, it was massive and really comfy so I wasn't complaining about it at all but I couldn't fall asleep without thinking how stupid I am for not realising sooner. Then it hit me,

"I fucking raced against her in the 2010 season" I said under my breath, I remembered that race because it was my last season before moving in to single seater race cars, she overtook me on the first lap and just defended so well no one could pass her. I was in complete shock about finding this out I think I fell asleep whilst talking to myself about it.

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