Part 28

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I got back to my hotel, courtesy of a lift with Lando, because turns out we were staying at the same hotel, my flight to Monaco was leaving early in the morning so I would have an early night so I wouldn't be a zombie on the plane. 

When we entered the hotel Lando asked what floor I was on and was surprised to hear the top floor come out of my mouth. I was knackered and it was only 6pm, I made my way to my room and changed in to my bed clothes and went straight to bed, only to be woken up a few hours later for my flight home. I crawled out of bed and brushed my hair, put some leggings on and my vans and made my way to the airport. I had had enough of America for now, I needed Europe again. 

I almost missed my flight because I was walking that slowly, my whole body ached from racing yesterday, I was too tired to even stress about the flight, as soon as I got on the plane and found my seat I fell asleep and was woken up by the kind man next to me. I did not feel like I had just slept for 9 hours.

I got back to my apartment and went through my post, nothing too interesting but there was a hand written letter that looked like it was written by a child. I read 

'You are incredible and the things you have achieved are beyond anyone's expectations, you look so genuinely happy racing, not the fake one you do for the media. I am so proud of you for what you are doing and I want to apologise for how much of an idiot I have been and I am sorry for lashing out at you and shouting at you, I am sorry Izzie, Lando x'

I read it over and over again, I didn't know why he wrote it in a letter, he was with me for a solid 3 days, I still appreciated the apology because he did act like a dick, I knew I needed to say something back but knowing Lando he wouldn't be able to read my handwriting, my handwriting was a bit like cursive just slightly more legible. I decided to phone him, I thought that was just as sincere, I put my phone to my ear whilst sitting on top of my suitcase in my hallway

"Hey, it's Izzie"

"Hey you alright why are you calling me?"

"I got your letter, it was-"

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you actually read it I thought you would just throw it in the bin-"

"Shut up Norris and let me finish"


"As I was saying, it was very sweet and I accept your apology" I heard a sigh of relief from the other end of the phone

"And I wanted to apologise as well, I was acting out of line and I shouldn't have kicked off at you"

"Apology accepted" there was a small smile on my face, knowing that we were good was that worry off my chest

"What can I hear in the background?" I said as I heard, screaming, in the background

"I may have locked myself in the bathroom, because Lily saw you were calling and wanted to tell you to "fuck off because you smell"

"Look at that Norris you chose someone with the same mental age as you" I said sarcastically

"Honestly though, it sounds awful, if you need to get out of there you are welcome to come to my place, different country and things"

"Thanks for the offer but I'm pretty sure she'll stalk me somehow"

"You need to get out of that situation mate, get her out the house and don't let her back in"

"I might try it to be honest, also you know how your car is at my parents house"


"My dad wants to drive it"

"Go for it, as long as he doesn't crash it"

"Amazing, thank you Iz" And with that I put the phone down because I was almost falling asleep.

I shuffled over to bed and immediately fell asleep. I realised I slept a lot, but there's nothing wrong with that. 

I woke up to a missed call from Pierre and I just started thinking about what happened between us and the whole thing about French people being passionate was proven to be true. I called him back and he was just asking how I was and things after my race win

"You watched it?"

"Course I did, you defended like a hero"


"About Hungary, I think it's best if we keep it quiet, just because you know"

"Totally get it, is there a woman on the horizon P"

"Might be"

"Awwww bless, yeh we were just messing around, one time thing"

"Awesome thank you Izzie, and congrats on your win"

"Thanks, I will be in Abu Dhabi for the last race of the season"

"See you there"

I got up and walked out on to my balcony and just sat there, for November it was surprisingly warm still, I was looking through my instagram stories to see everyone saying happy birthday to Lando, no way was it his birthday, I didn't actually know when his birthday was but this just felt wrong. I texted him a


I got a reply immediately


I scrolled through some of the photo's and videos we have together and decided on the picture of him asleep with his mouth wide open, drool coming from the side of his mouth as the photo I would use on my main instagram page

'Happy Birthday to this bloke' and in small writing next to it 'not really a bloke tho, more like boy'

I tagged Lando in it and sent it to my story, I immediately had people replying saying this was the best thing they had ever seen, I changed over to my private account and decided to use one of the videos I found of him dancing with the mechanics, and the video of me spilling water on his face, I also put a video of him scaring me when he turned up at my apartment, I walked out of bathroom and Lando screamed and I fell to the floor. I ended it by saying  'happy birthday Norris, 4  years old mentally'

Daniel replied to this with a laughing crying emoji, Carlos replied with even worse photos and videos of him. I still couldn't believe he was 22 like that's a bit old, he should have a championship by now. I put my phone down and went about my day for a few hours just enjoying being at my own place. 

It was around 7pm when I next looked at my phone and I saw that there were 29 missed calls from Lando, I then saw that he had texted me

'you fucking bitch why are you posting pictures of him'

Ahhhh the wonderful Lily Rose was at it again, I was guessing that the phone calls were her

'mate it's his birthday chill out and enjoy your time with your boyfriend instead of obsessing over me'

I honestly couldn't be dealing with her shit so I went out for a run instead and just left it at that, I was being the bigger person. 


A/N hi guys I'm sorry for only uploading once today I genuinely have some of the worst writers block and I have been awake for soooo long, I will try and write some more tomorrow, have a wonderful rest of the week xx

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