Part 32

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A/N just wanted to say a big thank you for 5k reads it means a lot to me, I also love reading all your comments and things, I don't have that much planned so far but I am quite busy atm revising for exams but I will try to keep up with the uploads xx

We were cleaning up all the mud and glass that Lily Rose had left in Lando's house, it looked awful to be honest but I didn't say anything I just called his family to come and help clean up. Flo and Cisca, Lando's sisters were so happy to see me they almost tackled me to the floor when I opened the door. His parents were also happy to see me and congratulated me on my karting stuff. We all worked together to tidy his house and clean everything, Landos mum, Cisca, made some amazing food to keep us going whilst we were cleaning and when we were done, I ordered some dominos pizza for all of us to eat around the dinner table.

"So why are you here Izzie?" Flo asked

"Well your brother here was too scared to come back by himself and he needed a security guard"

"I didn't need security, I just didn't want to deal with it by myself" Lando interjected

"He wanted a security guard" I said with a chuckle

The rest of the evening was spent with the Norris family, I had never had a family night, they always ended up in doors slamming and people storming out the house, it was nice to be with a family that didn't have all the arguing. We watched a load of films and ate popcorn, I ended up falling asleep halfway through the third movie on Lando's shoulder.

Lando's POV:

I didn't realise till the fourth film had finished that Izzie was asleep on my shoulder, I also didn't think that my family would be staying over, I didn't really fancy sharing a bed with my brother either so I decided I would put Izzie in my bed when I went to bed. My parents went to bed first, shortly followed by Flo and Cisca, I had a catch up with Oliver and then he went up to bed. 

I couldn't not take a photo of this and send it to the group chat, it was quite funny, I took a photo and sent it to the chat


Leave her be mate


Stick a finger up her nose and see if she breaks you


Obsessed with her much


I agree with Daniel


I second that

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down, I carried her to my room and the only incident that happened was me smacking her feet in to the door frame, I felt a massive sense of deja vu with that. I put her in my bed and I got in the other side, I couldn't really sleep though I was just thinking about what she had told me earlier, I wanted to help her but I knew that she could do it on her own, I just wanted her to know that she wasn't on her own, she had the whole of the motorsport community behind her. 

I woke up and realised that Izzie was asleep on my chest, I don't remember that happening, wasn't complaining though, it was a nice feeling, I knew she really liked my room especially for the views out to the countryside and I never knew until last night that she grew up in the countryside and she did look at home in the countryside.

I wriggled out of bed and let Izzie sleep for a bit longer but by the time I had been to the bathroom and back she was awake, sorting her hair out, I also noticed she was in my hoodie, why did she pull off every colour. 

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