Part 70

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We were now in Japan ready for the race week, I got there quite early, Lando and I were on different flights meaning I got there a few days before he would be there, I spent my time being a tourist, I always put Japan up there on my bucket list, it was such a beautiful country. 

I was just walking down the road when I heard my phone ringing in my pocket

"Alright?" I said to Daniel at the other end of the phone

"Yeh, have you been with Lando?"

"No, why?"

"Well you know he has gone out for a meal with a business partner at this fancy restaurant"

"Do you need me to get him?"

"If you could please"

"No problem" I put my phone down and was seething, I had spoken with Charlotte a few hours ago and she said that I would have all of the time he was here and not racing to be with him.

I went back to my villa and got changed in to something more appropriate, it was Landos birthday coming up soon so it might be something to do with that so I wasn't stressing out too much.

I still changed in to this long white wrap skirt and a pastel orange crop top which tied at the back, I put a pair of gold earrings in and my doc martens and made my way to my hire car in the garage of the villa.

I was lucky enough to be driving a Mercedes GT R which was stupid fancy, I drove around the town we were staying in to see the restaurant, I parked in the under ground parking lot to see a lot of super cars in there, it was a fancy place that was certain.

I got out and walked out and on to the road, the restaurant had pillars and I was walking between them and then I saw Lily-Rose sat there with Lando.

I was even more fuming now, I made my way back to my car and got my disposable camera and I just sat in my car thinking about what I was going to do and I started thinking about all of the photos I had taken with Lando on these stupid disposable cameras and now it was potentially all going to come crumbling down.

I took a few deep breaths and gathered myself as I checked myself in the mirror before getting out and brushing down my skirt and hair.

I pushed my shoulders back and held my chin up as I made my way towards the door again, I was absolutely seething, I don't think I had ever been this angry in my life.

It was probably around 300 metres to the front door and in this time paparazzi that were obviously waiting for more famous people to enter or come out were taking photos of me walking towards this restaurant, if they went out straight away it would give everything away.

I opened the door to be greeted by a few waitresses

"Hi, what can we do for you?"

"I was wondering if I could have a table for one, but I have a bit of a strange request"


"You see that table over there" I said pointing at the table Lando and Lily were sat at

"Is there a table that I can see them but they can't see me"

"There is, it is a bit small though"

"That's fine, also can I take photos in here" I asked as we walked towards the table, I made sure to not even look in their direction whilst walking towards the table.

"Only on special occasions"

"This is quite special, that table I pointed at a minute ago, that is my boyfriend, with another girl"

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