Part 6

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Izzies POV:

I woke up just as the sun was rising and filling the room with sun. I didn't remember falling asleep, or being in the living room for that matter, I scratched my head and rubbed my eyes and saw a note standing on my trophies fro when I was younger and Lando had written it saying I fell asleep on the balcony last night and he needed to get back to his hotel. I felt really bad making him leave by himself in the middle of the night but I checked my phone to see a text saying he got back to his hotel okay which was a relief.

Because I woke up so early I could actually spend time getting ready for the race, I have to look mildly presentable, it's an important day for many people, including myself. I boiled the kettle and made myself a cup of tea and I sat outside with the sun on my face, hopefully not burning, drinking my tea and collecting myself for the hectic day ahead.

I had time to do a face mask and paint my nails white, both my toenails and finger nails and i even did a hair mask before jumping in the shower. I was listening to some of my all time favourites like 'the sweet escape' by Gwen Stefani and some Calvin Love. I was pretty chilled out when I got out the shower, I changed my playlist to 'powerful women' to make me feel like a bad bitch. I started doing my hair, I have a lot of hair so I blow dried it and straightened it and put it in a banana clip with the front pieces framing my face, my hair was a mousey brown with natural face framing highlights and it falls just below my shoulders. I then moved on to my makeup, a light base, just a bit of concealer to cover up my dark circles and spots, I wanted to make my eyes look bigger so I did a brown 'fox eye' look and it made my green eyes really pop, I was obsessed. I loved blush and bronzer so I did that and added some highlight to my face, I never wore anything on my lips apart from vaseline so that is my face done. I hate spending a long time on my makeup, I think this took me like 15 minutes max. For my outfit I found a pair of trousers with a matching top, sage green wide leg trousers and a strappy crop to match, I found a blazer that matched as well, I felt very professional. I then debated whether I should wear heeled boots or my doc martens, I decided on the docs as they were the comfiest pair of shoes I owned even though they took me a year to break in. I then got a black shoulder bag and put my powder, vaseline, purse and headphones in.

I ate a decent breakfast, avocado on toast, it required no culinary skill and is guaranteed to taste good, as well as it being healthy, I sat outside eating this and I could tell it was going to be really warm by midday. I put my dishes in the sink ready to be washed up later and I started packing my suitcase for my return to England for my parents divorce case, I packed lots of jumpers and leggings as well as two smart outfits for the court. I saw the time on the clock on the wall saying it was 10:30am and I left my apartment to walk down to the garage, I knew there wouldn't be too many people around the paddock at this time, the race didn't start until 5pm.

On my way to the garage I noticed people were taking photos of me and were looking at me and I didn't know why, maybe my outfit looked awful and they were judging me, that is pretty probable. I continued to walk to the garages and ignored these people, I didn't know what it was for.

As I entered the paddock Charles and Daniel saw me and came over to me,

"Hey Izzie" Daniel said

"Morning, excited for the race?" I said asking both of the men in front of me

"Yeh I think it's going to be a really tight race, strategies are going to have to be on point" Charles said

"Battle of the strategies, I see" I said in a quizzical way,

"Go on then what would you do for a strategy around here" Charles challenged

I knew he was starting on the softs so I knew this would mess with him a bit

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