Part 5

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Lando was sat next to me for a solid 30 minutes before saying anything, I think he was just taking in the view, the life of an F1 driver never really gave you time to sit down and relax for 5 minutes so I think this was nice for him. After a while I offered him a biscuit from my bag and he chuckled at my offer,

"Do you need a drink of water with your dry biscuit" I said in a very posh accent

"Nah I am far too cool for biscuits, I am an F1 driver after all." Lando said back in an equally posh accent

"I see, so I'm guessing you won't want this either" as I pulled a massive slice of cake from my bag

"How do you fit all of that in your bag is it like the tardis?" Lando laughed back

"Maybe. Now do you want some cake or not?"

"Go on then I'll have a bite"

We were sat here like two school kids with their bottles of water and food that we stole from the cupboards at home, it was a very amusing sight to see. It was around 7pm by this time so the sun was starting to set and I pulled my disposable camera out and took a picture of the sun because it looked especially gorgeous today and it was worth the photo.

"Why do you have a disposable camera?" Lando questioned,

"You can only capture 32 pictures, those 32 pictures have to be the best pictures ever and they have to spark joy when you get the film developed." I said back staring out to the sea.

"That sounds like a really good idea, have you taken any from the garage?"

"I think I took 2 but I will have to see if they were worth it or not when I get it developed"

"How many pictures do you have left?"


"Lets make it a selfie of the two of us then, make it count right?" Lando said, he looked like a child in a sweet shop.

"Okay" I said quietly

Lando took the camera out of my hands and pointed it towards the both of us, it was golden hour so our skin looked so pretty and with my bright green eyes and his blue eyes we looked like runway models.

"We look like runway models like this" I jokingly said to him,

"Izzie this is a very serious photo you need to take it seriously" he said in a stern tone

"Jeez sorry mum"

as soon as I said this we both started giggling like little kids and the people walking past us looked at us like we were rebels, that was until I snorted whilst laughing and at that we were both in tears from laughing, my stomach was in so much pain. After composing ourselves we posed again in front of the camera and Lando took the photo of both of us smiling into the lense.

"I think my mascara was smudged ad we can't even re take the photo"

"Stop complaining I'm sure you looked stunning"

I ignored the stunning part of his sentence and changed the topic of conversation,

"The sunset always looks better from my apartment, do you want to see?"

"Of course I do!" Lando shouted at me

"Lets go then"

Lando was also shocked at my car saying I have very good taste - tell me something I don't know - we drove up to my apartment and we both were almost sprinting to my balcony to not miss it. I had enough time to make us both a cup of tea and I got some blankets because it was getting cold quickly. We were both in silence the whole time until the sun went under the horizon just admiring how beautiful the view was.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked almost in a whisper trying not to take away from the beautiful sky.

"What do you have?" Lando replied with the same volume as I asked the question in

"Biscuits" I said keeping a completely straight face,

"Do you live off of biscuits" Lando was now facing me with his mouth twitching trying not to laugh.

"Well I usually get fed at the cafe and I'm working so I don't have that much food in at the moment." I said back to him

"Can you cook?" he asked in a concerned voice

"No" I said back quickly

With this Lando helped himself to some biscuits I had brought out. We then fell in to a silence again for a while before realising it was getting quite late. I stupidly fell asleep on my balcony, this was becoming a far too common occurrence. Lando noticed this so he carried me into my living room and wrote a note saying I fell asleep on the balcony before leaving to go back to his hotel.

Lando's POV:

I noticed Izzie had fallen asleep and it was getting quite late meaning I had to get back to my hotel soon otherwise Charlotte would give me a bollocking. I carried Iz back inside and made sure she was covered by the blanket, she was a really heavy sleeper, I mean I whacked her feet on the door to the balcony and she didn't even make a noise. She was stone cold so I decided to put my hoodie on her to keep her warm, as well as the blanket. I wrote a note on a piece of paper I found in the kitchen saying

'you fell asleep on the balcony and it was getting late, i will see you tomorrow for the race'

I placed the note on the table by the front door and I realised it was full of trophies from something but it was too dark to read what they were from, so I left her apartment making sure the door was locked and I walked back to my hotel before Charlotte told me off.

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