Part 51

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I decided to go on a walk around the local area for the rest of the day, I just felt like I needed to get out on my own accord for once in stead of it being for work.

I ended up walking to this pub, I swear I was an alcohol magnet, I walked in and it reminded me of the pub I used to go to when I was younger, it was the typical sticky carpets and reeked of beer and had those rubber drinks mats with the bobbly bits on top that were really satisfying.

"Hi, how can I help you" the bartender came over to me after I sat down at the bar on one of the stools.

"I'll have a San Miguel please"

"You're the racer right?" they asked as they poured my drink

"Yeh, guess so"

"Well shouldn't you be abstaining from alcohol?"

"I like a good pint, nothing wrong with that"

"Very true, everyone around here sees you about and want to talk to you and things"

"Why don't they" I said after handing over the money for the drink

"Well not to be rude, you don't look very approachable"

"Oh, yeh I get that a lot"

"And your interviews. They're quite brutal"

"I don't like interviews, I like talking to people, I just have that look about me"

"Well you are welcome here whenever, we are big fans of you, some of us remember when you first started out in karting"

"Wow, that was what 12 years ago, you have a good memory"

The bartender chuckled in response and gave me my change. After sitting and drinking my pint for a while I saw a dog behind the bar,

"Is that your dog?" I said to the bartender

"Yeh, he's called sprout"

"That is sweet, is he friendly with people?"

"Sometimes, but he doesn't tend to like new people"

"Can, I have a go?"

"Go for it, we aren't responsible for any injuries though"

"Yeh yeh whatever" I said as I walked behind the bar.

I sat down next to Sprout and he came over to me and started licking my hands and was loving the attention.

"Doesn't like new people, my arse, look at him" I said to the bartender

"He has literally never done that, he always runs away or bites them, are you some sort of dog whisperer"

"I am a racing driver, not a dog psychologist" I laughed back at him

He stood there in utter disbelief that this dog was wanting so much fuss off me, the dog was gorgeous, he was a German pointer and had the most beautiful white markings over the chocolate coloured fur. 

"I'll get out of your hair back here" I said getting up and giving Sprout a dog biscuit secretly.

I went back to my seat and saw a family and I started talking to them about things and their son wanted to get in to racing so I gave him some tips and tricks and told him that he would be really good at it, I ended up taking these kids in to the pub garden and we played tag for a while, I dramatically fell over whenever they would tag me and they always piled on top of me.

When I bought them back in the pub to go back to their parents there were more people in the pub and they were all wanting to have a conversation. I ended up nattering on for hours, it was so much fun and I got to know more people, the neighbours either side of Lando's house, Mr and Mrs Cambells to the left and Laura to the right. I also found out about the local milk and egg company and I was to go there in a few days to start getting fresh milk and eggs from the farm. Everyone who lived on the same road did have a comment about a very loud car leaving in the mornings, and it quietened down a few months ago, I apologised to them and we carried on chatting.

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